XL AppNote: Sample Code for Controlling Dialog Boxes (WE1162)

ID: Q130372

The information in this article applies to:

The Application Note "Sample Visual Basic Code for Controlling Dialog Boxes" (WE1162) is now available from Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). This Application Note will help you learn some techniques for writing Visual Basic, Applications Edition, code for use with custom dialog boxes. The Dlogsmpl.xls file included with this Application Note contains code examples you can run.

For complete information, see the "To Obtain This Application Note" section at the end of this article.


  Microsoft(R) Product Support Services Application Note (Text File)
                                                   Revision Date: 7/96

The following information applies to Microsoft Excel for Windows, version 5.0, 5.0c, and Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0.

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| Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.      |
| Microsoft, MS-DOS, Visual Basic, and Windows are registered         |
| trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.                                |


This Application Note will help you learn some techniques for writing Visual Basic for Applications code for use with custom dialog boxes. The Dlogsmpl.xls file included with this Application Note contains code examples you can run. These code examples can be used with the following elements: labels, edit boxes, group boxes, buttons, check boxes, option buttons, list boxes, drop-down boxes, combination list-edit boxes, combination drop-down edit boxes, scroll bars, and spinners. The Dlogsmpl.xls file also contains code that demonstrates how to do the following: set the focus in a dialog box, create a "masked" password dialog box, adjust the dialog box height, and use the .Caller property.

The text of this Application Note includes additional explanations for some of these elements, and it also points you to other sources of information. Each section of the text contains an introduction for a particular control, followed by some sample Visual Basic code. Some sections also contain a brief description of the commonly used properties and methods for that control.

Note that although the examples in this Application Note are created to illustrate the use of controls on a dialog sheet, many of these controls can be used on a worksheet or a chart sheet if you make minor changes to the code. For more information about using controls in other types of sheets, see Chapter 13 of the Microsoft Excel 5.0 "User's Guide" or Chapter 11 of the "Visual Basic User's Guide"; or see Chapter 8 of the "Microsoft Excel/Visual Basic for Windows 95 Programmer's Guide."

Microsoft provides examples of Visual Basic procedures for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. These Visual Basic procedures are provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that they can be used in all situations. Microsoft does not support modifications of these procedures to suit customer requirements for a particular purpose.



To use the Dlogsmpl.xls file, copy it to a directory on your hard disk drive, and open it in Microsoft Excel.

To install Dlogsmpl.xls on your hard disk

Copy the Dlogsmpl.xls file from the directory to which you downloaded and extracted WE1162.EXE to the appropriate directory on your hard disk.

For more information about copying files, see your Windows User's Guide or Windows online Help.

To use Dlogsmpl.xls

1. Start Microsoft Excel, and click Open on the File menu.

2. Select the folder to which you installed the Dlogsmpl.xls file, select

   Dlogsmpl.xls, and click the Open button.


The examples in the text portion of this Application Note demonstrate ways you can use Visual Basic for Applications code to accomplish basic tasks with dialog box controls.

To use this code, set up your workbook as follows:

In some examples, to run the sample code, you can click Macro on the Tools menu, select the name of the macro, and click the Run button. In other examples, you will run the code by assigning it to a control (usually a button) in the dialog box, running the dialog box, and then choosing the control. To run a dialog box, select the dialog sheet that contains the dialog box and click the Run Dialog button on the Forms toolbar. (Examples that require you to run the code this way contain instructions about which control to assign the code to.)

For more information about associating a macro with a button, see the "Assigning Code to Controls and Dialog Boxes" section of the Microsoft Excel 5.0 "Visual Basic User's Guide," or see the "Assigning Code to Controls" section of the "Microsoft Excel/Visual Basic for Windows 95 Programmer's Guide."

For more information about running a macro, see pages 14-15 of the Microsoft Excel 5.0 "Visual Basic User's Guide," or click the Search button in Help and type:

   macros, running

If you are using Microsoft Excel 7.0, see page 193 in the "Microsoft Excel/Visual Basic for Windows 95 Programmer's Guide," or click Microsoft Excel Help Topics on the Help menu, click the Index tab, and type:

   running macros

Also, note that in the sample code, objects are referred to by their ordinal numbers rather than by name. For example, in code referring to the first button in a dialog box, the button is referred to as Buttons(1) rather than as Buttons("Button 12").



