PRB: LRU List Empty Errors Can Make the Server Stop RespondingID: Q177545
"Pinning" tables or high configuration values for "RA worker threads" can
starve SQL Server of free buffers. This can lead to the following error in
the errorlog file and eventually cause SQL Server to stop responding:
spid2 Lazywriter: WARNING, LRU list is empty (1 free bufs, 144 total bufs)
spid2 Lazywriter: WARNING, No free buffers found within the last 5 minutes.
To work around this problem, avoid using high configuration values for "RA
worker threads" and use extreme caution and testing when "pinning" tables.
If you need to use these features but encounter the error, you may be able
to increase the amount of memory reserved for SQL Server.
If using these options causes continual server problems, you should
consider changing these options to their default values.
For the "RA worker threads" configuration value, the default is set to 3
upon installation. Use sp_tableoption to "unpin" any tables that are
currently marked as "pinned." Note that when a table is marked as
"unpinned," the pages associated with the table are not immediately flushed
from the cache. They are simply flushed to disk and aged out of the cache
according to normal buffer manager algorithms.
"Pinning" tables can be achieved by using the DBCC PINTABLE statement or
the "pintable" option of sp_tableoption. As documented, this provides a
method to force pages for a table to remain in cache. However, this also
prevents SQL Server from using the buffers associated with those pages.
Note that the following warning is displayed after using DBCC PINTABLE or
sp_tableoption with "pintable":
WARNING: Pinning tables should be carefully considered. If a pinned
table is larger or grows larger than the available data cache, the
server may need to be restarted and the table unpinned.
Additional query words: hang hung freeze frozen lock locked up
Keywords : SSrvGen
Version : WINNT:6.0 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 15, 1999