ACC: How to Format Phone Number Fields Using an Update QueryID: Q180816
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.
If you use an input mask to format a field that contains phone numbers, but
you choose not to store the formatting characters, the phone numbers in
this field do not appear formatted when you use the table as the data
source of a mail merge in Microsoft Word. In addition, the phone numbers do
not appear formatted if you export the table to a text file. This article
demonstrates how to use sample Visual Basic for Applications code with
either an update query or a select query to create a new field that
contains the phone numbers with correct formatting characters.
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are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to
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There are two methods for formatting phone numbers so that both the data and formatting characters appear when you perform a mail merge in Microsoft Word or when you export the data to a text file. You can use an update query to change the data in the original table so that it includes the formatting characters. Or you can create a select query that contains an expression that returns the phone number data with the formatting characters. You can then export the select query to text or use it as the source of a mail merge in Microsoft Word. Both of the following examples use a sample Visual Basic for Applications procedure to format the phone number.
Field Name: OriginalNumber
Data Type: Text
Field Name: NewNumber
Data Type: Text
OriginalNumber NewNumber
-------------- ---------
(111) 123-4567
( ) 345-6789
NOTE: No values are entered in the NewNumber field.
Function ConvertPhone(phone As String)
Dim PhoneLen As Integer
On error Goto ConvertPhone_err
' Determine if a valid number exists. If not, exit function.
If Len(phone) = 7 Or Len(phone) = 10 Then
PhoneLen = Len(phone)
Exit Function
End If
' Format number and return value to function name.
Select Case PhoneLen
Case 7
ConvertPhone = "( ) " & Left(phone, 3) & _
"-" & Right(phone, 4)
Case 10
ConvertPhone = "(" & Left(phone, 3) & ") " _
& Mid(phone, 4, 3) & _
"-" & Right(phone, 4)
End Select
Exit Function
' Use the following line if you are
' running Microsoft Access 7.0 or 97.
MsgBox Cstr(Err) & " " & Err.Description
' Use the following line if you are
' running Microsoft Access 2.0.
' MsgBox CStr(Error) & " " & Error(Err)
Resume ConvertPhone_exit
End Function
NewPhone: ConvertPhone([OriginalNumber])
For more information about input masks, search the Help Index for "Create an input mask to control how data is entered in a field or control," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.
Additional query words: inf phone number mail merge Word
Keywords : IntpPrtm QryUpdat
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 6, 1999