Excel: 'To_reference' Cannot be Enlarged Multiple of 'From_ref

ID: Q89716

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The "Microsoft Excel Function Reference," version 4.0, states that for the "to_reference" in the CUT() command, the reference can "...be a single cell or an enlarged multiple of from_reference. For example, if from_reference is a 2 by 4 rectangle, to_reference can be a 4 by 8 rectangle." However, specifying a reference that is an enlarged multiple of the "from_reference" results in the error, "Cut and paste areas are different shapes."


When cutting and pasting data or using the CUT() function, the selected destination must be a single cell or a range of cells exactly the same size and shape as the source. Using an enlarged multiple of cells only works when copying and pasting data or using the COPY() function.


"Microsoft Excel Function Reference," version 4.0, page 89

Additional query words: documentation error docerr

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Last Reviewed: March 29, 1999