How to Use the Three Levels of Database Locking in VB 3.0

ID: Q113953

The information in this article applies to:


The Visual Basic 3.0 "Professional Features Book 2" manual provides information on the three different locking methods that you can use to control multi-user data access in your Visual Basic applications. This information applies primarily to the way the Access engine handles locking for Access and ISAM databases. Notes on ODBC databases are included. This article contains code samples that demonstrate each method. Notes on using the Data Control in a multi-user situation are also included.


Each of the samples below requires the following constant declarations in the General Declarations section of Form1:

Const MB_YESNO = 4
Const IDCANCEL = 2
Const IDNO = 7
Const DB_DENYREAD   = &H2
Const ERR_RESERVED = 3000
Const ERR_CANT_OPEN_DB = 3051
Const RERR_ExclusiveDBConflict = "-8194" 

The sample programs check for possible multi-user locking conflicts at the appropriate places in the code, and inform the user with a message box if a conflict is detected. In most cases the code allows the user to retry the operation or cancel. Note that the error handling in the samples is only for the purposes of trapping locking errors, and you will need much more extensive error handling code in an actual application. A short explanation follows each sample.

Step-by-Step Example for Level 1: Database Locking

This first example is the most restrictive. It opens the database object for exclusive use, which prevents all other users from accessing that database while it is open.
  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add a command button (Command1) and a list box (List1) to Form1.

  3. Add the following code to the Command1 click event procedure:
    Sub Command1_Click ()
      Dim db As database
      Dim ds As dynaset
      Dim ret As Integer
      Dim fSuccess As Integer
      ' Attempt to open database exclusively, checking for locking conflicts.
      fSuccess = False
          ' Disable any previous error handler
          ' and instead, just resume next
      On Error Resume Next
      While Not fSuccess
        Err = 0
        Set db = OpenDatabase("BIBLIO.MDB", True)
        If Err Then
          If Err = ERR_CANT_OPEN_DB Then
            ret = MsgBox("Database in use by another user.", MB_RETRYCANCEL)
            If ret = IDCANCEL Then Exit Sub
            MsgBox "Unexpected error" & Str$(Err) & " opening database."
            Exit Sub
          End If
          fSuccess = True
        End If
      On Error GoTo 0 ' disable error trapping OR place On Error statements
                      ' pointing to a new error handler here
      ' Once the database is open we know we are accessing the data exclusively
      Set ds = db.CreateDynaset("Authors")
      Do Until ds.EOF = True
        If ds("Author") > " " Then list1.AddItem ds("Author")
    End Sub 

  4. From the Run menu, choose Start or press the F5 key to run the program. Click the Command1 button. If another user tries to open the BIBLIO.MDB database at the same time you are running the code listed above, they would get an error message.

Note that if you are using the MS Access 2.0 Compatibility Layer, you will receive a reserved error if you can not open the database exclusively. In this case, the VB run-time error is err 3000, with the reserved error value -8192. To trap this error in the code above, you can modify the line:

   If Err = ERR_CANT_OPEN_DB Then 

to read:

   If Err = ERR_RESERVED And InStr(Error$, RERR_ExclusiveDBConflict) Then 

Step-by-Step Example for Level 2: Table or Dynaset Locking

This second example, Dynaset or Table Locking, is the most often used. It is less restrictive then database locking, since it allows other users to access other tables in the database. This method sets the DB_DENYWRITE and DB_DENYREAD options when opening a Dynaset object or table object. By using this method, you have the flexibility of locking only the records or tables you are working with at the time, so other records or tables can be used by others who are using the same database.

There are a number of variations at this locking level that you can access by changing the option settings.
  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add a command button (Command1) and a list box (List1) to Form1.

  3. Add the following code to the Command1 click event procedure:
    Sub Command1_Click ()
      Dim db As database
      Dim ds As dynaset
      Dim ret As Integer, fSuccess As Integer
      Set db = OpenDatabase("BIBLIO.MDB")
      ' Attempt to open the dynaset, checking for locking conflicts.
      fSuccess = False
          ' Disable any previous error handler
          ' and instead, just resume next
      On Error Resume Next
      While Not fSuccess
        Err = 0
        Set ds = db.CreateDynaset("Authors", DB_DENYWRITE Or DB_DENYREAD)
        If Err Then
          If Err = ERR_CANT_LOCK_TABLE Then
            ret = MsgBox("Table(s) in use by another user.", MB_RETRYCANCEL)
            If ret = IDCANCEL Then Exit Sub
            MsgBox "Unexpected error" & Str$(Err) & " opening table."
            Exit Sub
          End If
          fSuccess = True
        End If
      On Error GoTo 0 ' disable error trapping OR place On Error statements
                      ' pointing to a new error handler here
      ' Once the dynaset is open we know we are the only one accessing the data
      Do Until ds.EOF = True
        list1.AddItem ds(1)
    End Sub 

  4. From the Run menu, choose Start or press the F5 key to run the program. Click the Command1 button. If another user tries to update the Authors table when you're running the AddItem loop, they would get an error message.

