INF: Setting Up Servers to Use Remote Procedure Calls

ID: Q80081

The information in this article applies to:


The following is a consolidation of the steps for setting up SQL Server on two servers to allow the use of remote procedure calls.


  1. Run the following on machine 1:
          sp_addserver m1,local
          sp_addserver m2
          sp_configure 'remote access',1

  2. Stop and restart SQL Server on machine 1.

  3. Run the following on machine 2:
          sp_addserver m2,local
          sp_addserver m1
          sp_configure 'remote access',1
       sp_addremotelogin m1,sa,sa
       sp_remoteoption m1,sa,sa,trusted,true

  4. Stop and restart SQL Server on machine 2.

The system administrator (SA) can now log in to machine 1 and execute a procedure on machine 2. For example:

Keywords          : kbusage SSrvServer 
Version           : 4.2
Platform          : OS/2 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: March 11, 1999