LONG: Visual Basic 3.0 & Related Topics Reading List (Complete)

ID: Q118782

The information in this article applies to:


This article lists books and periodicals that may be of use to the Visual Basic for Windows developer.


This list is organized into the following sections:


Topic: Access

Title:       10 Minute Guide to MS Access
Author:      Carl Townsend, Jennifer Flynn, Herb Feltner, Marie Butler-
Publisher:   Alpha Books

Title:       ABC's of Microsoft Access, The
Author:      Robert Cowart
ISBN:        0-7821-1189-0
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books
Description: "The ABC's of Microsoft Access" is a tutorial for the
             Microsoft Access novice. This hands-on guide gives you the
             skill and confidence you need to get the most from Microsoft's
             new database for Windows.

Title:       Absolute Beginner's Guide to Access
Author:      Greg Perry
ISBN:        0-672-30366-3
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: This book assumes no knowledge of Microsoft Access or
             databases and quickly teaches the important features using a
             non-technical, friendly approach.

Title:       Access 2 Insider
Author:      Margaret Levine-Young
Publisher:   John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Title:       Access 2.0 Developers Guide
Author:      Roger Jennings, Michael Gilbert, Phil Paxton
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Access 2.0 Insider
Author:      Keith Weiskamp
Publisher:   Coriolos Group

Title:       Access Advisor magazine
Publisher:   Advisor Communication International, Inc.
Disk?        Yes
Description: Periodical: A bimonthly magazine for Microsoft Access
             developers, covering database development issues including the
             new Jet database engine that is included in Visual Basic and
             Microsoft Access.

Title:       Access Basic Cookbook
Author:      Chris St. Valentine
ISBN:        0-201-62636-5
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   All
Description: Handbook of explanations and problem-solving code for
             Microsoft Access. A guide to accomplishing programming tasks
             using Access Basic. It illustrates Access Basic fundamentals
             and features solutions for common database challenges.

Title:       Access Bible
Author:      Cary Prague and Michael Irwin
ISBN:        1-878058-81-9
Publisher:   IDG Books
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   All
Description: Shows you the ins and outs of Microsoft Access features and
             provides you with hundreds of tips, secrets, and shortcuts for
             fast, efficient database development. Lots of examples and

Title:       Access by Pictorial
Author:      Cheryl Dukarich, Elizabeth Kendall, Dennis Curtin, Cecil
Publisher:   Prentice Hall

Title:       Access for Dummies
Author:      Scott Palmer
Publisher:   IDG Books

Title:       Access for Windows
Author:      Christina Martin
Publisher:   Brady Books

Title:       Access for Windows 2.0 at a Glance
Author:      David Nesbitt
Publisher:   Wordware Publishing

Title:       Access for Windows Hot Tips
ISBN:        1-56529-234-0
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Rated for:   All
Description: More than 250 tips, including designing Microsoft Access
             tables; importing and exporting files; better queries;
             professional reports; networking.

Title:       Access for Windows Power Programming
Author:      Susan Perschke and Michael Liczbanski
ISBN:        1-56529-194-8
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Intermediate/Advanced
Description: Topics include object and relational database design; object-
             based paradigm; making interactive tables, forms, reports,
             and queries; programming with flair in Access Basic; packaging
             your applications with menu bars and popup menus; and more.

Title:       Access for Windows Power Programming (2nd Ed.)
Author:      Chris St. Valentine
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Access for Windows QuickStart
Author:      Michael Watson, Mike Miller, Jim Minatel
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Access for Windows SureSteps
Author:      Walt Bruce, Chuck Stewart, Elden Nelson
ISBN:        1-56529-534-X
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: This is a self-paced, time-sensitive, step-by-step method to
             understanding this popular database application; perfect for
             Microsoft Office users.

Title:       Access from the Ground Up
Author:      Martin S. Matthews, Edward M. Hartmann and William E. Loyd
Publisher:   Prima Computer Books
Description: You'll learn how to create and use databases and tables;
             construct and customize forms; build and print reports and
             labels; and much more.

Title:       Access HyperGuide
ISBN:        1-56761-279-2
Publisher:   Alpha Books
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Intermediate
Description: A wired-for-speed visual initiation. Features a project
             section that presents practical on-disk projects such as
             inventory tracking, customer invoicing, and employee record-

Title:       Access Instant Reference
Author:      Jim Powell
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       Access Programming by Example
Author:      Greg Perry
ISBN:        1-56529-305-3
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Rated for:   Beginning
Description: Helps you learn database programming using Access Basic (the
             entire book is focused on Access Basic). Also shows how to
             design custom menu bars and popup menus; create custom methods
             and properties; and build and maintain time-saving database

Title:       Access Programming for Dummies
Author:      Rob Krumm, Chris Williams
Publisher:   IDG Books

Title:       Access Projects for Windows
Author:      Tony Lima, Shelly Langman
Publisher:   Benj/Cummings

Title:       Access Quick & Easy
Author:      Robert Cowart
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       Access Workshop
Author:      Robert Krumm
ISBN:        1-56686-040-7
Publisher:   Brady Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: Covers all aspects of Microsoft Access database development
             including database design, problem-solving, building macros,
             and using Access Basic. Uses covered include building
             client/membership lists, creating invoicing and billing
             systems, and processing surveys.

Title:       Accessories Catalog, The
Publisher:   Fawcette Technical Publications
Description: Lists every Microsoft Access third-party add-on, book,
             service, consultants and more. Updated regularly. One copy is
             included with every box of Microsoft Access, but extra copies
             may be ordered.

Title:       Complete Idiot's Guide to Access, The
Author:      Marie Butler-Knight
ISBN:        1-56761-280-6
Publisher:   Alpha Books
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: Understanding this popular database application is a snap
             with this friendly guide for the novice user who is
             intimidated by computers and technology.