Table level locking can be performed using the OpenTable, CreateDynaset, or CreateSnapShot methods by passing the appropriate values as the second parameter to one of these functions. This method is not normally used for Snapshots, as they are read-only, and changes to the data will not normally affect a Snapshot (with the exception of memo fields - see the notes section at the end of this article for more information).

Step-by-Step Example for Level 3: Page Locking

This third example shows the Page Locking that is automatically built in to the database engine. That is, if you don't provide Database Locking or Dynaset or Table Locking, Page Locking is enforced automatically.

There are two different types of Page Locking when the Edit mode is invoked, Optimistic or Pessimistic. Pessimistic Locking is the default. In pessimistic locking, Visual Basic locks the page containing a record as soon as you use the Edit method, and it unlocks the page when you use Update or Rollback. Use Optimistic Locking when you want to lock a page only at the time you Update the data. You do this by setting the record's LockEdits property.

Page locking is enforced on a per page basis. A "page" is based on the number of records that can fit within one 2048 byte (or 2K) block of memory.

Since entire pages are locked, and a given page may contain more then one record, users need not be on the exact same record to cause a locking conflict. For example, if user A locks a record at the very beginning of a page, and user B attempts to do an Edit of another record that is also on that page, user B will receive a locking error.

The same locking scheme applies to the index pages. When the Seek method is used or indexes are being rebuilt, the index pages are locked on a 2K page basis. This can also cause locking errors, which the programmer should handle appropriately.
  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add a command button (Command1) and a list box (List1) to Form1.

  3. Add the following code to the Command1 click event procedure:
    Sub Command1_Click ()
      Dim db As database
      Dim ds As dynaset
      Dim ret As Integer, fSuccess As Integer
      Set db = OpenDatabase("BIBLIO.MDB")
      Set ds = db.CreateDynaset("Authors")
      Do Until ds.EOF = True
      ' Attempt to access records, checking for possible page locking conflicts
        fSuccess = False
          ' Disable any previous error handler
          ' and instead, just resume next
        On Error Resume Next
        While Not fSuccess
          Err = 0
          If Err Then
            If Err = ERR_DATA_CHANGED Then
              ret = MsgBox("Record has been updated. Overwrite?", MB_RETRYCANCEL)
              If ret = IDNO Then fSuccess = True
            ElseIf Err = ERR_RECORD_LOCKED Then
              ret = MsgBox("Record in use by another user.", MB_RETRYCANCEL)
              If ret = IDCANCEL Then Exit Sub
              MsgBox "Unexpected error" & Str$(Err) & " editing record."
              Exit Sub
            End If
            fSuccess = True
          End If
      On Error GoTo 0    ' disable error trapping OR place On Error statements
                         ' pointing to a new error handler here
      ds("Author") = ds("Author")
       ' With Optimistic locking you would check locking on Update vs. Edit
    End Sub

  4. From the Run menu, choose Start or press the F5 key to run the program. Click the Command1 button. The records that are included in the results set that totals up to a 2K page will be locked from the other users. They will receive an error message if they try to open the any record in your results set.

For Optimistic locking, you would want to check for locking errors on the Update method, rather then the Edit methods.

Multi-user Access with the Data Control

Using the data control is essential the same as working with the Database and Dynaset objects. The Data Control can use any of the three locking levels described above, as follows:
  1. Database locking: Set the Exclusive property to true.

  2. Table locking: Set the Options property to the desired value. These values are the same as those passed as the second parameter to CreateDynaset.

  3. Page locking: This is handled in exactly the same way as a Dynaset object.

NOTE: If you set the DatabaseName and/or RecordSource properties of a Data Control at design time, the Data Control will automatically attempt to perform the equivalent of an OpenDatabase and CreateDynaset when the form containing the data control is first loaded.

