ACC: Using Win32 API to Connect to Network Resources (95/97)

ID: Q138905

The information in this article applies to:


Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

The Win32 application programming interface (API) can be used to connect and disconnect from network drives and printers using Visual Basic for Applications.

This article assumes that you are familiar with Visual Basic for Applications and with creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided with Microsoft Access. For more information about Visual Basic for Applications, please refer to your version of the "Building Applications with Microsoft Access" manual.


To use the WIN32 application programming interface (API) to connect and disconnect from network drives and printers, follow these steps:

1. On the Insert Menu, click Module to add a new module to your database.

2. Type the following lines in the Declarations section:

      Option Explicit

      Declare Function WNetAddConnection Lib "mpr.dll" Alias _
       "WNetAddConnectionA" (ByVal lpszNetPath As String, _
       ByVal lpszPassword As String, ByVal lpszLocalName As String) _
       As Long

      Declare Function WNetCancelConnection Lib "mpr.dll" Alias _
       "WNetCancelConnectionA" (ByVal lpszName As String, _
       ByVal bForce As Long) As Long

      Const WN_SUCCESS = 0        ' The function was successful.
      Const WN_NET_ERROR = 2      ' An error occurred on the network.
      Const WN_BAD_PASSWORD = 6   ' The password was invalid.

3. Create the following function that establishes the connection:

      Function AddConnection(MyShareName$, MyPWD$, UseLetter$) As Integer
         On Local Error GoTo AddConnection_Err
         AddConnection = WNetAddConnection(MyShareName$, MyPWD$, _
         Exit Function
         AddConnection = Err
         MsgBox Error$
         Resume AddConnection_End
      End Function

   NOTE: Some of the possible return values for the AddConnection()
   function include WN_SUCCESS, WN_NET_ERROR, and WN_BAD_PASSWORD. Other
   run-time errors could be returned from the function; therefore, error
   trapping should be implemented to handle any problems.

4. Create the following function that cancels a connection. The
   parameter Force% specifies whether any open files or open print jobs
   on the device should be closed before the connection is canceled. If
   this parameter is False (numeric equivalent of 0) and there are open
   files or jobs, the connection will not be canceled.

      Function CancelConnection(UseLetter$, Force%) As Integer
         On Local Error GoTo CancelConnection_Err
         CancelConnection = WNetCancelConnection(UseLetter$, Force%)
         Exit Function
         CancelConnection = Err
         MsgBox Error$
         Resume CancelConnection_End
      End Function

   NOTE: Two of the most common return values for CancelConnection() are

5. To test these functions open the Debug Window, type the following
   lines, and then press ENTER

      ?AddConnection(<"\\servername\sharename">, <"MyPwd">, <"y:">)

   where <\\servername\sharename> is a valid server and sharename is your
   network organization and <MyPwd> is your password that provides
   permission to the resource.

      ?CancelConnection(<"y:">, 0)

   NOTE: Both functions should return WN_SUCCESS (numeric equivalent of 0),
   provided the functions run correctly.


For more information about how to obtain an unused drive resource programmatically, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q138904
   TITLE:      ACC: Connecting to the First Available Network Drive

For more information about Declare, search for "Declare," and then "Declare Statement" using the Microsoft Access Help Index.
Keywords          : kbprg
Version           : 7.0 97
Platform          : WINDOWS
Hardware          : x86
Issue type        : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 20, 1998