ID: Q159705
The information in this article applies to:
There are two ways to group option buttons on a UserForm. To group the controls, do either of the following:
Neither method is better than the other one. The method you use depends on how you want to implement the project and whether you want to use a Frame control for each group on the UserForm or use macro code.
This article contains macro examples that use both methods. This article also contains an example that illustrates a third method that does not require grouping of option buttons.
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:
In this example, you create a UserForm that contains a CommandButton, and three OptionButtons within a Frame control. The advantage of having the option buttons within the frame is that the frame control creates a collection of controls for the frame. This collection of option buttons in the Frame control works well with the For Each...Next loop.
1. Open a new workbook and start the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Insert a UserForm and module sheet into the project.
3. Draw a Frame control on the UserForm.
4. Draw three OptionButton controls on the Frame control.
5. Draw a CommandButton control on the UserForm (outside the Frame
6. On the module sheet you inserted in Step 2, add the following code:
Sub Frame_Options()
End Sub
7. Double-click the CommandButton on the UserForm to display the code
module that is associated with the UserForm.
8. On the code module, type the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Control
For Each x in Frame1.Controls 'Loop through the option buttons
'within the Frame
If x.Value = True Then
MsgBox x.Caption 'Display the name of the selected
End If 'option button
End Sub
9. Run the Frame_Options macro on the general module.
The UserForm is displayed with none of the option buttons selected.
10. Click any one of the option buttons.
11. Click the command button.
A message box appears with the caption of the currently selected option
12. Close the UserForm.
If you do not use a Frame control to group your option buttons, then it is harder to programmatically determine which option button is the selected option. You can set the GroupName property for a set of option buttons to the same value. This ensures that if you click one option button the other buttons are turned off (all option buttons in a group are mutually exclusive). However, you must determine which option button is the one that is turned on.
1. Open a new workbook and start the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Insert a UserForm and a module sheet into the project.
3. Draw three OptionButton controls on the UserForm and set the GroupName
property for each one to "mygroup1" (without the quotation marks).
4. Repeat Step 3 and use "mygroup2" (without the quotation marks) for the
NOTE: The macro provided below does not address this second group. It
is added to the UserForm to illustrate how to programmatically identify
option buttons in specific groups (in this case, in "mygroup1").
5. Draw a CommandButton control on the UserForm.
6. Double-click the CommandButton to display the code module associated
with the UserForm, and type the following code for the command button
click event:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Control
'Loop through all of the controls in the userform.
For Each x in UserForm1.Controls
'Check for the string "Option" within the caption of each
If InStr(x.Caption, "Option") Then
'Check the group name.
If x.GroupName = "mygroup1" Then
'Check the status of the option button.
If x.Value = True Then
MsgBox x.Caption
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
7. On the module sheet you inserted into the project in Step 2,
type the following code:
Sub No_Frame_Options()
UserForm1.Show 'Displays the UserForm
End Sub
8. Run the No_Frame_Options macro.
The UserForm appears.
9. Click any of the first three option buttons (that you added in step 3)
on the UserForm, and then click the command button.
A message box appears and displays the caption of the currently
selected option button from "mygroup1".
10. Close the UserForm.
A third method for working with option buttons on a UserForm requires neither a Frame control nor a common GroupName. This method uses macro code, which is assigned to the Click event for each option button you create on the UserForm, to set the value of a global variable to the name of the selected option button. If you create multiple groups of option buttons, you can use a different global variable for each group.
1. Open a new workbook and start the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Insert a UserForm and a module sheet into the project.
3. Draw three OptionButton controls on the UserForm.
4. Draw a CommandButton control on the UserForm.
5. Double-click the "OptionButton1" control.
This step displays the code module that is associated with the
6. Type the following macro code on this module sheet:
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
myoption = "option button 1"
End Sub
7. Double-click the "OptionButton2" control.
This step displays the code module associated with the UserForm.
8. Type the following macro code on this module sheet:
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()
myoption = "option button 2"
End Sub
9. Double-click the "OptionButton3" control.
This step displays the code module that is associated with the
10. Type the following macro code on this module sheet:
Private Sub OptionButton3_Click()
myoption = "option button 3"
End Sub
11. Double-click the CommandButton to display the code module that is
associated with the UserForm and type the following code for the
command button click event:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox myoption 'display the current value of the global
End Sub
12. On the code module that is associated with the UserForm click the
Object drop-down, click "(General)," and then click "(Declarations)" in
the Procedure list. Type the following code in this section of the code
Public myoption As String
13. In the General module you inserted into the project in Step 2, type
the following code:
Sub Show_UserForm()
End Sub
14. Run the Show_UserForm macro.
Your UserForm appears.
15. Click any one of the option buttons, and then click the command button.
A message box appears that displays the name of the selected option
16. Click OK in the message box, and then close the UserForm.
For more information about grouping option buttons, click the Index tab in Microsoft Excel Visual Basic Help, type the following text
groupname property
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "GroupName Property"
Additional query words: XL97
Keywords : kbprg kbdta kbdtacode xlvbainfo KbVBA
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 18, 1999