If an error occurs when the Data Control attempts to automatically open the Database or Dynaset, the Data Control will fire its Error event and pass in the appropriate run-time error value. Since no Visual Basic code is executing at this time, you will need to handle any possible locking conflicts in the Error event rather then using On Error.

Error Handling

There are two main run-time errors to trap for with page level locking. The first is error 3260 "Couldn't Update; currently locked by user "x" on machine "y".", which indicates that another user has the page you want to modify locked.

The second, error 3197 "Data has changed; operation stopped." indicates that the underlying data in the database has been changed by another user since the last time you retrieved that page from the physical database. This indicates that someone has modified the record (or some field of the record if you are using a Dynaset or Snapshot) that you are attempting to modify.

For example, if user A creates a Dynaset on the table Authors, and pulls in the first page (2k) of records from the database. User B now creates an identical Dynaset, retrieving the same 2k of records. If User A now updates the first record in the Dynaset, user B will not immediately see this change, since User B has already retrieved the first page of records and will not do so again unless he or she refreshes (recreates) the Dynaset.

If user B now attempts to modify the first record of the Dynaset, he or she will receive the "Data has changed; operation stopped" error, warning them that they are about to overwrite new data which they have never retrieved from the database. If you re-execute the operation that caused the "Data has changed; operation stopped" after receiving the error once, the data will be overwritten without the error being generated a second time.

NOTE: Although the AddNew method does not modify existing records, the page where the new record is to be added is still locked when the Update statement is executed to prevent two users from trying to add data at the same location in the database. This means that you should perform the same checks for locking conflicts with AddNew that you use for the Edit method.

Notes on Snapshots

Error 3197 "Data has changed; operation stopped." can occur for Snapshots which have memo fields. Since memo fields are usually quite large, the Access engine does not pull the entire contents of a memo field into the SnapShot at the time it is created; instead, a reference to the memo field in the database is stored in the SnapShot.

If the data in the memo field is changed by another user between the time a Snapshot is first populated (meaning that you access a given record, using the Move or Find methods or visit all records, using the sn.MoveLast method) and the time that record is revisited or made the current record again, the database engine will signal that your data is out of date by invoking run- time error 3197.


When using external data engines such as Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, or Oracle through ODBC, the locking methodology is the responsibility of the remote database engine. Visual Basic acts as a front-end to these database servers and does not control the data sharing aspects of the back-end database engines. In some cases, you can control how the remote server locks data by using backend-specific SQL statements or administrative options.

Some implications of the Access engine deferring to back-end locking schemes:
  1. The setting of LockEdits has no effect on ODBC databases.

  2. The Exclusive parameter of the OpenDatabase method is ignored.

  3. The technique shown in the section "Step-by-Step Example for Level 2: Table or Dynaset Locking", will fail on ODBC databases, with the error "ODBC--Can't lock all records."

  4. It is not recommended that the programmer attempt to lock the entire table or the entire database, using backend native syntax, as this can be detrimental to throughput in a high-volume transaction environment.

  5. Incorporating sophisticated error handling to react correctly when locking contention occurs is the only reliable way to allow the backend database engine to operate its native locking scheme for maximum throughput.

Example Showing How to Call FreeLocks After Locking Error Occurs

In certain circumstances, particularly in an intense multi-user contention environment, the local access engine may get out of synchronization with the host (the VB program). When that occurs, the FreeLocks statement provides a way to allow the engine to 'catch up' and clear any leftover locks. The FreeLocks method tells the engine to perform its default idle processing, including freeing locks that are no longer in use but haven't timed out yet.

Below is an example showing how to call the FreeLocks method after a locking error occurs in a multi-user system. The following code is a sample of an error trapping routine that checks to see if a record is locked in a multi-user system:

Sub EditRecord(ds as dynaset)
   On Error Goto ErrLock
   ds.lockedits = True  ' Return lock errors on Edit call, not the update.

   ds.fields(0).value = "Something"
   ds.fields(0).value = "Else"
   exit sub

   ds.bookmark = ds.bookmark  ' Cancel the update.
   tm = timer
   ' Wait 3 seconds:
   while timer - tm < 3
   resume Retry
End Sub 


The information in this article comes from the following sections in the "Professional Features Book 2" manual."

See Chapter 3, on page 54 and pages 87 through 91 for more information in these areas.

Additional query words: 3.00 multiuser

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Last Reviewed: June 1, 1999