XL: Macro Examples Using XLODBC Functions

ID: Q124218

The information in this article applies to:


In the versions of Microsoft Excel mentioned at the beginning of this article, you can use the Microsoft ODBC add-in for Microsoft Excel (XLODBC.XLA) to create macros that interact directly with ODBC through the ODBC driver manager. XLODBC.XLA contains Visual Basic for Applications functions as well as Microsoft Excel version 4.0 macro language functions.

This article provides examples using Visual Basic for Applications functions.

Note that XLODBC.XLA does not use Microsoft Query to retrieve data through ODBC (This behavior is different from the Microsoft Query add-in, XLQUERY.XLA).


The following table lists the XLODBC.XLA Visual Basic functions.

This function            Does the following

SQLBind                  Specifies storage for a result column

SQLClose                 Closes a data source connection

SQLError                 Returns detailed error information

SQLExecQuery             Sends a query to a data source

SQLGetSchema             Gets information about a connected data source

SQLOpen                  Establishes a connection to a data source

SQLRetrieve              Retrieves query results

SQLRetrieveToFile        Retrieves query results and places them in a file

SQLRequest               Connects with an external data source, performs
                         the query, and returns the result set

Tips for Using the XLODBC.XLA Functions

Using the Sample Macros

Most of the examples in this article use a sample data source called "NWIND." To successfully use these examples, you must create a dBASE IV data source named NWIND that uses the sample dBASE IV files included with Microsoft Excel.

Sample Visual Basic Code

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:


Sample 1:   Using SQLOpen to Connect to an External Data Source and to
            Determine a Connection String

            The following example demonstrates how you can use SQLOpen to
            connect to a data source and then determine the connection
            string. When you run this sample code, the "Select Data Source"
            dialog box is displayed to allow you to select a data source.
            After you have selected a data source, the connection string
            for the established connection will be returned to the active
            cell on the active sheet. To use this example, do the

             a. Enter the following macro code in a module sheet:

                Sub UsingSQLOpen()

                   Dim Chan As Variant

                   ' Establish a connection to any data source and place
                   ' the connection string to the selected data source in
                   ' the active cell.
                   Chan = SQLOpen("", ActiveCell)

                   ' Close the connection to the selected data source.
                   SQLClose (Chan)

                End Sub

             b. Activate an empty worksheet and run the UsingSQLOpen macro.

            If the macro is successful, you will be prompted to select a
            data source. Select any data source and the macro will place
            the connection string in the active cell on the active sheet.

Sample 2:   Using SQLRetrieve to Return External Data to a Worksheet

            The following example queries the Orders table in the NWind
            data source and returns the data to the active sheet starting
            at cell A1. This sample macro queries the ORDERS.DBF table to
            retrieve the ORDER_ID and CUSTMR_ID values, where EMPLOY_ID is
            equal to '555'. To use this example, do the following:

             a. Enter the following code in a module sheet:

                Sub RetrieveData()

                   Dim Chan As Variant

                   ' Establish a connection to the NWind data source.
                   Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=Nwind")

                   ' Execute a query to retrieve the ORDER_ID and CUSTMR_ID
                   ' from the Orders table where EMPLOY_ID is 555.
                   SQLExecQuery Chan, _
                    "SELECT Order_id, Custmr_id FROM Orders.dbf WHERE " & _

                   ' Return the data to cell A1 on the active sheet.
                   SQLRetrieve Chan, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), , , True

                   ' Close the connection to the NWind data source.
                   SQLClose (Chan)

                End Sub

             b. Activate an empty worksheet and run the RetrieveData macro.

            If the macro is run successfully, two columns of data will be
            returned to the active sheet at cell A1.

Sample 3:   Using SQLError to Report Errors from XLODBC.XLA Functions

            The following example demonstrates how you can use SQLError to
            report errors that may be encountered while you use XLODBC.XLA
            commands. The SQLOpen in this example will return an error if
            you do not have an ODBC data source named "Just Testing." If an
            error is encountered, the function SQLError will return a
            variant array. The variant array will contain one row for each
            error generated and each row will contain the following:

             - A character string indicating the ODBC error class and

             - A numeric value indicating the data source native error

             - A text message describing the error.

            If there are no errors from a previous ODBC function call, this
            function returns only the #N/A error value. To use this
            example, do the following:

             a. Enter the following two macros in a module sheet:

                Sub XLODBCErrHandler()

                   Dim ErrMsgs As Variant
                   Dim ErrCode As Variant

                   ' Call SQLError to return error values to the variant
                   ' ErrMsgs.
                   ErrMsgs = SQLError()

                   ' Display each item in the ErrMsgs variant array.
                   For Each ErrCode In ErrMsgs
                      MsgBox ErrCode

                End Sub

                Sub ProduceError()

                   Dim Chan As Variant

                   ' Establish a connection to a nonexistent data source.
                   Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=Just Testing")

                   ' If there was a problem establishing a connection,
                   ' SQLOpen will return an error to the variable Chan. If
                   ' Chan is an error then call the procedure
                   ' XLODBCErrHandler to display the error message.

