How to Convert a Text File into a New Access DatabaseID: Q103807
This article shows by example how to build a Microsoft Access database from scratch without having a database or database template already built. Then it shows how to load that database from data supplied by a standard ASCII text file.
Control Property New Value
Command1 Caption "Press to Build Text File and Display in Grid"
Command2 Caption "Press to Transfer Data and Build New DB"
Command3 Caption "Press to Display the Data of the New Database"
Grid1 Cols 5
Grid1 Rows 35
Grid2 Cols 5
Grid2 Rows 35
Dim nums(30) As Long
Dim names(30) As String * 20
Dim addresses(30) As String * 25
Dim ss_nums(30) As String * 12
Const DB_LONG = 4
Const DB_TEXT = 10
Const DB_LANG_GENERAL = ";LANGID=0x0809;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
Sub Form_Load ()
grid1.ColWidth(1) = 1000 'For Emp ID
grid1.ColWidth(2) = 2000 'For Emp Name
grid1.ColWidth(3) = 3000 'For Emp Addr
grid1.ColWidth(4) = 2000 'For Emp SSN
grid1.Col = 1
grid1.Row = 0
grid1.Text = "Emp ID" 'Header for Emp ID from text file
grid1.Col = 2
grid1.Row = 0
grid1.Text = "Emp Name" 'Header for Emp Name from text file
grid1.Col = 3
grid1.Row = 0
grid1.Text = "Emp Addr" 'Header for Emp Addr from text file
grid1.Col = 4
grid1.Row = 0
grid1.Text = "Emp SSN" 'Header for Emp SSN from text file
grid2.ColWidth(1) = 1000 'For Emp ID
grid2.ColWidth(2) = 2000 'For Emp Name
grid2.ColWidth(3) = 3000 'For Emp Addr
grid2.ColWidth(4) = 2000 'For Emp SSN
grid2.Col = 1
grid2.Row = 0
grid2.Text = "Employee ID" 'Header for Emp ID from DB
grid2.Col = 2
grid2.Row = 0
grid2.Text = "Employee Name" 'Header for Emp Name from DB
grid2.Col = 3
grid2.Row = 0
grid2.Text = "Employee Addr" 'Header for Emp ID from DB
grid2.Col = 4
grid2.Row = 0
grid2.Text = "Employee SSN" 'Header for Emp Name from DB
End Sub
Sub Command1_Click ()
For i% = 1 To 30
nums(i%) = i%
names(i%) = "John Doe # " + Str$(i%)
addresses(i%) = Str$(i%) + " Mocking Bird Lane"
If i% < 9 Then
'* Enter the following four lines as one, single line:
ss_nums(i%) = Trim$(Str$(i%) + Trim$(Str$(i%))
+ Trim$(Str$(i%)) + "-" + Trim$(Str$(i% + 1))
+ Trim$(Str$(i% + 1)) + "-" + Trim$(Str$(i%))
+ Trim$(Str$(i%)) + Trim$(Str$(i%)) + Trim$(Str$(i%)))
'* Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
ss_nums(i%) = Trim$(Trim$(Str$(999)) + "-" + Trim$(Str$(88))
+ "-" + Trim$(Str$(7777)))
End If
Next i%
Open "Testdata.DAT" For Output As #1
For j% = 1 To 30
Print #1, nums(j%)
Print #1, names(j%)
Print #1, addresses(j%)
Print #1, ss_nums(j%)
Next j%
Close #1
For i% = 1 To 30 'Display results from text file
grid1.Col = 1
grid1.Row = i%
grid1.Text = nums(i%) 'Load Emp IDs
grid1.Col = 2
grid1.Row = i%
grid1.Text = names(i%) 'Load Emp Names
grid1.Col = 3
grid1.Row = i%
grid1.Text = addresses(i%) 'Load Emp Addrs
grid1.Col = 4
grid1.Row = i%
grid1.Text = ss_nums(i%) 'Load Emp SSNs
Next i%
End Sub
Sub Command2_Click ()
Dim newdb As Database
Dim newtb As Table
Dim newtd As New tabledef
Dim newidx As New Index
Dim field1 As New field 'For Emp nums
Dim field2 As New field 'For Emp names
Dim field3 As New field 'For Emp addresses
Dim field4 As New field 'For Emp ss_nums
screen.MousePointer = 11 'Display the time to build
Set newdb = CreateDatabase("NEWDB.MDB", DB_LANG_GENERAL)
newtd.Name = "Emp_Table" '* New table name
field1.Name = "Emp_ID" '* Holds Employee ID nums()
field1.Type = DB_LONG
newtd.Fields.Append field1
field2.Name = "Emp_Name" '* Holds Emp names()
field2.Type = DB_TEXT
field2.Size = 20
newtd.Fields.Append field2
field3.Name = "Emp_Addr" '* Holds Employee addr()
field3.Type = DB_TEXT
field3.Size = 25
newtd.Fields.Append field3
field4.Name = "Emp_SSN" '* Holds emp ss_nums()
field4.Type = DB_TEXT
field4.Size = 12
newtd.Fields.Append field4
newidx.Name = "Emp_ID_IDX" '* You have to have an index
newidx.Fields = "Emp_ID"
newidx.Primary = True
newtd.Indexes.Append newidx
newdb.TableDefs.Append newtd
Set newtb = newdb.OpenTable("Emp_Table")
Open "Testdata.dat" For Input As #1
Do While Not (EOF(1))
Line Input #1, tmp1$ 'Retrieve empl_id
Line Input #1, tmp2$ 'Retrieve empl_name
Line Input #1, tmp3$ 'Retrieve empl_addr
Line Input #1, tmp4$
newtb("Emp_ID") = Trim$(tmp1$) 'Place in field1
newtb("Emp_Name") = Trim$(tmp2$) 'Place in field2
newtb("Emp_Addr") = Trim$(tmp3$) 'Place in field3
newtb("Emp_SSN") = Trim$(tmp4$) 'Place in field4
newtb.Update 'Save to table
Close #1 'Close text file
newtb.Close 'Close DB's table
newdb.Close 'Close DB
screen.MousePointer = 0 'Set back to show done
End Sub
Sub Command3_Click ()
Dim db As Database
Dim t As Table
Dim counter%
Set db = OpenDatabase("NEWDB.MDB")
Set t = db.OpenTable("Emp_Table")
counter% = 1 'Start counter at Row=1
Do Until t.EOF
grid2.Col = 1
grid2.Row = counter%
grid2.Text = t(0) 'Load Emp ID
grid2.Col = 2
grid2.Row = counter%
grid2.Text = t(1) 'Load Emp Name
grid2.Col = 3
grid2.Row = counter%
grid2.Text = t(2) 'Load Emp Addr
grid2.Col = 4
grid2.Row = counter%
grid2.Text = t(3) 'Load Emp SSN
counter% = counter% + 1
End Sub
Additional query words: 3.00
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Last Reviewed: June 17, 1999