INF: Starting with Minimal Configuration Removes Tempdb FragmentID: Q170124
If you expanded tempdb from the default device (master device) on
additional devices, only the 2 MB tempdb on the master device exists if you
start SQL Server in minimal configuration (using the -f option). The
additional fragments are removed.
Because the additional physical device files for tempdb still exist in SQL
Server, you only have to expand tempdb again on these devices to get the
former size.
The following illustrates the behavior. After the installation of SQL
Server, you have a default tempdb with a size of 2 MB on the master device.
If you create an additional device of 10 MB and alter the size of the
tempdb (dbid 2) on this device, you have the following entries in the
sysusages system table:
dbid segmap lstart size vstart
2 7 0 1024 2564
2 7 1024 5120 83886080
sqlservr -c -f
dbid segmap lstart size vstart
2 7 0 1024 2564
Additional query words: temporary database temp db
Keywords : kbusage SSrvAdmin
Version : 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 16, 1999