INF: How to Schedule Backup & DBCC Commands Using AT Scheduler
ID: Q162294
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft SQL Server versions 4.2, 6.0, 6.5
There are times when you want jobs to be scheduled through the Windows NT
Server AT scheduler rather than scheduled through the task scheduling
manager used by the SQL Executive service. For example, you may want to
schedule a job to stop SQL Server so that you can do a Windows NT Server
backup of all the SQL Server device files, and then schedule a job to
restart SQL Server once the backup is complete.
This article gives examples on using the AT scheduler to schedule jobs.
To Schedule Database Dumps or DBCC Commands Through the AT Scheduler
- Open the Services Control Panel. Select the Schedule service and click
Startup. Change the Startup Type to Automatic. Click OK and then click
Close. If the Schedule service is not already started, start it now.
- Create a text file with the dump commands and/or DBCC commands that you
want to schedule, with the 'go' command between each statement and at
the end of the file (you may want to manually test each command by going
to the query window before you schedule this text file to run in
NOTE: You can view all the options that are available through the AT
scheduler by going to a command prompt and typing the following:
- Schedule your file to run. For example, if you want your file to run
every day at 4:00 P.M. and you want the results to be saved to an output
file, then you would type the following at a command prompt:
AT 16:00 /every:M,T,W,TH,F,S,SU "isql /Usa /P <SA password> /S
<server name> /i c:\<input file name> /o c:\<output file name>"
NOTE: If you want to view what jobs you have scheduled, type "AT" at the
command prompt.
NOTE: If you want to delete a specific job, type "AT" at the command
prompt and write down the ID of the job you want to delete. Then type
the following at the command prompt:
AT <ID>/delete
- Turn off any other scheduled tasks scheduled through SQL Server that you
have already scheduled through the AT scheduler.
To Stop or Start SQL Server Through the AT Scheduler at Specific Times, to
Perform Backups of the SQL Server Device Files
- Create two text files using a text editor such as Notepad. You may want
to name the files Users\Default\Stop.bat and Users\Default\Start.bat.
In SQL Server version 6.0 or 6.5, the services are MSSQLSERVER,
SQLEXECUTIVE, and optionally MSDTC. In SQL Server version 4.2x, the
services are SQLSERVER and SQLMONITOR.
Add the following lines to the Stop.bat file:
net stop mssqlserver
net stop sqlexecutive
Add the following lines to the Start.bat file:
net start mssqlserver
net start sqlexecutive
- Schedule your Stop.bat file to run.
NOTE: It may be easier if you can combine the Stop.bat, tape backup, and
Start.bat all in one batch file.
For example, if you want to stop the SQL Server services at 8:00 P.M.
every night, type the following:
AT 20:00 /every:M,T,W,TH,F,S,SU"c:\users\default\stop.bat"
- Once SQL Server is stopped, you can use whatever tape backup utility you
want to make backups of the SQL Server device files.
- Once the device files have been copied to tape, you should restart SQL
Server. For example, if you want to start the SQL Server services at
11:00 P.M. every night, type the following:
AT 23:00 /every:M,T,W,TH,F,S,SU"c:\users\default\start.bat"
Additional query words:
checkdb newalloc dat log data database
Keywords : kbinterop kbtool kbusage SSrvGen
Version : 4.2 6.0 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: April 8, 1999