ACC: How to Change User Passwords Programmatically Using DAOID: Q179198
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.
At times, you may want to reset or change a user's password without
using the user interface. This article demonstrates several sample
functions that you can use to accomplish this task.
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are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to
create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality
of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added
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Public Sub ChangeResetPassword(StrAction As String, StrUsername As _
String, StrAdminLogon As String, StrAdminPass As String, Optional _
StrNewPassword As Variant)
Dim ws As Workspace
On Error GoTo ChangeResetPassword:
' Create a new Administrative Workspace. If The StrAction passed to the
' function is "Change" then change the Password of the User named in
' StrUsername to the password saved in StrNewPassword.
' If the StrAction passed is "Reset", Then reset the password of
' the User mentioned in StrUsername. If neither "Change" or "Reset"
' is passed to the function in the StrAction argument, inform the
' user of an error and exit the procedure.
Set ws = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("AdminWorkspace",StrAdminLogon, _
If StrAction = "change" Then
If Not IsNull(StrNewPassword) Then
ws.Users(StrUsername).NewPassword "", StrNewPassword
MsgBox "Password Change Successful", vbOKOnly
MsgBox "When Attempting to Change A User's Password, You " & _
"Must Include a New Password", vbOKOnly
End If
ElseIf StrAction = "reset" Then
ws.Users(StrUsername).NewPassword "", ""
MsgBox "Password Successfully Reset", vbOKOnly
MsgBox "You must Select a StrAction of either '" & "Change'" & _
"' or '" & "Reset'.", vbOKOnly
End If
Set ws = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeUserPassword(StrUsername As String, StrOldPassword _
As String, StrNewPassword As String)
On Error GoTo ChangeUserPassword_Err:
DBEngine(0).Users(StrUsername).NewPassword StrOldPassword, _
MsgBox "Password Change Successful", vbInformation
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
- Change their own password.
The form allows administrators to:
- Reset a user's password.
- Change a user's password.
To create the form, follow these steps:
Text Box:
Name: txtUserName
Name: lblUserName
Caption: UserName
Text Box:
Name: txtOldPassword
Input Mask: Password
Name: lblOldPassword
Caption: Old Password
Text Box:
Name: txtNewPassword
Input Mask: Password
Name: lblNewPassword
Caption: New Password
Text Box:
Name: txtVerifyPassword
Input Mask: Password
Name: lblVerify Password
Caption: Verify Password
Text Box:
Name: txtAdminUsername
Input Mask: Password
Name: lblAdminUsername
Caption: Administrative UserName
Text Box:
Name: txtAdminPassword
Input Mask: Password
Name: lblAdminPassword
Caption: Administrative Password
Command Button:
Name: CmdChange
Caption: Change Password(Non-Administrative)
Height: 720
Width: 1440
Command Button:
Name: CmdChangeAdmin
Caption: Change Password(Administrative)
Height: 720
Width: 1440
Command Button:
Name: CmdReset
Caption: Reset Password(Administrative)
Height: 720
Width: 1440
Option Explicit
Private Sub CmdChange_Click()
On Error GoTo CmdChange_err
' Make sure the password typed in the New Password text box
' matches what has been typed in the Verify Password text box.
If Me!txtNewPassword <> Me!txtVerifyPassword Then
MsgBox "The New and Verified Passwords Do Not Match. " & _
"Please Re-enter", vbCritical
Me!txtNewPassword = ""
Me!txtNewVerifyPassword = ""
' Check to make sure the Old Password has been filled in and
' if it has, change the password.
If IsNull(Me!txtOldPassword) Then
MsgBox "Leaving the Old Password textbox empty will cause " & _
"an error unless you currently have no password", vbOKOnly
End If
Call ChangeUserPassword(CurrentUser(), Me!txtOldPassword, _
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdChangeAdmin_Click()
On Error GoTo CmdChangeAdmin_err
' Test to make sure appropriate text boxes are filled in because this
' is an administrative function.
If Not IsNull(Me!txtAdminPassword) And Not _
isNull(Me!txtAdminUsername) And Not IsNull(Me!txtUserName) Then
If Me!txtNewPassword <> Me!txtVerifyPassword Then
MsgBox "The New and Verified Passwords Do Not Match. Please" & _
" Re-enter", vbCritical
Me!txtNewPassword = ""
Me!txtNewVerifyPassword = ""
Call ChangeResetPassword("Change",Me!txtUserName, _
me!txtAdminUsername, me!txtAdminPassword, Me!txtNewPassword)
End If
MsgBox "The textboxes for UserName, New Password, Verified " & _
"Password, Admin UserName and Admin Password must be complete " & _
"for this function to operate correctly.", vbOKOnly
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
On Error GoTo CmdReset_err
' Test to make sure appropriate textboxes are filled in because this is
' an administrative function.
If Not IsNull(Me!txtAdminPassword) And Not _
IsNull(Me!txtAdminUsername) And Not IsNull(Me!txtUserName) Then
Call ChangeResetPassword("Reset", Me!txtUserName, _
Me!txtAdminUsername, Me!txtAdminPassword)
MsgBox "The textboxes for UserName, New Password, Verified " & _
"Password, Admin UserName and Admin Password must be complete " & _
"for this function to operate correctly.", VBOKOnly
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
For more information about changing passwords programmatically, search the Help Index for "NewPassword Method."
Additional query words: pass word forget lost forgot
Keywords : PgmHowto
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 6, 1999