Labels are mainly used to add descriptive text to other controls on a dialog box. The most commonly used properties of this control are the .Text and the .Caption properties, which are interchangeable. Labels cannot be edited by the user while the dialog box is running, although a macro can make changes to the text at any time.

NOTE: The font size of the text in a label is fixed. If you want to have a control that resembles a label but has a font size and background color that can be changed, use a text box. The Text Box button is located on the Drawing toolbar.

To use a With statement to change the text property of a label

1. Create a dialog box with at least three label controls.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub LabelExample1()
      With ThisWorkbook.DialogSheets("Dialog1")
         .labels(1).Text = "Labels can be an empty string"
         .labels(2).Text = ""
         .labels(3).Text = "...such as Label 2 above."
      End With
   End Sub

To change the .Text property of a label using a For Each...Next statement

1. Create a dialog box with at least one label control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub LabelExample2()
      Dim Label As Variant
      For Each Label In ThisWorkbook.DialogSheets(1).labels
         Label.Caption = "Example text for" & Label.Name
      Next Label
   End Sub

To cycle through (index) a collection of dialog box labels

1. Create a dialog box with at least three label controls.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub LabelExample3()
      Dim MyDlgLbls As Object, x as Integer
      Set MyDlgLbls = DialogSheets(1).labels
      For x = 1 To 3
         MyDlgLbls(x).Text = Format(Now + x, "dddd - mmmm,yyyy _
         hh:mm AM/PM")
   End Sub


Edit boxes are framed boxes that accept user input when the dialog box is running. The font size for text in an edit box is fixed (that is, it cannot be customized).

If you want text to wrap in an edit box, set the .MultiLine property to true. To restrict the type of information the edit box will accept (its input type), use the .InputType property. To set these properties, use macro code, or select the edit box and choose Object from the Format menu. If you set the .InputType property with code, you can use the constants xlFormula, xlInteger, xlNumber, xlReference, and xlText. The default input type is text (or xlText).

To retrieve the text in an edit box that has restricted input type

1. Create a dialog box with at least one edit box control. The edit box

   control will need to contain some information in order for the macro to

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub EditExample1()
      Dim theText As String
      With ThisWorkbook.DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes(1)
         .InputType = xlInteger
         theText = .Text
      End With
      MsgBox theText,,"Edit Box Value"
   End Sub

To display information in an edit box

1. Create a dialog box with at least one edit box.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module

   Sub EditExample2()
      ThisWorkbook.DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes(1).Text = "123"
   End Sub


Group boxes allow you to group controls on a dialog sheet, worksheet, or chart sheet. Group boxes are especially useful for grouping option buttons- -when option buttons are in a group box, only one of the option buttons can be selected at a time. The font size and background color of a group box cannot be changed.

Although group boxes display a group of objects, changes to the group box do not affect the objects within that group box (that is, the objects within a group box do not become a collection).

To change the text that is displayed along the top edge of a group box control, use the .Caption property.

To change the caption text of a group box

1. Create a dialog box with at least one group box control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub GroupBoxExample1()
      With DialogSheets(1).GroupBoxes(1)
         If .Caption = "Example Caption Text" Then
            .Caption = "Another Example Caption Text"
            .Caption = "Example Caption Text"
            End If
      End With
   End Sub

To hide a group box or make a group box visible

1. Create a dialog box with a group box control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub GroupBoxExample2()
      With DialogSheets(1).GroupBoxes(1)
         If .Visible = True Then .Visible = False Else .Visible = True
      End With
   End Sub

3. Add a button control and assign the GroupBoxExample2 macro to the


Buttons are primarily used for triggering an event. Some commonly used button properties include: .DefaultButton, .CancelButton, .DismissButton, and .HelpButton. You can set these properties using code, or you can set them by selecting the button, clicking Object on the Format menu, and selecting the Default, Cancel, Dismiss, and Help check boxes. These properties control what happens to the dialog box when the user chooses a button in that dialog box. For example, if you set a .DefaultButton property to true, that button will be activated when the user presses the enter key (if no other button has the focus on that dialog box). Only one button in a dialog box can have the .DefaultButton property. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q105552
   TITLE     : XL5: Static and Dynamic Default Buttons

You cannot change the font or color of a button. However, once you place the control on a dialog sheet, you can paste a picture over the button to accomplish a similar effect. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q115046
   TITLE     : XL5: Customizing Button Fonts on Dialog Sheets

To use the .OnAction property to assign a macro to a button

1. Create a dialog box with at least three button controls. Note that a

   dialog sheet, by default, contains two buttons (OK and Cancel).

