Directory for Linked File or Directory List Box Not UpdatedID: Q107649
The directory text item that displays the directory name for a linked File or Directory list box does not update when the dialog box is created in the Dialog Editor.
Below is a dialog box table created in the Dialog Editor with a Linked
File or Directory list box:
A1:Item B1:X C1:Y D1:Width E1:Height F1:Text G1:Init/Res
A2: B2: C2: D2:348 E2:124 F2: G2:
A3:6 B3:10 C3:6 D3:160 E3: F3: G3:
A4:18 B4:10 C4:26 D4:160 E4:84 F4: G4:
A5:19 B5:178 C5:26 D5:160 E5:84 F5: G5:
A6: 20 B6:178 C6:9 D6:160 E6:12 F6:Text G6:
A7:1 B7:46 C7:118 D7:88 E7: F7:OK G7:
A8:2 B8:215 C8:116 D8:88 E8: F8: Cancel G8:
"User's Guide 2," version 4.0, page 278
Additional query words: 4.00a
Keywords :
Version : 4.00 4.00a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: April 8, 1999