Title:       Creating Access Applications
Author:      Joyce Nielson
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Crystal Clear Access for Windows
ISBN:        1-56529-509-9
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: Step-by-step instructions explain tasks and then show readers
             the results.

Title:       Data Analysis with Microsoft Access Queries
Author:      Leslie Koorhan
Publisher:   Pinnacle Publishing

Title:       DDC Quick Reference Guide to Access for Windows 2.0
Author:      Marie Reidelbach, Kathy Berkemeyer
Publisher:   DDC Publishing

Title:       Easy Access
Author:      Shelley O'Hara, Nancy Stevenson, Warren Estep
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       HELP! Microsoft Access (revision)
Author:      Miriam Liskin
ISBN:        1-56276-099-8
Publisher:   Ziff Davis Press
Rated for:   Beginning/Advanced
Description: Comprehensive and easy-to-use resource about Microsoft Access.
             Covers full range of Microsoft Access operations and
             introduces Access Basic.

Title:       How Access 2.0 Works
Author:      Eric Stone
Publisher:   Ziff Davis Press

Title:       I Hate Access
Author:      Jeff MacNelly
ISBN:        1-56529-535-8
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Rated for:   Beginning
Description: Pulitzer-Prize-winning cartoonist Jeff MacNelly illustrates
             this entertaining guide to the basics. Covers only the basics
             of using Microsoft Access to get new users up and running

Title:       Inside Access
Publisher:   The Cobb Group
Description: Periodical: Inside Access provides 16 pages of timesaving tips
             and techniques each month.

Title:       Inside Access 2.0 (3rd Edition)
Author:      Tim Huddleston, Mike Groh, Greg Bushyeager, Rob Tidrow, Cheir
             Robinson, Rich Wagner
Publisher:   New Riders Publishing

Title:       Inside Microsoft Access
ISBN:        1-56205-103-2
Publisher:   New Riders Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Intermediate/Advanced
Description: Get productive fast with Microsoft Access. Step-by-step
             lessons, using example programs on the included disk, quickly
             teach you the essentials of programming with Microsoft Access.

Title:       Inside Microsoft Access 1.1, Special Edition
Author:      Chris St. Valentine
ISBN:        1-56205-194-6
Publisher:   New Riders Publishing
Description: Learn the fundamentals of database design, how to build your
             own Microsoft Access databases, and how to design and
             implement progessional-quality Microsoft Access applications.
             Macros and Access Basic are covered.

Title:       Introducing MS Access 2.0
Author:      Timothy Trainor, Jeff Stipes
Publisher:   Mitchell McGraw-Hill

Title:       Introduction to Access 2.0 for Windows, An
Author:      David Crocco, Joe Adamski
Publisher:   Course Technology

Title:       Learn Access for Windows 2.0 in a Day
Author:      Russell Stultz
Publisher:   Wordware Publishing

Title:       Microcomputer Database Management Using Access
Author:      Philip Pratt, Paul Leidig
Publisher:   Boyd & Fraser

Title:       Microsoft Access 1.1 Developer's Guide
Author:      Roger Jennings
ISBN:        0-672-30178-4
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: Intermediate-to-advanced database developers will quickly
             learn tips and tricks for high-performance Microsoft Access
             applications. Gives in-depth coverage of Access Basic
             programming techniques. Shows how to create applications
             for run-time Microsoft Access.

Title:       Microsoft Access 1.1 Handbook
Author:      Douglas Hergert
ISBN:        0-679-79158-2
Publisher:   Random House Electronic Publishing
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: An introduction and tutorial for novice users that uses an
             imaginary business, "Wine to Go," to show how information can
             be stored, extracted, and analyzed using Microsoft Access.

Title:       Microsoft Access 2.0 for Windows - Illustrated
Author:      Greg Schultz
Publisher:   Course Technology

Title:       Microsoft Access 2.0 Handbook
Author:      Doug Hergert, Kim Fryer
Publisher:   Random House

Title:       Microsoft Access Bible
Author:      Michael Irwin, Cary Prague
Publisher:   IDG Books

Title:       Microsoft Access Developer's Companion
Author:      Paul Litwin, Greg Reddick, Ken Getz
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       Microsoft Access for Windows Step by Step
ISBN:        1-55615-482
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Disk?        Yes
Description: You'll learn how to create tables and forms; arrange and
             combine data; create targeted queries; present data
             persuasively; and more.

Title:       Microsoft Access Handbook
Author:      Jeff Pepper, Mary Campbell
Publisher:   Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Title:       Microsoft Access Inside and Out
ISBN:        0-07-881818-4
Publisher:   Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Description: Guides you from fundamentals to advanced concepts. Discover
             how to design and customize a database in the Windows
             environment and how to enjoy a smooth transition to Microsoft
             Access from a current database environment including dBASE and
             other popular programs.

Title:       Microsoft Access Instant Reference
Author:      James E. Powell
ISBN:        0-7821-1213-7
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books
Description: This concise, alphabetically organized, 280-page pocket guide
             lets you put your finger right on the information you need.

