How to Create Next and Previous Buttons in a Custom Dialog Box

ID: Q141566

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel, you can create buttons with the text "Previous" and "Next" that allow you to move between custom dialog boxes.


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The following steps show you how to set up four dialog boxes with Next and Previous buttons.

1. Enter the following into a Visual Basic module sheet:

      Public x As Integer

      Sub ShowDialog()
         ' Start with Dialog two.
         x = 2
            ' Show the Dialog; if Cancel is pressed, exit the Do Loop.
            If DialogSheets(x).Show = False Then Exit Do
      End Sub

      Sub PreviousDialog()
         'Hide the current dialog
         ' Sets the index to one previous.
         x = x - 1
         ' Test if we are going to show the first dialog box.
         If x = 1 Then
            ' If it is the first dialog box, then disable the Previous 
            ' button.
            DialogSheets(x).Buttons("Previous").Enabled = False
         End If
      End Sub

      Sub NextDialog()
         ' Hide the current dialog box.
         ' Sets the index to one next.
         x = x + 1
         ' Test if we are going to show the last dialog box.
         If x = DialogSheets.Count Then
            ' If it is the first dialog box, then disable the Next button.
            DialogSheets(x).Buttons("Next").Enabled = False
         End If
      End Sub

2. Add a new dialog sheet.

3. Delete the OK button.

4. Add two new buttons. Change the caption and name of one to "Previous"

   and the other to "Next."

5. Assign the "PreviousDialog" macro to the "Previous" button, and
   assign the "NextDialog" macro to the "Next" button.

6. Copy the dialog box to create three more dialog boxes (total of four for
   the example).

   NOTE: A quick way to do this is to click Move Or Copy Sheet on the Edit
   menu and make copies of the entire dialog sheet.

7. Starting from the dialog sheet farthest to the left, change the dialog
   boxes caption to "One," "Two," "Three," and "Four" (so you can tell when
   the dialog boxes change).

8. Run the "ShowDialog" macro, click the Previous and Next buttons to move
   between the dialog boxes. The Cancel button will stop the macro.

Additional query words: 5.00 7.00
Keywords          : kbcode kbprg PgmHowto 
Version           : WINDOWS:5.0,7.0; MACINTOSH:5.0
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: April 6, 1999