INF: Programming 32-bit OS/2 DB-Library ApplicationsID: Q112190
Microsoft DB-Library (DB-Lib) for OS/2 (PDBLIB.DLL) is a 16-bit DLL. In
order to write a 32-bit OS/2 application that makes use of Microsoft DB-
Lib, it is necessary to write a thunking layer that the 32-bit application
can use to call the 16-bit PDBLIB.DLL.
The exact implementation of this thunking layer will vary with the compiler
being used. The compiler vendor's technical support group should be
contacted for information on thunking to 16-bit DLLs using their product.
Additional query words: dblib thunk
Keywords : kbprg SSrvDB_Lib SSrvProg
Version : 2.0 2.1 4.2
Platform : OS/2
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 18, 1999