Title:       Miriam Liskin Introduces Microsoft Access 2
Author:      Miriam Liskin
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       MS Access 2.0
Author:      Linda O'Leary
Publisher:   Mitchell McGraw-Hill

Title:       Murphy's Laws of Access
Author:      Dan Tauber, Brenda Kienan
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       PC Learning Labs Teaches Microsoft Access
Author:      Cynthia Hudson, Bill Bateman
Publisher:   Ziff Davis Press

Title:       Peter Norton's Introduction to Computers: Access 2.0
Author:      Gary Scwartz
Publisher:   Glencoe

Title:       Quick Course in Access 2.0 for Windows, A
Author:      Joyce Cox
Publisher:   Online Press

Title:       Running Microsoft Access
Author:      John L. Viescas
ISBN:        1556155077
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Description: Hands-on guide to Microsoft Access. Packed with inside tips
             and strategies not covered in product documentation. Covers
             all the features of Microsoft Access and includes general
             information on managing data and how a relational database

Title:       Secrets of the Access 2.0 Masters
Author:      Leslie Koorhan, Dean Miller, Gary Entsminger
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Smart Access Journal
Publisher:   Pinnacle Publishing, Inc.
Disk?        Yes
Description: Periodical: Packed with tips, tricks, techniques, and
             workarounds, all from expert authors, and all designed to help
             you master the high-level features of Microsoft Access.

Title:       Teach Yourself Access
Author:      Steven Berkowitz
Publisher:   MIS:Press

Title:       Teach Yourself Access 2.0 in a Week
Author:      Ricardo Birmele, Paul Cassell
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Teach Yourself Access in 21 Days
Author:      Paul Cassel
ISBN:        0-672-30330-2
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: Starts with the basics and progresses into the essential
             database techniques in three short weeks.

Title:       Understanding Access
Author:      Elizabeth Olson, Martha Mello, Alan Simpson
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       Understanding Microsoft Access
Author:      Alan Simpson
ISBN:        0-7821-1168-8
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books
Description: A how-to reference guide that includes an introduction to
             Access Basic; special notes, tips, and cautions; plus coverage
             of undocumented features.

Title:       Using Access 2.0 for Windows, Special Edition
Author:      Roger Jennings
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Using Access for Windows
Author:      Roger Jennings and Ron Person
ISBN:        0-88022-966-7
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: Combines step-by-step lessons with power-user techniques.
             Teaches how to take advantage of Microsoft Access' interactive
             features and presents information on DDE, OLE, and SQL.

Title:       Using Access for Windows
Author:      Steve Schafer, Wil Thebodeau
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Using Microsoft Access 1.X for Windows, Special Edition
ISBN:        1-56529-323-1
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Rated for:   All
Description: A comprehensive tutorial and reference on Microsoft Access.
             Covers every feature including queries, graphics, forms,
             reports, multiuser capabilities, networking features, macros,
             and programming. Presents information on SQL, DDE, and OLE.

Title:       Working with Access 2.0
Author:      Juanita Gardner
Publisher:   Brady Publishing

Topic: Database

Title:       Conceptual Schema and Relational Database Design: a Fact
             Based Approach
Author:      G.M. Nijssen
ISBN:        131672630
Publisher:   Prentice Hall Div. of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Title:       Data Structures, Files and Databases
Author:      Carl Bamford
ISBN:        333436903
Publisher:   Macmillan Education Ltd.

Title:       Database: Structured Techniques for  Design, Performance, and
ISBN:        471852511
Publisher:   John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Title:       Database Analysis and Design
Author:      I.T. Hawryszkiewycz
ISBN:        574214852
Publisher:   Science Research Associates

Title:       Database Design
ISBN:        007070130X
Publisher:   McGraw-Hill Inc.

Title:       Database Modeling and Design: The Entity-Relationship Approach
Author:      Toby J. Teorey
ISBN:        1558601341
Publisher:   Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.

Title:       Database Modeling and Design: The Entity-Relationship
Author:      David Kroenke
ISBN:        574186425
Publisher:   Science Research Associates

Title:       Database System Concepts
Author:      Henry F. Korth
ISBN:        70447527
Publisher:   McGraw-Hill Inc.

Title:       Database: A Primer
Author:      C.J. Date
ISBN:        201113589
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Fundamental Concepts of Information Modeling
Author:      Matt Flavin
ISBN:        133355896

Title:       Fundamentals of Data Normalization
Author:      Alan F. Dutka
ISBN:        201066459
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Fundamentals of Database Systems
Author:      Ramez Elmasri
ISBN:        805301453
Publisher:   Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company Subs. of Addison-Wesley
             Publishing Co.

Title:       Handbook of Relational Database Design
Author:      Candace C. Fleming
ISBN:        201114348
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Introduction to Database Systems, An (version 1)
Author:      C.J. Date
ISBN:        0201513811
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Logical Data Base Design
Author:      Robert M. Curtis
ISBN:        894352326
Publisher:   QED Information Sciences, Incorporated

Title:       Managing Your Information: How to Design and Create a Textual
Author:      Carol Tenopir
ISBN:        1555700233

Title:       Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications
Author:      Won Kim
ISBN:        201144107
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Object-Oriented Databases
Author:      Fred Petry
ISBN:        818619295
Publisher:   IEEE Computer Society Press

Title:       Practical Data Design
Author:      Michael H. Brackett
ISBN:        136908276
Publisher:   Prentice Hall Div. of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Title:       Practical Guide to Data Base Design, A
Author:      Rex Hogan
ISBN:        136909671
Publisher:   Prentice Hall Div. of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Title:       Principles of Database and Knowledgebase Systems
Author:      Jeffrey D. Ullman
ISBN:        088175188X
Publisher:   Computer Science Press Inc., Imprint of W.H. Freeman & Co.

Title:       Principles of Database Systems
Author:      Jeffrey D. Ullman
ISBN:        716780690
Publisher:   Computer Science Press Inc., Imprint of W.H. Freeman & Co.

Title:       Relational Database Design With Microcomputer Applications
Author:      Glenn A. Jackson
ISBN:        137718411
Publisher:   Prentice Hall Div. of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Title:       Thinking Hat Newsletter, The
Author:      J.D. Evans, Jr.
Publisher:   ETN Corporation
Description: Tips, techniques, and strategies to help Windows-based
             developers use Visual Basic version 3.0 and Microsoft Access
             to create integrated relational database management system
             (RDBMS) applications quickly and easily.