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ButtonExample1()
      DialogSheets(1).Buttons(3).OnAction = "ChangeText"
   End Sub

3. To run the ButtonExample1 macro, you must also create the following
   function macro (this macro is assigned to the third button on the dialog
   box by the ButtonExample1 macro with the .OnAction property):

      Function ChangeText()
       With DialogSheets(1).Buttons(3)
         If .Text = "Run" Then
            .Text = "Stop"
            .Text = "Run"
         End If
       End With
      End Function

To associate a Help file with a dialog box button

1. Create a dialog box with at least three button controls.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ButtonExample2()
      With DialogSheets(1).Buttons(3)
         .Text = "Help"
         .HelpButton = True
         .OnAction = "GetHelp"
      End With
   End Sub

   Sub GetHelp()
      Application.Help "C:\WINDOWS\CALC.HLP"
   End Sub

   NOTE: In the code example above, because the Help property for
   button 3 is set to True, if you run the dialog box and press F1
   (or choose Help), Windows Calculator Help is displayed.

For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q109424
   TITLE     : XL5: How to Use the Help Button in Custom Dialog

   ARTICLE-ID: Q116059
   TITLE     : XL5: Pressing F1 on Custom Dialog May Not Activate
                    Help Button

To assign an accelerator key to a button

If the letter to which you assign the accelerator key exists in the text of the button, that letter will be underlined only when the dialog box is run. Accelerator keys are activated by pressing the letter on the keyboard or by pressing the letter in combination with the alt key. An accelerator key is not case sensitive.

1. Create a dialog box with at least one button control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ButtonExample3()
   DialogSheets(1).Buttons(1).Text = "Test"
   With DialogSheets(1).Buttons(1)
   If .Accelerator = "T" Then
      .Accelerator = "e"
      .Accelerator = "T"
   End If
   End With
   End Sub

When you run this code, the accelerator key for Button 1, which has the .Text property set to "Text," is toggled between "T" and "e."

NOTE: To set the accelerator key manually, click Object on the Format menu, select the Control tab, and type the letter you want to assign to the accelerator key in the Accelerator Key box.


Check boxes enable the user to select an item. When you use check boxes in a group box, the user can select one or more items in the group. The font and color of a check box are fixed (that is, they cannot be customized). A check box can be in one of three states: on, off, or mixed. To indicate the state of a check box, set the .Value. property with the xlOn, xlOff, or xlMixed constant.

To obtain the value of the first check box in the dialog box

1. Create a dialog box with at least one check box control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub CheckBoxExample1()
      If DialogSheets(1).CheckBoxes(1).Value = xlOn Then
         MsgBox "Is checked."
         MsgBox "Is not checked."
      End If
   End Sub

3. Assign the CheckBoxExample1 macro to the check box you created in
   step 1.

To discern which check boxes are selected

1. Create a dialog box with at least two check box controls.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub CheckBoxExample2()
      Dim myCheckBoxes As Object
      Dim chk As Variant
      Set myCheckBoxes = DialogSheets(1).CheckBoxes
      For Each chk in myCheckBoxes
         If chk = xlOn Then MsgBox chk.Name & " is selected."
   End Sub

3. Assign the CheckBoxExample2 macro to the check boxes you created in step

To discern the state of check boxes on a dialog box

1. Create a dialog box with at least three check box controls. Do the

   following to assign a different state to each check box:

    a. Select a check box.

    b. On the Format menu, click Object, select the Control tab, and select
       the Unchecked, Checked, or Mixed option.

    c. Repeat steps a and b for each check box so that each box is assigned
       a different state.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub CheckBoxExample3()
      Dim myCheckBoxes As Object, chk As Variant
      Set myCheckBoxes = DialogSheets(1).CheckBoxes
      For Each chk in myCheckBoxes
         Select Case chk
         Case xlOn
            MsgBox chk.Name & " is Checked."
         Case xlOff
            MsgBox chk.Name & " is Unchecked."
         Case xlMixed
            MsgBox chk.Name & " is Mixed."
         End Select
   End Sub

3. Add a button control and assign the CheckBoxExample3 macro to the


Unlike check boxes, only one option button in a group can be selected at a time. To separate option buttons into groups, create a group box, and then draw the option buttons inside the box. The font and background color of an option button are fixed (that is, they cannot be customized).

