ID: Q177216
The information in this article applies to:
There are times when it may be necessary to open the schedule of another user. You may need to look at existing appointments or add new appointments to the schedule. To accomplish this, you need to use the ScheduleForUser Method of the Application object.
The steps outlined below are required to open the schedule of another user:
1. Create a Schedule+ object and log in.
2. Create a MAPI Session object and log in.
3. Setup a recipient object for the user whose schedule is going to be
4. Create a valid entry id for the ScheduleForUser call by issuing a
5. Open user's schedule using the ScheduleForUser.
6. Log off of MAPI and Schedule+ and release the objects.
The following code comes from the click event of a CommandButton called Command1 and demonstrates how to open another user's schedule:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim objApp As Object
Dim objSched As Object
Dim objOneRecip As Object
Dim objSession As Object
Dim objMessage As Object
'Create a Schedule+ Object
Set objApp = CreateObject("SchedulePlus.Application")
' Specify a valid profile name for "My Profile"
objApp.Logon profilename:="My Profile"
'Create a MAPI Session
Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
objSession.Logon profilename:="My Profile"
'Setup Recipient Object for the user whose schedule you
'want to open
Set objMessage = objSession.OutBox.Messages.Add
Set objOneRecip = objMessage.Recipients.Add
objOneRecip.Name = "Bugs Bunny"
objOneRecip.Type = 1
'Create a valid EntryId for the ScheduleForUser call
'Open User's Schedule
Set objSched = _
objApp.ScheduleForUser(objOneRecip.AddressEntry.Type _
+ ":" + objOneRecip.AddressEntry.Address, _
objOneRecip.AddressEntry.Name, 1, 3, _
'Print information for user to show you are attached to
'another schedule
Debug.Print objSched.UserName
MsgBox (objSched.UserAddress)
'Log off of Mail and Schedule+ and release the objects
Set objOneRecip = Nothing
Set objMessage = Nothing
Set objSched = Nothing
Set objSession = Nothing
End Sub
The code above only works correctly if the calendar is group-enabled. For more information on how to group-enable Schedule+, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : WSPlus: How to Force Schedule+ 7.0 to Ask to Work in Group
Keywords : kbprg GnrlVb vbwin
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: April 3, 1998