Topic: Other

Title:       Compact Guide to MS Office Professional
Author:      Ron Mansfield
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       Microsoft Office in Concert
Author:      Roger Stewart, Jan Weingarten, John Weingarten
Publisher:   Prima Publishing

Title:       Strategic Information Planning Methodologies
Author:      James Martin
ISBN:        138505381
Publisher:   Prentice Hall Div. of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Title:       Using Microsoft Office Professional
Author:      Steve Swope
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Topic: Programming

Title:       Microsoft Developer Network CD, The
Publisher:   Microsoft Developer Network, Microsoft Corp.
Disk?        CD
Description: The MSDN CD gives you access to the most comprehensive, up-to-
             date information available on programming for Windows. Plus,
             every three months, the CD is updated to include the latest
             Microsoft information on new products and technologies.

Title:       Mixed Language Programming for Windows
ISBN:        1-55851-332-9
Publisher:   M&T Books, a Div. of MIS:Press
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Intermediate/Advanced
Description: Learn how to combine visual languages with traditional
             programming languages for quick GUI development. Covers
             today's GUI development languages, including Visual Basic,
             Visual C++, and ToolBook.

Title:       PC Magazine Windows Rapid Application Development
Author:      David E.Y. Sarna and George J. Febish
ISBN:        1-56276-088-2
Publisher:   Ziff Davis Press
Description: Windows app development can be easy with MARVEL Programming, a
             methodology developed by industry experts Sarna & Febish. This
             book/disk resource shows how Windows developers can use MARVEL
             Programming to produce applications using Visual Basic.

Title:       Windows Tech Journal
Publisher:   Oakley Publishing Co.
Description: Covers C, Visual C++, object-oriented techniques, and Visual
             Basic. Includes regular letters to the editor; columnists such
             as Jonathan Zuck and Richard Hale Shaw; product reviews; and
             upcoming industry event sections.

Topic: SQL

Title:       Database Experts' Guide to SQL, The
Author:      Frank Lusardi
ISBN:        70390061
Publisher:   Intertext Publications/Multiscience Press

Title:       Guide to Developing Client/Server SQL Applications, A
Author:      Setrag Khoshafian
ISBN:        1558601473
Publisher:   Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.

Title:       Guide to the SQL Standard, A: A User's Guide to the Standard
             Relational Language SQL
Author:      C.J. Date
ISBN:        201502097
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Introduction to SQL
Author:      Rick F. van der Lans
ISBN:        201175215
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Practical SQL Handbook, The: Using Structured Query Language
Author:      Sandra L. Emerson
ISBN:        201517388
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Quick Reference Guide to SQL
Author:      John Viescas
ISBN:        1556151985
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.

Title:       SQL and Relational Basics
Author:      Fabian Pascal
ISBN:        155851063X
Publisher:   M&T Books Div. of M&T Publishing Inc.

Title:       SQL and Relational Databases
Author:      Soren Vang
ISBN:        915391422

Title:       SQL, Structured Query Language
Author:      Carolyn J. Hursch
ISBN:        083068803X

Title:       Understanding SQL
Author:      Martin Gruber
ISBN:        895886448
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books

Title:       Using SQL
Author:      James R. Groff
ISBN:        007881524X
Publisher:   Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Title:       Visual Introduction to SQL, A
Author:      J. Harvey Trimble
ISBN:        471616842
Publisher:   John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Topic: Visual Basic

Title:       Advanced Visual Basic
Author:      Mark Burgess
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Description: Details aspects of Visual Basic, including tools, application
             design, and advanced concepts. The accompanying disk includes
             programs that illustrate how to develop applications using
             both Visual Basic and Windows. Also included are utilities
             that can help the Visual Basic programmer.

Title:       Basic Code Cache, The
Publisher:   Communication Techniques
Disk?        Yes
Description: Periodical: Quarterly electronic newsletter that
             provides code, tips, and reviews on all aspects of Basic
             programming. Each issue covers Visual Basic, Access Basic,
             QuickBasic, and others. Distributed on two 360K disks or one
             720K disk.

Title:       Building Business Applications in Visual Basic
Author:      Chuck Butkus
ISBN:        1-55828-283-1
Publisher:   MIS:Press
Rated for:   Intermediate/Advanced
Description: Gives the intermediate programmer usable business-decision-
             making applications by providing advanced programming
             techniques. Teaches programming techniques as a natural by-
             product of designing and programming business-decision

Title:       Custom Controls and Other Companion Products and Services for
             Visual Basic
Publisher:   Fawcette Technical Publications
Description: This catalog lists every Visual Basic commercial custom
             control, third-party add-on, and more. Editions printed for
             both Windows and MS-DOS versions of Visual Basic.

Title:       Do-It-Yourself Visual Basic for MS-DOS
Author:      William J. Orvis
ISBN:        0-672-30058-3
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: This book, for novices, has four main sections that include an
             introduction to windowed interfaces and Visual Basic; a Visual
             Basic programming tutorial; a function, statement, and method
             reference; and an appendix containing keycodes and other
             ancillary information.

Title:       Do-It-Yourself Visual Basic for Windows (2nd Ed.)
Author:      William J. Orvis
ISBN:        0-672-30259-4
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: An introduction to the Visual Basic version 2.0 environment
             and the Basic language. Provides step-by-step tutorials on
             creating programs. Also provides extensive information on
             debugging and error handling and shows graphically how to get
             the most out of the Visual Basic design tools.

Title:       Extending Visual Basic for Windows
Author:      D.F. Scott
ISBN:        0-672-30100-8
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: Part one deals with using the Windows API with Visual Basic.
             Part two discusses the use of third-party programmer's aids
             and libraries. Parts three and four address the use of custom
             controls, graphics, and database add-ons.

