Excel 4.0 Err Msg: "Data May Be Lost" When Saving 2.x FilesID: Q84878
In Microsoft Excel 4.0, when you save a file created in Microsoft Excel 2.x in the Microsoft Excel 2.x file format, you may receive the following error message:
This error message occurs if the file contains a large number of custom number formats. When you close and then reopen this file, some custom number formats may be lost. The numbers that were formatted with these custom formats will be formatted with the General number format.Data May Be Lost
Microsoft Excel 2.1 contains several number formats, such as "$#,##0" and
"h:mm", that are not standard formats in Microsoft Excel 4.0. Because
Microsoft Excel 4.0 does not recognize these number formats, it saves them
as custom number formats in the Microsoft Excel 2.x file.
If the document already has a large number of custom number formats, this
may be enough to exceed the maximum number of custom formats allowed for
Microsoft Excel 2.x. In this case, all custom number formats beyond 43 (the
maximum allowed in Excel 2.x) will be dropped from the file.
This behavior is by design. This problem does not occur in later versions
of Microsoft Excel.
"Microsoft Excel Reference Guide," version 2.1, pages 322-323, 558-559
Additional query words: 2.10 2.x
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Last Reviewed: July 14, 1999