INF: Operating System Commands and Control of Flow in ISQLID: Q76784
ISQL can issue operating system commands by starting a line with two exclamation points (!!) followed by the command. However, these commands are unconditionally run when encountered by ISQL and they cannot take part in the Transact-SQL control-of-flow language.
For example, if a file called TEST.SQL is created with the following
if 1=2
!!dir c:\config.sys
select "One equals two"
ISQL /U<login> /P<password> /S<server> /itest.sql
1> 2>
The volume label in drive C is GIZMO.
The Volume Serial Number is 16AA:6729
Directory of C:\
CONFIG SYS 2054 9-10-91 11:52a
1 File(s) 28319744 bytes free
2> 3>
Additional query words: Windows NT
Keywords : kbtool SSrvISQL SSrvProg SSrvTran_SQL SSrvWinNT
Version : 4.2 | 4.2 | 4.2
Platform : MS-DOS OS/2 WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 11, 1999