                   If IsError(Chan) Then
                      Exit Sub
                   End If

                   ' Close the connection if one was established.
                   SQLClose (Chan)

                End Sub

             b. Run the ProduceError macro.

            If a connection cannot be made to the data source "Just
            Testing," dialog boxes will be displayed to describe the error
            that was encountered while attempting to connect to the data

Sample 4:   Using SQLGetSchema to Get Table Names in a Database

            The following example uses SQLGetSchema to determine the
            name of the database or selected folder on the connection to
            the NWind data source. Then, once you know the name of the
            database or selected folder, you can use SQLGetSchema once
            more to determine the names of all the tables in the database
            or selected folder. To use this example, do the following:

             a. Enter the following macro code in a module sheet:

                Sub GetTableNames()

                   Dim Chan As Variant
                   Dim TableNames, TName As Variant
                   Dim DatabaseName As Variant

                   ' Establish a connection to the NWind data source.
                   Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=NWind")

                   ' Get the name of the database on the connection
                   DatabaseName = SQLGetSchema(Chan, 7)

                   ' Get the table names for the database on the
                   ' connection.
                   TableNames = SQLGetSchema(Chan, 4, DatabaseName & ".")

                   ' Display the name of each table.
                   For Each TName In TableNames
                     MsgBox TName
                   Next TName

                   ' Close the connection to the NWind data source.
                   SQLClose (Chan)

                End Sub

             b. Run the GetTableNames macro.

            If this macro is run successfully, dialog boxes will be
            displayed containing the name of each sample dBASE table.

Sample 5:   Using SQLGetSchema to Get the Field Names in a Table

            The following example uses SQLGetSchema to retrieve the field
            names for each field in the ORDERS table in the Nwind Data
            Source. To use this example, do the following:

             a. Enter the following macro code in a module sheet:

                Sub GetFieldNames()

                   Dim Chan As Variant
                   Dim Fields As Variant
                   Dim i As Integer

                   ' Establish a connection to the NWind data source.
                   Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=NWind")

                   ' Get the field names for the ORDERS table.
                   Fields = SQLGetSchema(Chan, 5, "ORDERS")

                   ' Fields is a two-dimension Variant array; each row
                   ' contains field name and the field type. Display an
                   ' alert message for each row to show each field name.

                   For i = 1 To UBound(Fields)
                      MsgBox Fields(i, 1)
                   Next i

                   ' Close the connection.
                   SQLClose (Chan)

                End Sub

             b. Run the GetFieldNames macro.

            If the macro runs successfully, a dialog box will be displayed
            for each field name in the ORDERS table.

Sample 6:   Using SQLBind to Specify Where Data Will Be Returned to a

            The following example runs a query to return three columns
            from the Orders table in Nwind. The three fields (Order_ID,
            Custmr_ID, and Order_Amt) are then bound to specific columns in
            the active sheet. Order_ID is bound to column A, Custmr_ID is
            bound to column D and Order_Amt is bound to column B. To use
            this example, do the following:

             a. Enter the following code in a module sheet:

                Sub UsingSQLBind()

                   Dim Chan As Variant
                   Dim NumRows, NumCols As Variant

                   ' Establish a connection to the NWind data source.
                   Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=NWind")

                   ' Run a query to the Orders table to retrieve the
                   ' fields: Order_ID, Custmr_ID, Order_Amt.

                   NumCols = SQLExecQuery(Chan, _
                      "SELECT Order_ID, Custmr_ID, " & _
                      "Order_Amt FROM Orders.Dbf")

                   ' Bind the first column (Order_ID) to cell A1 of the
                   ' Activesheet, Bind the second column (Custmr_ID) to
                   ' cell D1 of the Activesheet, Bind the third column
                   ' (Order_Amt) to cell B1 of the active sheet.
                   SQLBind Chan, 1, Range("A1")
                   SQLBind Chan, 2, Range("D1")
                   SQLBind Chan, 3, Range("B1")

                   ' Return the data and the field names.

