The information in this article applies to:
- Professional Edition of Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows, version 3.0
The status of database objects after a search operation (FindFirst or Seek)
is not clearly documented. Data Controls, Dynasets, and Snapshots all
maintain a valid record while Table objects actually have "No Current
Record" after an unsuccessful Seek (NoMatch = true).
In addition, there are two documentation errors:
- The "Language Reference" manual gives incorrect information regarding
the FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, and FindPrevious methods in the
second paragraph on Page 200:
If no matching records are found, the NoMatch property is TRUE and the
current record remains the same as before the Find method was used.
- The "Language Reference" manual gives incorrect information regarding
the Seek method in the first paragraph on Page 504:
NOTE: Always inspect the value of the NoMatch property of the
recordset to determine whether the SEEK method has succeeded. If it
fails, NoMatch is TRUE and the current record is unchanged"
Both statements are incorrect with regard to the position of the current
record. The behavior of the current record depends on the type of object
that has been used in the search method (FindFirst or Seek). The behavior
of Visual Basic data objects is outlined below.
FindFirst - Data Controls and Dynasets
By in large these objects behave as would be expected. When the Find method
fails to find a match the NoMatch property of the RecordSet is set to TRUE.
However, the current record does change. It is set to the first record in
the recordset.
Seek - Table Objects
When the Seek method fails to find a match, the NoMatch property of the
RecordSet is set to TRUE, as it is with the Find method. However, the
current record also changes. In fact it becomes invalid, so that it returns
the error message, "No Current Record" if you attempt to access it.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
- Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- Add three command buttons (Command1, Command2, and Command3) to the
lower-right corner of Form1 and change their Caption properties to:
Create DB, Seek, and Find.
- Add the following code to the Command1_Click event procedure:
Sub Command1_Click ()
Const DB_LANG_GENERAL = ";LANGID=0x0809;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
Const DB_DOUBLE = 7
Const DB_TEXT = 10
Dim db As Database
Dim tb As table
Set db = CreateDatabase(App.Path + "\NUMBERS.MDB", DB_LANG_GENERAL)
Dim td As New tabledef
Dim F1 As New field
Dim F2 As New field
td.Name = "Amounts"
F1.Name = "Desc"
F1.Type = DB_TEXT
F1.Size = 35
td.Fields.Append F1
F2.Name = "Num1"
td.Fields.Append F2
db.TableDefs.Append td
Dim TempIndex As New Index
TempIndex.Name = "test"
TempIndex.Fields = "num1"
db.TableDefs("Amounts").Indexes.Append TempIndex
Set tb = db.OpenTable("Amounts")
For I = 0 To 10
tb.Fields("Desc") = "hello" & I
tb.Fields("Num1") = CDbl(I * 10)
Next I
End Sub
- Add the following code to the Command2_Click event procedure:
Sub Command2_Click ()
On Error GoTo eh
Dim db As Database
Dim tb As table
Set db = OpenDatabase(App.Path + "\NUMBERS.MDB")
Set tb = db.OpenTable("Amounts")
Print "====Test of Seek Method===="
tb.Index = "test"
Print "MoveFirst Values= "; tb(0); tb(1)
tb.Seek "=", 50 ' Finds valid record.
Print "Seek = 50 NoMatch="; tb.NoMatch; " Values= "; tb(0); tb(1)
Print "MoveNext Values= "; tb(0); tb(1)
tb.Seek "=", 500 ' Doesn't find valid record.
Print "Seek = 500 NoMatch="; tb.NoMatch; " Values= "; tb(0); tb(1)
Exit Sub
Print "*** Error Occurred displaying Current Record ***"
Resume Next
End Sub
- Add the following code to the Command3_Click event procedure:
Sub Command3_Click ()
Dim db As Database
Dim ds As Dynaset ' OR Dim ds As snapshot
Set db = OpenDatabase(App.Path + "\NUMBERS.MDB")
Set ds = db.CreateDynaset("Amounts")
' OR Set ds = db.CreateSnapshot("Amounts")
Print "====Test of FindFirst Method===="
Print "MoveFirst Values= "; ds(0); ds("Num1")
ds.FindFirst "num1 = 50"
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
Print "FindFirst 50 NoMatch="; ds.NoMatch; " Values= ";
ds(0); ds("Num1")
Print "MoveNext Values= "; ds(0); ds("Num1")
ds.FindFirst "num1 = 500"
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
Print "FindFirst 500 NoMatch="; ds.NoMatch; " Values= ";
ds(0); ds("Num1")
End Sub
- Press the F5 key to run the program. Click the Command1 button to
create the NUMBER.MDB database. Then click the Command2 button to
perform a Seek on the NUMBERS.MDB database, and click the Command3
button to perform a FindFirst on the NUMBERS.MDB database. Review the
results that are printed on Form1.