Excel Err Msg: Cannot Find 'Filename' with SAVE.AS Function

ID: Q85959

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The Excel error message "Cannot find 'filename'" will be returned if an invalid folder is specified within a SAVE.AS() statement on a macro sheet. The use of a colon within a document name may also result in this error message because the colon is a reserved character used to specify folder paths in the Macintosh system.


A colon cannot be typed into a filename within the Save As dialog box. Colons are allowable characters, however, in a SAVE.AS() macro statement, allowing a file to be saved to a particular folder (directory). For example, =SAVE.AS("Hard Disk:Samples:Test") will save the current document as 'Test' to the 'Samples' folder on a hard drive labeled 'Hard Disk'.

Attempting to save a filename which contains a colon (for example, =SAVE.AS("Test 10:00 am") ) will result in the first half of the filename being interpreted as the folder name (that is, the file '00 am' should be saved to directory 'Test 10'). This will result in the error message 'Cannot find '00am'.


"Microsoft Excel Function Reference," version 4.0, pages 369-370

"Microsoft Excel Function Reference," version 3.0, pages 204-205

"Microsoft Excel Functions and Macros," version 2.2, page 272

Additional query words: 2.2a 3.0a 4.00

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Last Reviewed: March 24, 1999