ID: Q125181
5.00 5.00c 7.00 WINDOWS kbprg
The information in this article applies to:
In Microsoft Excel, you cannot use the ActivateMicrosoftApp method in a Visual Basic procedure to activate Microsoft Excel.
The ActivateMicrosoftApp method does not support activating Microsoft Excel. You can use the ActivateMicrosoftApp method to activate one of the following Microsoft Applications, using the corresponding Microsoft Excel constant as the index argument:
Microsoft Word xlMicrosoftWord
Microsoft PowerPoint xlMicrosoftPowerPoint
Microsoft Mail xlMicrosoftMail
Microsoft Access xlMicrosoftAccess
Microsoft FoxPro xlMicrosoftFoxPro
Microsoft Project xlMicrosoftProject
Microsoft Schedule Plus xlMicrosoftSchedulePlus
Note that there is no Microsoft Excel constant defined for Microsoft Excel,
and you cannot activate the Microsoft Excel application using the
ActivateMicrosoftApp method.
To activate Microsoft Excel in a Visual Basic procedure, use the AppActivate method as in the following example:
AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
Note that the AppActivate statement activates the application with the
window title that you specify. For example, if a document window is
maximized in Microsoft Excel, the Microsoft Excel application title
includes the document name, such as Microsoft Excel--BOOK1.XLS. You must
specify the application window title exactly as it appears in the
application when you use the AppActivate method. The following example
saves the application window title in Microsoft Excel as the variable
"title" and then uses this variable with the AppActivate method later in
the procedure:
Sub Test
Dim title as String
' Set variable title equal to exact application window title
title = Application.Caption
' Activate Microsoft Word
ActivateMicrosoftApp (xlMicrosoftWord)
' Activate Microsoft Excel again
AppActivate title
End Sub
Microsoft provides examples of Visual Basic for Applications procedures for
illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including,
but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness
for a particular purpose. The Visual Basic procedures in this article are
provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that they can be used in
all situations. While Microsoft Support professionals can help explain the
functionality of a particular macro, they will not modify these examples to
provide added functionality, nor will they help you construct macros to
meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you
may want to consult one of the Microsoft Solution Providers. Solution
Providers offer a wide range of fee-based services, including creating
custom macros. For more information about Microsoft Solution Providers,
call Microsoft Customer Information Service at (800) 426-9400.
For more information about the AppActivate Statement, choose the Search button in the Visual Basic Reference and type:
For more information about the ActivateMicrosoftApp Method, choose the
Search button in the Visual Basic Reference and type:
ActivateMicrosoftApp Method
Additional reference words: 7.00 5.00
Keywords : kbprg
Version : 5.00 5.00c 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 17, 1999