PRJ: TimeScaledData Method Example Run Time Error 91

ID: Q113397

The information in this article applies to:


The sample code for the TimeScaledData method in Visual Basic for Applications Help may produce a "Run Time Error 91" error message when you use it with projects that contain blank rows.

Under normal circumstances, this macro should run correctly and create a .CSV file.


The sample code for this macro does not take blank rows into account; therefore, the Run Time error is produced when the macro encounters a blank task row.


To work around this problem, add additional commands to the macro code that will trap the error situation. To trap the error, add "If Not (t is Nothing) then . . . end if" around the For Next loop in the macro. When you add this code, the error will be trapped and the example will run on files with blank task rows. The resulting code example looks like this:

Sub AssignmentsOverTime()
   Dim  t, r, temp

   Open "USAGE.CSV" For Output As #1

   For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
      If Not (t is Nothing) Then        'NEW LINE
         Print #1, t.Name
         For Each r In t.Resources
            temp = TimescaledData(t.ID, r.ID, ActiveProject.ProjectStart, _
                    ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, pjWork, pjTimescaleWeeks)
            Print #1, & ListSeparator & temp
         Next r
      End If                            'NEW LINE
   Next t

   Close #1
End Sub


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Create three tasks, and assign resource Joe to each task.

2. From the Help menu, choose Contents. In Help, choose the Visual Basic


3. Choose Methods, and then choose TimeScaledData, and click the Example
   for this method.

4. Click the Copy button, select the example, and then choose Copy.

5. From the Tools menu, choose Macros, and choose the New button. Paste the

   example into the new Visual Basic module.

6. From the Run menu, choose Start, and select the macro and choose Run.

   NOTE: The macro will execute with no errors

7. Insert a row between task 1 and 2.

8. Run the Macro again.

You will receive the "RunTime Error 91" error message when macro encounters blank row.

Additional query words: 4.00

Keywords          : kbcode kbprg
Version           : 4.00 | 4.00
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: November 25, 1997