INF: DocErr: The Real Meaning of 'dpub'

ID: Q141531

The information in this article applies to:


In the description of the system stored procedures sp_helpserver and sp_serveroption, the SQL Server 6.0 "Books Online" lists the following values, a combination of which can describe a server:

   rpc   Remote server
   pub   Publication server
   sub   Subscription server
   dist  Distribution server
   dpub  Combination publisher/subscriber 

However, the description for 'dpub' is incorrect; it is not used to designate a combination publisher/subscriber. Instead, the 'dpub' designation is used for a publisher on a remote server that uses the local server as a distributor. 'Combination publisher/subscriber' should be replaced with 'Remote Publisher to this Distribution server.'


The only other references to 'dpub' in "Books Online" are correct references within the descriptions of using the 'dist' parameter with sp_addpublisher and sp_droppublisher. For clarity, they are included below:

sp_addpublisher   Adds a new publication server.
                  Syntax: sp_addpublisher publisher [, 'dist']
                        publisher   Is the name of the server to be added.
                        dist        Defines the specified server as a
                                    potential publisher to this
                                    distribution server. This is true if
                                    the local server is set up with a
                                    distribution database.(Sets the server
                                    option to dpub, and adds a remote login
                                    mapping of SA to SA with the trusted

sp_droppublisher   Drops a publication server.
                   Syntax: sp_droppublisher publisher [, dist]
                         publisher   Is the name of the publication server
                                     to be dropped.
                         dist        Drops the server as the distribution
                                     server. (Removes the server option
                                     dpub, and removes the remote login
                                     mapping of SA to SA with the trusted

Additional query words: sql6 replication docerr winnt

Keywords          : SSrvDoc_Err SSrvRep 
Version           : 6.0
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: March 23, 1999