Excel: Can't Evaluate Link to Closed Document in Formula BarID: Q81025
A portion of an Excel formula can be evaluated in the formula bar by
highlighting it and pressing COMMAND+= (equals sign) (F9 in Excel for
Windows). Links to closed documents will return a #REF! error when
evaluated in this way.
Microsoft Excel versions 3.0 and 4.0 will evaluate both complex and
simple references to closed documents in cells but not in the formula
bar. To determine the value of a link to a closed document, type the
external reference by itself into a cell on the spreadsheet.
For a definition of simple and complex links in Excel, query on the
following words:
definition and simple and complex and links
"Microsoft Excel User's Guide," for the Macintosh, version 3.0, pages 288- 289
Additional query words: 3.0 4.00
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Last Reviewed: March 23, 1999