How to Send Attachment & Show Image in VB 3.0 Using Msmapi.vbx

ID: Q138534

3.00 WINDOWS kbinterop kbole kbhowto

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This article shows by example how to send a message with an attachment, where the attachment is the actual document (not an icon) and the object is visible in the body of the message. This can be accomplished using the MAPI controls supplied in Visual Basic 3.0.


Sending an attachment with a message using the MAPI custom controls is easy. You should first establish your MAPI Connection, and then go into Compose mode. For more information about this process, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q113033
   TITLE     : How to Send a Mail Message Using Visual Basic MAPI Controls

You would then start setting properties for the MAPI Messages control. The code for attaching a file follows:

   Form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentPathName = "C:\WINNT35\ARCADE.BMP"
   Form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentName = "ARCADE.BMP"
   Form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentType = 2  ' ATTACHTYPE_SOLE an SOLE is a
                                           ' static OLE object attachment

This code sends the attachment with the rest of the message, but the attachment shows up within the message body as an icon. In order to view the actual data, you must double-click the icon and start the necessary application, which may not be what you need.

Step-by-Step Example to Send True Image of Attachment Within Message Body

The following example shows how to send the attachment within the message body and have it display as its true image. (Please note that the code below was created using MSMail as the mail client.)

1. Create a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

2. Place the following controls on Form1:

   Control                 Name
   OLE Control             OLE1
   MAPI Session Control    MapiSession1
   MAPI Messages Control   MapiMessages1
   One Command Button      saveOLE
   One Command Button      sendMessage

3. Add the following code to the general declarations section of Form1:

   Dim vstAttachedOLEFile As String

   'MAPI constants from CONSTANT.TXT file:
   Const MESSAGE_SEND = 3
   Const OLE_SAVE_TO_OLE1FILE = 18
   Const RECIPTYPE_TO = 1

4. Add the following code to the appropriate event procedures:

   Sub saveOLE_Click ()

      Dim iFileNum As Integer

      ' Get a free file handle
      iFileNum = FreeFile

      ' So it won't raise an error if the file doesn't exist, disable error
      ' checking.
      On Error Resume Next
      vstAttachedOLEFile = "c:\temp\test.bmp"
      Kill vstAttachedOLEFile
      On Error GoTo 0

      ' Set the SourceDoc property to the file you want to attach to the
      ' message.
      OLE1.SourceDoc = "C:\winnt35\arcade.bmp"

      ' Embed the file in the OLE control
      OLE1.Action = 0

      ' Open the file that will contain the OLE 1.0 compliant object
      ' information.
      Open vstAttachedOLEFile For Binary As #iFileNum
      OLE1.FileNumber = iFileNum

      ' Save the object as an OLE 1.0 compliant object.
      OLE1.Action = OLE_SAVE_TO_OLE1FILE

      Close iFileNum

   End Sub

   Sub sendMessage_Click ()

      ' Open up a MAPI session:
      MapiSession1.Action = SESSION_SIGNON

      ' Point the MAPI messages control to the open MAPI session:
      MapiMessages1.SessionID = form1.MapiSession1.SessionID

      ' Start a new message
      MapiMessages1.Action = MESSAGE_COMPOSE

      ' Set the subject of the message:
      MapiMessages1.MsgSubject = "This is the subject."

      ' Set the message content:
      MapiMessages1.MsgNoteText = "       This is the mail message."

      form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentIndex = _
      form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentPathName = vstAttachedOLEFile
      form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentName = vstAttachedOLEFile
      form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentType = ATTACHTYPE_EOLE
      form1.MapiMessages1.AttachmentPosition = 1

      ' Set the recipient type. RECIPTYPE_TO sends message to recipient:
      MapiMessages1.RecipType = RECIPTYPE_TO

      ' Set the recipient's E-Mail name.
      ' You can have multiple recipients separated by semicolons
      ' Change to a valid e-mail name
      MapiMessages1.RecipDisplayName = "joecool"

      ' MESSAGE_RESOLVENAME checks to ensure the recipient is valid and
      ' puts the recipient address in MapiMessages1.RecipAddress
      ' If the E-Mail name is not valid, a trappable error will occur.
      MapiMessages1.Action = MESSAGE_RESOLVENAME

      ' Send the message:
      MapiMessages1.Action = MESSAGE_SEND

      ' Close MAPI mail session:
      MapiSession1.Action = SESSION_SIGNOFF

   End Sub

NOTE: When Microsoft Mail was originally developed, the OLE 1.0 standard was still predominant. This is why the object must be saved into this version of an OLE object.

Additional reference words: 3.00 send KBCategory: kbinterop kbole kbhowto KBSubcategory: APrgOther

Keywords          : kbcode 
Version           : 3.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 23, 1998