                   NumRows = SQLRetrieve(Chan, , , , True)

                   ' Close the connection to the NWind data source.
                   SQLClose (Chan)

                End Sub

             b. Activate an empty worksheet, and then run the UsingSQLBind

Sample 7:   Retrieve Records to an Array using SQLRequest

            You can use the SQLRequest function to return records into an
            array. The following example demonstrates how to query a table
            and return the result set to an array. To use this example, do
            the following:

             a. Enter the following code in a module sheet:

                Sub ReturnDataToArray()

                   Dim EmpNames As Variant

                   ' Query the EMPLOYEE table in the NWind data source for
                   ' the first and last name of each employee and return
                   ' the result set to the variant array EmpNames.

                   EmpNames = SQLRequest("DSN=NWind", _
                      "Select Last_Name, First_Name from EMPLOYEE")

                   ' For each row in the array Empnames, display the first
                   ' and last name of the employee.

                   For i = 1 To UBound(EmpNames, 1)
                      MsgBox EmpNames(i, 1) & "," & EmpNames(i, 2)

                End Sub

             b. Run the ReturnDataToArray macro.

            If the macro is run successfully, a dialog box will be
            displayed containing the first and last name of each employee
            in the EMPLOYEE.DBF table.

Sample 8:   Using Long SQL Query Strings

            NOTE: There is a maximum limit of 255 characters in a
            SQL query string. You may also receive GPFs if the length
            exceeds 127 characters. Use the method below to workaround
            these issues.

            If you use a long SQL query, you can choose to pass the SQL
            query to SQLRetrieve or SQLRequest as a Variant data type
            rather than a String data type. The following example
            demonstrates how this can be done. To use this example, do the

             a. Enter the following code on a module sheet:

                Function StringToArray(Query As String) As Variant

                   Const StrLen = 127 ' Set the maximum string length for
                                      ' each element in the array to return
                                      ' to 127 characters.
                   Dim NumElems As Integer
                   Dim Temp() As String

                   ' Divide the length of the string Query by StrLen and
                   ' add 1 to determine how many elements the String array
                   ' Temp should contain, and redimension the Temp array to
                   ' contain this number of elements.

                   NumElems = (Len(Query) / StrLen) + 1
                   ReDim Temp(1 To NumElems) As String

                   ' Build the Temp array by sequentially extracting 127
                   ' segments of the Query string into each element of the
                   ' Temp array.

                   For i = 1 To NumElems
                      Temp(i) = Mid(Query, ((i - 1) * StrLen) + 1, StrLen)
                   Next i

                   ' Set the function StringToArray to the Temp array so it
                   ' can be returned to the calling procedure.

                   StringToArray = Temp

                End Function

                Sub ExecuteLongSQL()

                   Dim Chan As Variant
                   Dim LongSQL As String
                   Dim NumRows, NumCols As Variant

                   ' Set LongSQL to a long query (> 127 characters).
                   ' The following statement should be entered as one
                   ' single line.

                   LongSQL = "SELECT CUSTMR_ID, EMPLOY_ID, ORDER_AMT, " & _
                    & "'555' AND ORDER_AMT>=100"

                   ' Establish a connection to the data source NWind.
                   Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=NWind")

                   ' Execute the long query statement by passing
                   ' SQLExecQuery, a variant array which is returned from
                   ' the function StringToArray.

                   NumCols = SQLExecQuery(Chan, StringToArray(LongSQL))

                   ' Return the data to the Active cell on the Active
                   ' sheet.
                   NumRows = SQLRetrieve(Chan, ActiveCell)

                   ' Close the channel established to NWind.
                   SQLClose Chan

                End Sub

             b. Activate an empty worksheet and then run the ExecuteLongSQL

Sample 9:   How to Execute a Stored Procedure Using SQLExecQuery

             Sub ExecuteStoredProcedure()

             Dim Chan As Variant

             'Open a channel to a SQL Server data source
             Chan = SQLOpen("DSN=SQLServer")

             'Execute the stored procedure "sp_who" and return the
             'results to the activecell on the active sheet.
             SQLExecQuery Chan, "Execute sp_who"

             SQLRetrieve Chan, ActiveCell

             'Terminate the channel
             SQLClose Chan

             End Sub


"Microsoft Excel User's Guide," Chapter 23

For more information on a specific XLODBC.XLA function, click the Search button in Visual Basic Reference Help, type the appropriate function name, and click the Show Topics button.

For information about the SQL query 255 character limit, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q114992
   TITLE     : GP Fault in XLODBC.DLL Using SQLExecQuery or SQLRequest

Additional query words: 5.00 5.00a 5.00c 7.00 7.00a greater larger odbc xl97 xl vba odbc
Keywords          : kbprg kbualink97 kbdta kbdtacode PgmOthr PgmHowto KbVBA 
Version           : WINDOWS:5.0,5.0c,7.0,7.0a,97; MACINTOSH:5.0,5.0a
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: May 17, 1999