To discern which option button is on

1. Create a dialog box with at least two option buttons.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub OptionExample1()
      Dim myButtons As Object, btn As Variant
         Set mybuttons = DialogSheets(1).OptionButtons
         For Each btn In mybuttons
            If btn = xlOn Then MsgBox btn.Name & " is selected."
   End Sub

3. Add a button control and assign the OptionExample1 macro to the

To select or clear the first option button

1. Create a dialog box with at least one option button control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub OptionExample2()
         With DialogSheets(1).OptionButtons(1)
            If .Value = xlOn Then: .Value = xlOff: Else .Value = xlOn
         End With
   End Sub

3. Add a button control and assign the OptionExample2 macro to the


List boxes present the user with a list of scrollable items that can be selected. Commonly used list box methods are .RemoveItem and .RemoveAllItems. Note that these methods do not work if the list box is linked to a worksheet. If you use a macro to set the selected property in a list box item to false, it will not be reflected in the list box while the dialog box is running. The font in a list box is fixed (that is, it cannot be customized).

To populate a list box with cells on a

worksheet using the .ListFillRange method

1. Create a dialog box with at least one list box control.

2. In cells A1:A10 on sheet1, type the values that you want to use to

   populate the list box.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListBoxExample1()
      DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1).ListFillRange = "Sheet1!A1:A10"
   End Sub

To populate a list box using an array of data

1. Create a dialog box with at least one list box control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListBoxExample2()
      DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1).List = Array("Mon", "Tue", _
         "Wed", "Thu", "Fri")
   End Sub

To return all items in a list box using a For Each...Next statement

1. Create a dialog box with one list box control, and populate the

   list box using either ListBoxExample1 or ListBoxExample2.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListBoxExample3()
      Dim mTemp As Object, myList As Variant, LItem As Variant
      Set mTemp = DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1)
         myList = mTemp.List
      For Each LItem In myList
         MsgBox LItem
   End Sub

3. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the
   ListBoxExample3 macro to the button.

   NOTE: Using a For Each...Next statement with a list box may cause
   an error if you don't use an object for the list box. For
   additional information, please see the following article in the
   Microsoft Knowledge Base:

         ARTICLE-ID: Q112330
         TITLE     : XL5: 'For Each Item in List' Doesn't Work

To obtain the selected item in a single-select list box

1. Create a dialog box with at least one list box control, and

   populate the list box using either ListBoxExample1 or

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListBoxExample4()
      Dim theContents As String
      With DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1)
         theContents = .List(.ListIndex)
      End With
      MsgBox theContents
   End Sub

3. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the
   ListBoxExample4 macro to the button you created in step 1.

To obtain the selected items of a multi-select list box

1. Create a dialog box with one list box control, and populate the list box

   using either ListBoxExample1 or ListBoxExample2.

2. To format the list box to be a multi-select list box, click Object on
   the Format menu, click the Control tab, and choose multi for the
   Selection Type.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListBoxExample5()
      Dim CurList As Object, ListTemp As Variant, ListItem As Variant
      Dim MultiList As ListBox, counter As Integer
      'Set an object name for easy referencing of the list box.
      Set CurList = DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1)
      'Put the selected array into the variable ListTemp
      ListTemp = CurList.Selected
      'Initialize a counter variable.
      counter = 1
      'Iterate through the loop once for each item in the array.
      For Each ListItem In ListTemp
         'If the value of the current item is True . . .
         If ListItem = True Then
            'Show a message box indicating the item is selected.
             MsgBox CurList.List(counter)
         End If
         'Increment the counter to get the next selected item.
         counter = counter + 1
   End Sub

4. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the ListBoxExample5
   macro to the button.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q111564
   TITLE     : XL5: Determining Which Items Are Selected in a List

To use a horizontal array of cells on a worksheet to populate a list box

1. Create a dialog box with one list box control.

2. In the range A1:F1 of sheet1 of your workbook, enter the values

   that you want to appear in the list box.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListBoxExample6()
      DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1).List = _
   End Sub

   NOTE: Ordinarily, list boxes are populated with a column of data.
   The above example makes it possible to populate a list box with a
   row of data.

