How to Set Windows System Colors Using API and Visual BasicID: Q82158
This article describes how to use the GetSysColor and SetSysColors API functions to set the system colors for various parts of the display in Microsoft Windows. This allows you to change the Windows display programmatically, instead of using the Windows Control Panel.
Windows maintains an internal array of 19 color values that it uses to
paint the different parts of the Windows display. Changing any of
these values will affect all windows for all applications running
under Windows. Note that the SetSysColors routine only changes the
internal system list. This means that any changes made using
SetSysColors will only be valid for the current Windows session. To
make these changes permanent, you need to change the [COLORS] section
of the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI.
For more information on modifying the Windows initialization file
programmatically, query on the following words in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
GetProfileString and WriteProfileString
Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "User" (ByVal nIndex%) As Long
Declare Sub SetSysColors Lib "User" (ByVal nChanges%,
Parameter Definition
nIndex% Specifies the display element whose color
is to be retrieved. See the list below to
find the index value for the corresponding
display element.
nChanges% Specifies the number of system colors to
be changed.
lpSysColor% Identifies the array of integer indexes
that specify the elements to be changed.
lpColorValues& Identifies the array of long integers that
contain the new RGB color values for each
element to be changed.
Windows.H Definition Value Description
COLOR_SCROLLBAR 0 Scroll-bar gray area
COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION 2 Active window caption
COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION 3 Inactive window caption
COLOR_MENU 4 Menu background
COLOR_WINDOW 5 Window background
COLOR_MENUTEXT 7 Text in menus
COLOR_WINDOWTEXT 8 Text in windows
COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT 9 Text in caption, size box,
scroll bar arrow box
COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER 10 Active window border
COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER 11 Inactive window border
COLOR_APPWORKSPACE 12 Background color of multiple
document interface (MDI)
COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 13 Items selected item in a
COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT 14 Text of item selected in a
COLOR_BTNFACE 15 Face shading on push button
COLOR_BTNSHADOW 16 Edge shading on push button
COLOR_GRAYTEXT 17 Grayed (disabled) text. This
color is set to 0 if the
current display driver does not
support a solid gray color.
COLOR_BTNTEXT 18 Text on push buttons
Control Name Property Setting
Command button Command1 Caption = "Change all Colors"
Command button Command2 Caption = "Change selected Colors"
(In Visual Basic version 1.0 for Windows, set the CtlName
Property for the above objects instead of the Name property.)
Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "User" (ByVal nIndex%) As Long
' Enter the following Declare statement as one, single line:
Declare Sub SetSysColors Lib "User" (ByVal nChanges%, lpSysColor%,
Dim SavedColors(18) As Long
Sub Form_Load ()
' Save current system colors:
For i% = 0 To 18
SavedColors(i%) = GetSysColor(i%)
Next i%
End Sub
Sub Form1_Unload ()
' Restore system colors:
ReDim IndexArray(18) As Integer
For i% = 0 To 18
IndexArray(i%) = i%
Next i%
SetSysColors 19, IndexArray(0), SavedColors(0)
End Sub
Sub Command1_Click ()
' Change all display elements:
ReDim NewColors(18) As Long
ReDim IndexArray(18) As Integer
For i% = 0 to 18
NewColors(i%) = QBColor(Int(16 * Rnd))
IndexArray(i%) = i%
Next i%
SetSysColors 19, IndexArray(0), NewColors(0)
End Sub
Sub Command2_Click ()
' Change desktop, window frames, and active caption:
ReDim NewColors(18) As Long
ReDim IndexArray(18) As Integer
For i% = 0 to 18
NewColors(i%) = QBColor(Int(16 * Rnd))
IndexArray(i%) = i%
Next i%
SetSysColors 19, IndexArray(0), NewColors(0)
End Sub
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Last Reviewed: June 3, 1999