XL98: Options Not Available in Macro Options Dialog Box

ID: Q179004

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition, if you click the Tools menu, point to Macro, click Macros, and then click Options, the Macro Options dialog box does not contain as many controls as in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel.


Some controls were removed from the Macro Options dialog box in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition.


Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:


Most functionality originally provided by the controls in the Macro Options dialog box is available when you run a macro that uses the MacroOptions method.

The MacroOptions method in Microsoft Excel uses the syntax:

   Application.MacroOptions Macro:=<macroname>, <optional arguments>

where <macroname> is the name of the macro whose options you want to change. The optional arguments are separated by commas.

Each control in the Macro Options dialog box has a corresponding optional argument that you can add to the MacroOptions method. The following table lists the controls previously available in the Macro Options dialog box and the optional argument that allows you to change the setting in question:

   Control              MacroOptions Optional Argument
   Description box      Description:=<variant, a description of the

   Menu Item In         HasMenu:=<variant, True or False>*
   'Tools' Menu check

   Menu Text box        MenuText:=<variant, the text that should appear
                        on the Tools menu>*

   Keyboard Shortcut    HasShortcutKey:=<variant, True or False>
   check box

   Option+Cmd+ box      ShortcutKey:=<variant, a text string containing a
                        single letter, either uppercase or lowercase>

   Function Category    Category:=<variant, a number that specifies the
   list box             macro function category>

   Status Bar Text      StatusBar:=<variant, text to appear in the status
   box                  bar when the user points to a menu item
                        assigned to the macro>

   Help Context ID      HelpContextId:=<variant, a number that specifies
   For This Macro       the context ID for the Help topic assigned to
   box                  the macro>

   Help File Name       HelpFile:=<variant, the name of the Help file
   box                  assigned to the macro>

For example, assume you have a macro called "Test" and you want to set the following options for the macro.

   Option            Value
   Description       This is my test macro.
   Shortcut Key      yes, OPTION+COMMAND+j
   Status Bar Text   Test Macro written by J. Tech
   Help Context ID   15
   Help File Name    Help Files:My Help File

You can set these options by executing the following command in a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications macro:

   Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Test", _
      Description:="This is my test macro.", HasShortcutKey:=True, _
      ShortcutKey:="j", StatusBar:="Test Macro written by J. Tech", _
      HelpContextId:=15, HelpFile:="Help Files:My Help File"

Because the Macro Options dialog box in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition does not contain all of the same controls as in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, this is the only method you can use to set most of the macro options.

Note: The arguments marked above with an asterisk (*), HasMenu and MenuText, are ignored in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition. This functionality is no longer available.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q157203
   TITLE     : XL97: Cannot Add Macros to the Tools Menu


This behavior is by design of Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition.


The Macro Options dialog box in Microsoft Excel version 5.0 contains the following controls.

   Control              Function
   Description box      Allows you to set a description of your macro.

   Menu Item In         If selected, the macro appears on your Tools
   'Tools' Menu check   menu when the workbook containing the macro
   box                  is open.

   Menu Text box        Allows you to change the name of the macro as
                        it appears on the Tools menu.

   Keyboard Shortcut    If selected, allows you to assign a shortcut
   check box            key to your macro.

   Option+Cmd+ box      Allows you to change the shortcut key assigned
                        to your macro. Allowed values are a-z and A-Z.

   Function Category    Allows you to select the function category to
   list box             which the macro belongs. This is usually used
                        by function macros, as it determines how your
                        macro is displayed in the Function Wizard.

   Status Bar Text      StatusBar:=<variant, text to appear in the status
   box                  bar when the user points to a menu item
                        assigned to the macro>

   Help Context ID      HelpContextId:=<variant, a number that specifies
   For This Macro       the context ID for the Help topic assigned to
   box                  the macro>

   Help File Name       Allows you to assign a Help file to the macro.

In Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition, the Macro Options dialog box contains fewer controls.

   Control              Function
   Description box      Allows you to set a description of your

   Option+Cmd+ box      Allows you to change the shortcut key assigned
                        to your macro. Allowed values are a-z and A-Z.

You can only change settings for other controls by using a macro using the MacroOptions method.

Additional query words: XL98 VBE VBA

Keywords          : kbcode kbprg xlui xlvbahowto xlvbmigrate 
Version           : MACINTOSH:98
Platform          : MACINTOSH
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: June 30, 1999