To clear all items in a list box using the .RemoveAllItems method

1. Create a dialog box with one list box control, and populate the

   list box using either ListBoxExample1 or ListBoxExample2 above.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListBoxExample7()
   End Sub

3. Place a button control on the dialog box and assign the
   ListBoxExample7 macro to the button.


A drop-down list box allows the user to select a single item from a list. The main difference between a drop-down list box and a regular list box is the amount of space the control takes up in the dialog box.

To add items to a drop-down list box

using values on a worksheet with .ListFillRange

1. Create a dialog box with at least one drop-down list box control.

2. Type the values that will appear in the drop-down list box into

   cells A2:A10 on sheet1 of your workbook.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub DropDownExample1()
      DialogSheets(1).DropDowns(1).ListFillRange = "Sheet1!A2:A10"
   End Sub

To return the selected item of a drop-down list box

1. Create a dialog box with one drop-down list box control, and

   populate the drop-down list box using the DropDownExample1 code.

2. Enter the following code in a module:

   Sub DropDownExample2()
      Dim theContents As String
      With DialogSheets(1).DropDowns(1)
         theContents = .List(.ListIndex)
      End With
      MsgBox theContents
   End Sub

3. Add a button control to the control box and assign the
   DropDownExample2 macro to the button.

To clear all items from a drop-down list box

1. Create a dialog box with one drop-down list box control, and

   populate the drop-down list box using DropDownExample1.

2. Enter the following code in a module:

   Sub DropDownExample3()
   End Sub

3. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the
   DropDownExample3 macro to the button.


A combination list-edit box is similar to a standard list box, except that there is an edit box associated with the list box. The edit box portion of the combination list-edit box contains the value selected in the list portion. This value can be edited and subsequently added to the list box. Note that combination list-edit boxes cannot be used on a worksheet. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID:  Q104303
   TITLE     :  XL5: Some Limitations for Controls on Sheets and

Although a combination list-edit box is a built-in dialog box element, it can also be created by placing an edit box and a list box on a dialog sheet and then using the following code to link the two objects:

   ActiveDialog.DrawingObjects(Array _
      ("List Box 1", "Edit Box 1")).LinkCombo

To obtain the selected value in the

list box portion of a combination list-edit box

1. Create a dialog box with one combination list-edit box control.

2. To populate the combination list-edit box, click Object on the Format

   menu, select the Control tab, and then enter a cell reference in the
   Input Range box.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListEditExample1()
      Dim myAnswer As String
      With DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1)
         myAnswer = .List(.ListIndex)
         MsgBox myAnswer,,"Selected List Item"
      End With
   End Sub

4. Place a button control on the dialog box and assign the
   ListEditExample1 macro to the button.

NOTE: The ListEditExample1 macro is exactly the same method used to obtain the selected value of a list box. The edit box portion of the combination list-edit box is the same as an edit box control.

To obtain the value in the edit box

portion of a combination list-edit box

1. Create a dialog box with one combination list-edit box control.

2. To populate the combination list-edit box, choose Object from the

   Format menu, select the Control tab, and then enter a cell
   reference in the Input Range box.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListEditExample2()
      Dim myText As String
      myText = DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes(1).Text
      MsgBox myText,,"Edit Box Value"
   End Sub

4. Add a Button control to the dialog box and assign the
   ListEditExample2 macro to the button.

To add the edit box value to the

list box portion of a combination list-edit box

1. Create a dialog box with one combination list-edit box control.

2. To populate the combination list-edit box, choose Object from the

   Format menu, select the Control tab, and then enter a cell
   reference in the Input Range box.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ListEditExample3()
      Dim theText As String
      theText = DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes(1).Text
      DialogSheets(1).ListBoxes(1).AddItem Text:=theText
   End Sub

4. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the
   ListEditExample3 macro to the button.