Title:       Fun Programming with Visual Basic
ISBN:        1-56529-106-9
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: Shows programmers how to create fun, interesting programs
             using Visual Basic. The disk that comes with it is filled with
             useful tools, utilities, and games. All the source code is

Title:       Inside Visual Basic for Windows
Publisher:   The Cobb Group
Description: Periodical: "Inside Visual Basic for Windows" provides
             16 pages of tips and techniques each month.

Title:       Learn Programming and Visual Basic 2.0 with John Socha
Author:      John Socha
ISBN:        0-7821-1215-2
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: This tutorial shows beginning and experienced programmers how
             to build Windows applications quickly and easily. Readers
             develop a full-featured sample program plus a toolbox of
             program building blocks.

Title:       Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS Workshop, The
Author:      John Clark Craig
ISBN:        1556155042
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.

Title:       Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows Workshop, The [3.0 edition]
Author:      John Clark Craig
ISBN:        1-55615-512-3
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   All

Title:       Microsoft Visual Basic Workshop, The
Author:      John Clark Craig
ISBN:        1556153864
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.

Title:       PC Magazine Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Windows API
Author:      Daniel Appleman
ISBN:        1-56276-073-4
Publisher:   Ziff Davis Press
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Intermediate/Advanced
Description: Covers the API from the Visual Basic programmer's viewpoint.
             It provides background on Windows concepts such as event-
             driven programming, device contexts, and device independence.
             It includes a comprehensive reference on more than 700 Windows
             API functions.

Title:       PC Magazine Visual Basic Utilities
Author:      Paul Bonner
ISBN:        1-56276-106-4
Publisher:   Ziff Davis Press
Disk?        Yes
Description: Create nine functional utilities in this guide to application
             development using the newest version of Visual Basic. This
             book/disk combination gives programmers at all levels access
             to the many hidden tricks and problem-solving techniques of
             the authorities.

Title:       Peter Norton's Visual Basic for DOS
Author:      Steven Holzner and the Peter Norton Computing Group
ISBN:        1-56686-026-1
Publisher:   Brady Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: This book leads readers through the development of a wide
             range of fully functional Visual Basic programs. Text
             includes practical pointers, time-saving tips, expert tricks,
             and creative solutions to programming and interface problems.

Title:       Peter Norton's Visual Basic for Windows (3rd Ed.)
Author:      Steven Holzner and the Peter Norton Computing Group
ISBN:        1-56686-093-8
Publisher:   Brady Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: Shows how to unleash the potential of Visual Basic through
             examples that explore Windows programming development. This
             book helps programmers master complex programming techniques
             for Visual Basic, including DDE, OLE, and integrating C code
             into programs.

Title:       Programmer's Introduction to Visual Basic
Author:      Kenyon Brown
ISBN:        0-7821-1015-0
Publisher:   Sybex Computer Books
Description: Learn all about programming with forms, controls, properties,
             events, and methods.

Title:       Programming Games for Beginners; Visual Basic for Fun and
Author:      Chris Howard
ISBN:        0-672-30313-2
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: Explains techniques for Visual Basic programming for Windows,
             including joystick and sound. Includes nine games with
             complete source code. Guides you step-by-step through the main
             areas of developing games on your computer.

Title:       Running Visual Basic for  Windows (version 2)
Author:      Ross Nelson
ISBN:        1556154771
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.

Title:       Running Visual Basic for Windows (2nd Ed.) [covers 3.0]
Author:      Ross Nelson
ISBN:        1-55615-564-6
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Rated for:   Beginning
Description: Readers will learn the fundamentals of the Visual Basic
             programming environment and write their first applications for
             Windows with an effective graphical user interface (GUI). This
             book teaches how to develop an application to access a
             database and shows how to incorporate OLE.

Title:       Secrets of the Visual Basic for Windows Masters
Author:      Gary Entsminger
ISBN:        0-672-30138-5
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: Topics include avoiding multiple instances of DDE links;
             developing a dynamic spreadsheet using control arrays; using
             OLE client control; speeding up applications by using the
             Windows API; when to use static variables; and many others.

Title:       Teach Yourself Visual Basic in 21 Days
Author:      Nathan and Ori Gurewich
ISBN:        0-672-30378-7
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: A beginning tutorial, made up of 21 chapters, develops the
             novice user's abilities with a logical, step-by-step, 21-
             lesson approach. Each chapter's material and exercises can be
             completed in approximately two to three hours.

Title:       Using Visual Basic
Author:      William H. Murray and Chris H. Pappas
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Description: The first half of the book teaches Visual Basic fundamentals:
             programming tools, including creating interfaces; writing
             code; and placing controls within Visual Basic. These tools
             are integrated into working examples in the second half of the

Title:       Using Visual Basic: Writing Windows Applications
Author:      William H. Murray
ISBN:        0201581450 (pbk.)
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.

Title:       Using Visual Basic 3.0
Author:      Phil Feldman
ISBN:        0-880022-763-X
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: Step-by-step tutorial that takes the reader from designing a
             screen to compiling a final program. Coverage of OLE and DDE
             also provides the Visual Basic programmer with information
             on the capability to communicate with other applications.

Title:       VB=mc2: The Art of Visual Basic Programming (2nd Ed.)
Author:      J.D. Evans, Jr.
ISBN:        1-881679-22-5
Publisher:   ETN Corporation
Disk?        Yes
Description: An intermediate-/advanced-level book on application
             development and programming techniques and philosophy.

