INF: Search Arguments That Determine Distribution Page UsageID: Q169642
In determining the existence of useful indexes to resolve a query, SQL
Server looks for the search arguments in the query. Search arguments are
the arguments in the WHERE clause of a query that help to specify a
condition to restrict the result set returned by the query. It is necessary
that the arguments in the WHERE clause are of the form "column operator
constant". If indexes exist on these columns, the SQL Server optimizer can
estimate the selectivity of the index and thereby decide whether or not to
use it.
It is desired that the optimizer estimate search argument selectivity based
on the distribution information available in the distribution page. Other
methods of determining index selectivity for a search argument include
using index densities and magic density. Magic density is an estimate of
the search argument selectivity that can be used when density or statistics
on the distribution page cannot be used. It estimates 10 percent of the
rows match for an equality comparison, 25 percent for a between comparison,
and 33 percent for greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, and
less than or equal to comparisons.
Scoring an index is the process of estimating the usefulness of the index
for the search argument in the WHERE clause. Distribution steps are
maintained only for the first column of the index specified. A valid search
argument is of the form "column operator constant". Any operator that is
valid on the column specified can be used. Invalid search arguments may
prevent the index from being used.
To allow the optimizer to do index scoring for a search argument based on
the distribution page, the following rules on search arguments may be
Q110352 : INF: Optimizing Microsoft SQL Server Performance
Q46434 : INF: Writing Efficient Queries and Stored Procedures
Additional query words: SARG SARGs
Keywords : kbusage SSrvGen
Version : 6.0 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 19, 1999