   NOTE: The .AddItem method will clear any .ListFillRange that is
   being used. If you want to add an item to an existing list that
   comes from a range of cells on a worksheet, you need to place the
   edit box value into the appropriate cell and then redefine the
   .ListFillRange of the combination list-edit box.


A combination drop-down edit box is similar to a standard drop-down box except that the text in the caption portion of the drop-down box can be edited. A combination drop-down edit box cannot be used on a worksheet.

To add items to a combination drop-down edit box using .ListFillRange

1. Create a dialog box with one combination drop-down edit box control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ComboDropDownExample1()
      DialogSheets(1).DropDowns(1).ListFillRange = "Sheet1!A2:A10"
   End Sub

To return the selected item from a combination drop-down edit box

1. Create a dialog box with one combination drop-down edit box control.

2. To populate the combination drop-down edit box, click Object on the

   Format menu, select the Control tab, and then enter a cell reference in
   the Input Range box.

3. Enter the following code in a module:

   Sub ComboDropDownExample2()
      Dim textAnswer As String
      With DialogSheets(1).DropDowns(1)
         textAnswer = .List(.ListIndex)
         MsgBox textAnswer
      End With
   End Sub

4. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the
   ComboDropDownExample2 macro to the button.

   NOTE: When an item in a combination drop-down edit box has been
   edited, don't try to get the value of .List(.ListIndex). The
   .ListIndex property has a value of 0 in this case, and List(0)
   results in an error because there is no element 0.

To add the edited text value to the drop-down list

1. Create a dialog box with one combination drop-down edit box


2. To populate the drop-down list, choose Object from the Format menu,
   select the Control tab, and then enter a cell reference in the
   Input Range box.

3. Enter the following code in a module:

   Sub ComboDropDownExample3()
      Dim captionText As String
      captionText = DialogSheets(1).DropDowns(1).Caption
      DialogSheets(1).DropDowns(1).AddItem Text:=captionText
      MsgBox captionText & " has been added to the list.",,"Add Item"
   End Sub

4. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the
   ComboDropDownExample3 macro to the button.

   NOTE: The .AddItem method will clear any ListFillRange that is
   being used. If you want to add an item to an existing list, and if
   the list comes from a range of cells on a worksheet, you need to
   place the edit box value into the appropriate cell and then
   redefine the .ListFillRange of the combination drop-down edit box.

To clear all items from a combination drop-down edit box

1. Create a dialog box with one combination drop-down edit box


2. To populate the combination drop-down edit box, choose Object from
   the Format menu, select the Control tab, and then enter a cell
   reference in the Input Range box.

3. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub ComboDropDownExample4()
   End Sub

4. Add a button control to the dialog box and assign the
   ComboDropDownExample4 macro to the button.


You can create a vertical or horizontal scroll bar. To create a horizontal scroll bar, press and hold the CTRL key when you choose the Scroll Bar tool. In general, a scroll bar is used to increment or decrement the value of a cell on a worksheet, which in turn changes all the cells linked to that cell in a "what-if" scenario.

To obtain the value of the scroll bar

1. Create a dialog box with one edit box.

2. Enter the following code in a module:

   Sub ScrollBarExample1()
      DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes(1).Text = _
   End Sub

3. Add a scroll bar control to the dialog box and assign
   ScrollBarExample1 macro to the scroll bar.


A spinner is similar to a scroll bar, except that a spinner does not have the LargeChange property. Spinners are often placed next to edit boxes so that the user can increment or decrement a value without having to type in a number. For an edit box to have an associated spinner control, create a separate spinner object and add the code to link the spinner value to the edit box.