Title:       VB=mc3: Visual Basic CDK/SDK Programming
Author:      J.D. Evans, Jr.
Publisher:   ETN Corporation
Disk?        Yes
Description: Explains and demonstrates how to use Windows SDK/C/C++ and
             Visual Basic CDK to design and program DLLs and custom
             controls (VBX).

Title:       VB=mc4: Visual Basic Standards and Practices
Author:      J.D. Evans, Jr.
ISBN:        1-881679-44-6
Publisher:   ETN Corporation
Disk?        Yes
Description: Explains and demonstrates a coherent set of guidelines, rules
             and templates for use in application designing and
             programming. Includes standards for event, form, module,
             object, and variable names and uses. Primary example is a
             complete, generic Xbase I/O form generator.

Title:       VB=mc6: The Art of DDE, MME, and OLE Programming with Visual
Author:      J.D. Evans, Jr.
Publisher:   ETN Corporation
Disk?        Yes
Description: Explores and explains DDE, MME, and OLE technologies as they
             apply to Visual Basic application designing and programming.
             Demonstrates how to use Visual Basic to construct Windows
             applications that provide connections to Microsoft Access,
             Microsoft Excel, and Word for Windows.

Title:       VBASIC Library
Publisher:   EMS Professional Shareware
Disk?        Yes
Description: Collection of shareware with 371 Visual Basic programs,
             utilities, and other file collections chosen specifically for
             users of Visual Basic. All files are compressed using PKZIP
             version 2.04g and are checked for viruses. CD-ROM or floppy-
             disk versions are also available.

Title:       VBZ Electronic Journal
Publisher:   User Friendly, Inc.
Description: Periodical: An electronic journal on Visual Basic. The "VBZ
             Electronic Journal" is in Windows Help file format and arrives
             on disk with all of the samples and source code for DLLs and
             custom controls in that issue. All of the tools in the journal
             are supported, updated, and version-stamped.

Title:       Visual Basic: Easy Windows Programming
Author:      Namir Clement Shammas
ISBN:        0830637338 (p)

Title:       Visual Basic [programming]
Author:      Steven Holzner
ISBN:        134892879
Publisher:   Brady Books Div. of Prentice Hall Pr., Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Title:       Visual Basic 2 for Windows Inside and Out
Author:      Gary Cornell
ISBN:        0-07-881931-8
Publisher:   Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Description: Covers structured Basic programming and methods for getting
             the most out of Visual Basic for Windows, version 2.0, with
             emphasis on creating custom applications, debugging, DDE and
             OLE. Includes coverage of the professional edition and has a
             chapter on moving from QuickBasic to Visual Basic.

Title:       Visual Basic 3 for Windows Handbook, The
Author:      Gary Cornell
ISBN:        0-07-881986-5
Publisher:   Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   All
Description: Discusses topics ranging from manipulation of properties to
             use of recursive programming techniques. These tools are used
             to show the reader how to create custom applications. Includes
             answers to the top 20 questions asked of Microsoft Technical

Title:       Visual Basic 3 Insider
Author:      Peter G. Aitken
ISBN:        0-471-59092-4
Publisher:   John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Disk?        Yes
Description: Hundreds of answers, tips and techniques, organized according
             to users' needs. It includes enhancing the look of a Visual
             Basic program by creating a graphic toolbar; designing your
             own 3D icon buttons; creating floating windows; and more.

Title:       Visual Basic 3.0 Programming
Author:      Douglas Hergert
ISBN:        0-679-79149-3
Publisher:   Random House Electronic Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: In this tutorial, a number of sample applications are
             developed, each designed to illustrate one or more features of
             programming with Visual Basic. Visual Basic version 3.0
             features such as OLE and data access, are covered.

Title:       Visual Basic Animation Programming
Author:      Lee Adams
ISBN:        0-8306-4120-3
Publisher:   Windcrest/McGraw-Hill (TAB Books)
Description: This book helps you master the PC graphics skills you need to
             create professional-quality animation on your personal

Title:       Visual Basic by Example
Author:      D.F. Scott
ISBN:        880229047
Publisher:   Que Corp. Div. of Macmillan Publishing Co.

Title:       Visual Basic: Easy Windows Programming (2nd Ed.)
Author:      Namir C. Shammas
ISBN:        0-8306-4450-4
Publisher:   Windcrest/McGraw-Hill (TAB Books)
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: Shows programmers of all skill levels how to write
             professional Windows-based applications, complete with mouse
             support, command buttons, dialog and list boxes, as well as
             other graphical controls. Covers up to Visual Basic version

Title:       Visual Basic for Applications
Author:      William Beem
Publisher:   Brady Books

Title:       Visual Basic for DOS
Author:      Namir Shammas
ISBN:        0-8306-4375-3
Publisher:   Windcrest/McGraw-Hill (TAB Books)
Description: Packed with dozens of sample programs, hundreds of clear
             screen images, and helpful icons highlighting special tips and
             warnings, "Visual Basic for DOS" provides the hands-on
             guidance you need to develop MS-DOS applications.

Title:       Visual Basic for DOS Developer's Guide
ISBN:        0-672-30321-3
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Rated for:   Intermediate/Advanced

Title:       Visual Basic for DOS Inside and Out
Author:      David Schneider and Gary Cornell
ISBN:        0-07-881829-X
Publisher:   Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Description: Users learn how to write MS-DOS-based programs that feature
             Windows-like pull-down menus and command buttons. Includes
             discussions of properties, command buttons and text boxes,
             programming with multiple windows, graphics and sound, and

Title:       Visual Basic for DOS Programming with Applications
Author:      Douglas A. Hergert
ISBN:        0-553-37099-5
Publisher:   Random House Electronic Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: Covers Visual Basic/MS-DOS topics for beginning and
             experienced programmers. Part one is a tutorial on the Visual
             Basic environment and creating form-based applications. Part
             two presents samples information on creating, modifying, and
             running them.

