ID: Q113946
- Standard and Professional Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic for
Windows, version 3.0
This article gives a full explanation of the syntax of GetObject, adding to the information given in the "Programmer's Guide."
Specifically, this article explains when a new instance of the server application is instantiated, details how to best minimize server instance usage, and gives an example that shows how to best minimize excess instances of a server application.
The GetObject function has two parameters:
The pathname parameter can be the path to an existing file, "", or it can
be left out. Specifying the path to an existing file causes GetObject to
use an existing instance of the server application, which is either
explicitly denoted in the second parameter or obtained from the registry
based on the file's extension. The latter two syntax's are used to create
new object references, with the added benefit over CreateObject that you
can control instance usage for the server.
The following table details the instance usage for the server application and gives the appropriate syntax:
Server already running:
Syntax: Set X = GetObject(,"MySrvr.Object")
Result: X is reference to existing object
Syntax: Set X = GetObject("","MySrvr.Object")
Result: X is reference to new object
Server not running:
Syntax: Set X = GetObject(,"MySrvr.Object")
Result: Error 429
Syntax: Set X = GetObject("","MySrvr.Object")
Result: Server is started and X references new object
To establish a reference to an object and minimize the number of server
application instances loaded, use GetObject with a blank first argument,
and trap the error 429 when no instance is loaded. The following example
demonstrates this. The sample application uses Microsoft Excel version 5.0
as its server application.
1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
2. Add a command button (Command1) to Form1.
3. Add the following code to the Command1_Click event procedure:
Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim fResult As Integer
fResult = SmartGetObject("Excel.Application")
End Sub
4. Add the following code:
Function SmartGetObject (sClass As String) As Integer
Dim oTmpObject As Object
' If Server running, oTmpObject refers to that instance.
' If Server not running Error 429 is generated.
On Error Resume Next
Set oTmpObject = GetObject(, sClass)
' oTmpObject is reference to new object.
If Err = 429 Then
' Server not running, so create a new instance:
Set oTmpObject = GetObject("", sClass)
' NOTE: for Excel, you can add the next line to view the object
' oTmpObject.Visible = True
ElseIf Err > 0 Then
MsgBox Error$
SmartGetObject = False
Exit Function
End If
SmartGetObject = True
End Function
5. Press the F5 key to run the program. Click the Command1 button.
If a copy of Excel is already loaded, that copy is used to create the object, otherwise a new copy is loaded.
Keywords : kbprg IAPOLE vbwin
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: September 30, 1997