To associate a spinner with an edit box

1. Create a dialog box with one edit box and one spinner control.

2. Enter the following code in a Visual Basic module:

   Sub SpinnerExample()
      DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes(1).Text =
   End Sub

3. Assign the SpinnerExample macro to the spinner.

                        OTHER EXAMPLES AND TIPS


In Microsoft Excel, when you choose a control in a dialog box that is assigned to an event macro when there are a total of three dialog boxes on the screen that have not been dismissed, you may receive the following error message(s):

   Not Enough Stack Space to Run Macro


   Error 28: Out of Stack Space

For information about how to avoid these error messages, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID:  Q111867
   TITLE     :  XL5 Err Msg: "Not Enough Stack Space to Run Macro"


Use the .Focus dialog box property when you want a specific control to be active when the dialog box is run. A dialog box needs to be running before the .Focus property can be set. In other words, you cannot set the .Focus property and then run the dialog box. The .Focus property must be set as the dialog box is opening or while it is running.

NOTE: The control that has the initial focus when a dialog box is run can also be set by moving the control name to the top of the tab order. To set the tab order, activate the dialog sheet, and choose Tab Order from the Tools menu.

To set the focus of an edit box

1. Create a dialog box with four edit boxes.

2. In a Visual Basic module, enter the following code:

   Sub FocusExample1()
      DialogSheets(1).Focus = "Edit Box 4"
   End Sub

   Sub FocusExample2()
      DialogSheets(1).Focus = ActiveDialog.EditBoxes(1).Name
   End Sub

3. To use one of the code examples, assign either macro to the dialog


Edit boxes in Microsoft Excel 5.0 do not contain the "show password as asterisks" feature that is available in Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0; however, this functionality is built into Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0. This capability can be emulated in Microsoft Excel 5.0 by placing an edit box on the dialog sheet, outside of the dialog frame. By placing the edit box in this manner, you can create code that will show asterisks in an edit box placed within the dialog frame when the user types in the password. In the following code, Edit Box 4 is the edit box that has been placed outside of the dialog frame.

Assign this macro to the hidden edit box that is outside of the dialog frame:

   Sub DisplayAsterisks()
      Var1 = DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes("Edit Box 5").Text
      DialogSheets(1).EditBoxes("Edit Box 5").Text = Var1 & "*"
   End Sub

Assign this subroutine to the dialog frame of the dialog sheet:

   Sub SetFocus()
      DialogSheets(1).Focus = "Edit Box 4"
   End Sub

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q125422
   TITLE     : XL5: Creating a Masked Password Dialog Box in
               Visual Basic


You may want a dialog box to change size while the dialog box is running. This can be accomplished by changing the .Height property of the dialog frame. For example, in the following code, choosing Button 1 increases and shrinks the size of the dialog frame:

1. Create a dialog box with a button control.

2. Enter the following code in a module:

   Sub Button_Click()
      If DialogSheets(1).DialogFrame.Height = 180 Then
         DialogSheets(1).DialogFrame.Height = 110
         DialogSheets(1).DialogFrame.Height = 180
      End If
   End Sub

3. Assign the Button_Click macro to the button in the dialog box.


The .Caller property can return the name of the control that called a subroutine. This property is useful when a subroutine is designed to perform a specific action based on the dialog box control that called it. For instance, a dialog box may have four different spinners that change the contents of four associated Labels. Instead of having four separate subroutines, the spinners can all be assigned to the same subroutine. The following code assumes this type of situation.

   Sub CallerExample1()
         Dim ControlName As String
         Dim ControlNum As Integer
         ControlName = Application.Caller
         ControlNum = DialogSheets(1).Spinners(ControlName).Index
         DialogSheets(1).Labels(ControlNum).Text = _
   End Sub



A complete list of all of the properties and methods for a specific dialog box control is available in the Object Browser. To find this information, switch to a Visual Basic module, choose Object Browser from the View menu, and then select the name of the desired control from the list of Excel Libraries/Workbooks.

For more information about using the Object Browser, see pages 77-79 of the "Visual Basic User's Guide."


The Microsoft Knowledge Base is a primary Microsoft product information source for Microsoft support professionals and is also available to Microsoft customers. This comprehensive database contains more than 40,000 detailed articles with technical information about Microsoft products, fix lists, documentation errors, and answers to commonly asked technical support questions. These articles are also available through CompuServe, GEnie, the Microsoft TechNet compact disc, and the Microsoft Developer Network compact disc.


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The following file(s) are available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:

 ~ WE1162.EXE (size: 82026 bytes) 

For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q119591
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Keywords          : kbappnote kbcode kbfile kbprg 
Version           : 5.00 5.00c 7.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 17, 1999