Title:       Visual Basic for MS-DOS
ISBN:        1-55615-478-X
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Description: This guide to Visual Basic for MS-DOS covers every programming
             task, from designing the user interface to writing extended
             code modules. Compatibility with QuickBasic and Visual Basic
             for Windows is also covered.

Title:       Visual Basic for MS-DOS by Example
Author:      D.F. Scott
ISBN:        1-56529-036-4
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: Step-by-step approach to learning to program with the
             latest version of Visual Basic for MS-DOS.

Title:       Visual Basic for MS-DOS Workshop
ISBN:        1-55615-504-2
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Disk?        Yes
Description: Reference and tutorial packed with more than 50 reusable
             programs and routines that users can incorporate into their
             own projects. It covers useful forms and controls; calendars
             and time; graphics and screen savers; random numbers; large-
             project management; MDI; BIOS.

Title:       Visual Basic for Windows by Example (2nd Ed.)
Author:      D.F. Scott
ISBN:        1-56529-167-0
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Rated for:   Beginning/Intermediate
Description: Step-by-step approach to learning to program with the
             latest version of Visual Basic for Windows.

Title:       Visual Basic for Windows Developer's Guide
Author:      D.F. Scott
ISBN:        0-672-30145-8
Publisher:   Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Disk?        Yes
Description: For intermediate-to-advanced level programmers, comprehensive
             coverage of Visual Basic for Windows versions 1.0 and 2.0.
             Technical notes and tips that save you development time.

Title:       Visual Basic for Windows Inside & Out
Author:      Gary Cornell
ISBN:        0078819318 (pbk.)
Publisher:   Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Title:       Visual Basic for Windows Interactive Graphics Programming
ISBN:        0-8306-4126-2
Publisher:   Windcrest/McGraw-Hill (TAB Books)
Disk?        Yes
Description: A guide to creating Windows-based interactive graphics.
             Practical applications for interactive applications are
             explained and demonstrated, including video games, real-time
             control of animation playback, simulation, visualization, and
             3D modeling.

Title:       Visual Basic - Game Programming for Windows
Author:      Michael J. Young
ISBN:        1-55615-503-4
Publisher:   Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Description: A hands-on course in game programming. It is packed with solid
             advice and includes 12 ready-to-run Microsoft Windows games
             complete with playing instructions, source code, online Help,
             and suggestions for customizing.

Title:       Visual Basic Graphics and Animation
ISBN:        1-56529-106-9
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing

Title:       Visual Basic How-To, 2E (covers VB 3.0)
Author:      Zane Thomas, Robert Arnson and Mitchell Waite
ISBN:        1-878739-42-5
Publisher:   Waite Group Press
Disk?        Yes
Description: Provides programmers with a recipe book of expert techniques,
             tricks, tips, and programmer insights about Visual Basic
             version 3.0. Learn how to create an FLI viewer; write a custom
             database with utilities; build an editor that searches for
             text; and more.

Title:       Visual Basic Programmer's Journal
Publisher:   Fawcette Technical Publications
Description: Periodical: A bimonthly journal for Visual Basic
             professionals, covering both MS-DOS and Windows development
             issues from a how-to angle. Microsoft Access is also covered
             from a programmatical perspective.

Title:       Visual Basic Programmer's Reference
ISBN:        0-88022-859-8
Publisher:   Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Description: Includes coverage of advanced Visual Basic programming issues,
             including file system controls, DDEs, and DLLs.

Title:       Visual Basic Programming: with Windows Applications
Author:      Douglas Hawryszkiewycz
ISBN:        553353179
Publisher:   Bantam Books Div. of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group

Title:       Visual Basic Secrets
Publisher:   AJS Publishing, Inc.
Disk?        Yes
Description: A companion guide to the less-well-documented features of
             Visual Basic for Windows. There is more than 300 pages of
             insider tips and information not covered in Visual Basic's
             documentation. Includes details on AutoRedraw, Hit-testing,
             Print Using, adding BitMap Images, and more.

Title:       Visual Basic SuperBible (2nd Ed.) [covers VB 3.0]
ISBN:        1-878739-50-6
Publisher:   Waite Group Press
Disk?        Yes
Description: This book provides a reference to every command, function,
             statement, object, method, event, and property. Covers all new
             Visual Basic controls and features. Updated to cover Visual
             Basic versions 2.0 and 3.0 and Windows version 3.1.

Title:       Visual Basic/SQL Server Primer, The
Author:      Heng Tan
Publisher:   ETN Corporation
Disk?        Yes
Description: How to use Visual Basic to create front-ends for Microsoft SQL
             server databases. Explains and describes Visual Basic/SQL
             server design and programming.

Title:       Visual Guide to Applications
Author:      Richard Mansfield
Publisher:   Ventana Press

Title:       Visual Guide to Microsoft Access
ISBN:        1-5660-4070-1
Publisher:   Ventana Press

Title:       Visual Guide to Visual Basic for Windows, 3.0 Edition
Author:      Richard Mansfield
ISBN:        1-56604-002-7
Publisher:   Ventana Press
Description: With the aid of more than 500 illustrations, The "Visual Guide
             to Visual Basic for Windows" covers the language literally
             from A to Z in an encyclopedic examination that makes it a
             reference for Visual Basic novices and veterans alike.

Title:       Visualization and Virtual Reality: Programming with Visual
             Basic for Windows
Author:      Lee Adams
Publisher:   Windcrest/McGraw-Hill (TAB Books)
Disk?        Yes
Description: Readers learn how to combine visual thinking and analysis by
             using graphics to produce applications for problem-solving,
             abstract and scientific analysis, multimedia presentations,
             CAD, and more.

