ACC: Using DAO to Set and Retrieve Custom Database PropertiesID: Q178745
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.
When you click Database Properties on the File menu in Microsoft Access 7.0
or 97, and then click the Custom tab, you can add, delete or modify custom
properties of the database. This article describes how to use Data Access
Objects (DAO) to set and retrieve the custom properties of a database.
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty
either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you
are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to
create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality
of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added
functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited
programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified Solution Provider
or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about
Microsoft Certified Solution Providers, please see the following page on the World Wide Web: more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web: can use Data Access Objects (DAO) to set and retrieve the custom properties that are displayed on the Custom tab when you click Database Properties on the File menu. To access these properties programmatically, you must refer to the Properties collection of the UserDefined document object exposed in the Databases container object.
Option Explicit
'The following procedure accepts three arguments: prpName, prpType,
'and prpValue.
'prpName: a String value representing the name of the property
' you want to create.
'prpType: an Integer value representing the data type of the
' property you want to create. To view valid settings for
' this argument, search online help for "Type property,"
' display the topic "Type property (DAO)" and note the
' constants available for Property objects.
'prpValue: a Variant value representing the value of the property
' you want to create.
Sub CreateCustomProp(prpName As String, prpType As Integer, _
prpValue As Variant)
Dim db As Database
Dim doc As Document
Dim prp As Property
Set db = CurrentDb
Set doc = db.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined
Set prp = doc.CreateProperty()
With prp
.Name = prpName
.Type = prpType
.Value = prpValue
End With
doc.Properties.Append prp
End Sub
CreateCustomProp "Language", dbText, "English"
Option Explicit
'The following procedure accepts one argument: prpName
'prpName: a String value representing the name of the property
' whose value you want to retrieve.
Function GetCustomProp(prpName As String) As Variant
Dim db As Database, prp As Property
Dim doc As Document
Set db = CurrentDb
Set doc = db.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined
On Error Resume Next
Set prp = doc.Properties(prpName)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
GetCustomProp = prp.Value
MsgBox "Property Not Found"
GetCustomProp = Null
End If
End Function
Note that "Nancy Davolio" is returned to the Debug window.
'The following procedure accepts three arguments: prpName, and
'prpName: a String value representing the name of the property
' you want to create.
'prpValue: a Variant value representing the value of the property
' you want to set.
Sub SetCustomProp(prpName As String, prpValue)
Dim db As Database, doc As Document
Dim prp As Property
Set db = CurrentDb
Set doc = db.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined
Set prp = doc.Properties(prpName)
prp.Value = prpValue
End Sub
SetCustomProp "Editor", "Andrew Fuller"
For more information about using the CreateProperty method, search the
Help Index for "CreateProperty method," or ask the Microsoft Access 97
Office Assistant.
For more information about using custom database properties, search the
Help Index for "custom properties, database properties," or ask the
Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.
For more information about getting help with Visual Basic for Applications,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q163435 VBA: Programming Resources for Visual Basic for Applications
Additional query words: kbmacro vba
Keywords : MdlDao PgmHowto
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 6, 1999