Title:       Waite Group's Visual Basic How-To, The
ISBN:        1878739093
Publisher:   Waite Group Press

Title:       Windows 3.1 Programming for Mere Mortals
Author:      Woody Leonhard
ISBN:        0-201-60832-4
Publisher:   Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Description: Book/disk package uses commonly available Windows tools, most
             notably WordBasic and Visual Basic, to develop effective
             utilities from the ground up. Topics include creating dialog
             boxes, DDE, client-server links, Windows APIs, and DLLs.

Topic: Windows

Title:       Exploring Windows
Author:      Robert Grauer, Maryann Barber
Publisher:   Prentice Hall


Publisher:        Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.
Address:          Rte 128
Address:          One Jacob Way
City, State, Zip: Reading, MA 01867
Phone:            (617)944-3700
Fax:              (617)964-9460

Publisher:        Advisor Communication International, Inc.
Address:          4010 Morena Blvd., Suite 200
City, State, Zip: San Diego, CA 92117
Phone:            Orders: (800)336-6060
Phone:            Customer Support: (619)483-6400
Fax:              (619)483-9851

Publisher:        AJS Publishing, Inc.
Address:          P.O. Box 83220
City, State, Zip: Los Angeles, CA 90083-0220
Phone:            (310)215-9145
Fax:              (310)215-9135

Publisher:        Alpha Books, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Address:          11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140
City, State, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032
Phone:            (800)428-5331
Phone:            (317)573-2500
Fax:              (317)573-2583

Publisher:        Bantam Books Div. of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing
                  Group Inc.
Address:          666 Fifth Ave.
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10103
Phone:            (800)223-6834
Fax:              (212)765-3869

Publisher:        Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company Subs. of Addison-
                  Wesley Publishing Co.
Address:          390 Bridge Pkwy.
City, State, Zip: Redwood City, CA 94065
Phone:            (800)950-2665
Fax:              (415)594-4409

Publisher:        Brady Books Div. of Prentice Hall Pr., Simon & Schuster,
Address:          15 Columbus Cir.
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10023
Phone:            (212)373-8093
Fax:              (212)373-8292

Publisher:        Brady Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Address:          11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140
City, State, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032
Phone:            (800)428-5331
Phone:            (317)573-2500
Fax:              (317)573-2583

Publisher:        Communication Techniques
Address:          P.O. Box 507
City, State, Zip: Sandy Hook, CT 06482-0507
Phone:            (203)853-4433
Fax:              (203)849-1423

Publisher:        Computer Science Press Inc., Imprint of W.H. Freeman &
Address:          41 Madison Ave.
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10010
Phone:            (212)576-9400
Fax:              (212)689-2383

Publisher:        EMS Professional Shareware
Address:          4505 Buckhurst Ct.
City, State, Zip: Olney, MD 20832-1830
Phone:            (301)924-3594
Fax:              (301)963-2708

Publisher:        ETN Corporation
Address:          RR4 Box 659
City, State, Zip: Montoursville, PA 17754-9433
Phone:            (800)326-9273
Phone:            (717)435-2202
Fax:              (717)435-2802

Publisher:        Fawcette Technical Publications
Address:          209 Hamilton Avenue
City, State, Zip: Palo Alto, CA 94301-2500
Phone:            (800)848-5523 for Canada/USA
                  (415)833-7100 for International
Fax:              (415)853-0230

Publisher:        IDG Books
Address:          155 Bovet Road
City, State, Zip: San Mateo, CA 94402
Phone:            (800)762-2974
Phone:            (415)312-0650
Fax:              (415)358-1260

Publisher:        IEEE Computer Society Press
Address:          10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
City, State, Zip: Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Phone:            (800)272-6657
Fax:              (714)821-4010

Publisher:        Intertext Publications/Multiscience Press
Address:          2633 E. 17th Ave.
City, State, Zip: Anchorage, AK 99508

Publisher:        John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Address:          605 Third Avenue
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10158-0012
Phone:            (800)CALL WIL(EY)
Phone:            (212)850-6630
Fax:              (212)850-6088

Publisher:        M&T Books Div. of M&T Publishing Inc.
Address:          501 Galveston Dr.
City, State, Zip: Redwood City, CA 94063-4728
Phone:            (800)533-4372
Fax:              (415)366-1685

Publisher:        M&T Books, a Div. of MIS:Press
Address:          116 West 18th Street
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10011
Phone:            (212)886-9200
Fax:              (212)633-0748

Publisher:        Macmillan Education Ltd.
Address:          175 Fifth Ave.
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10010

Publisher:        McGraw-Hill Inc.
Address:          1221 Avenue of the Americas
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10020
Phone:            (212)512-2000

Publisher:        Microsoft Developer Network, Microsoft Corp.
Address:          Microsoft Corporation
Address:          One Microsoft Way
City, State, Zip: Redmond, WA 98052
Phone:            Orders: (800)759-5474, ask for department OAAB3
Phone:            Questions: (800)227-4679, Ext. 11771
Phone:            Canada: (800)563-9048
Fax:              (303)443-5080

Publisher:        Microsoft Press Div. of Microsoft Corp.
Address:          ATTN: Consumer Sales/Dept. KVB
Address:          P.O. Box 7005
City, State, Zip: La Vergne, TX 37086-7005
Phone:            (800)MSPRESS [(800)677-7377]

Publisher:        MIS:Press
Address:          117 West 18th Street
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10011
Phone:            (212)886-9200
Fax:              (212)633-0748

Publisher:        Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
Address:          2929 Campus Dr., Suite 260
City, State, Zip: San Mateo, CA 94403
Phone:            (415)578-9911
Fax:              (415)578-0672

Publisher:        New Riders Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Address:          11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140
City, State, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032
Phone:            (800)428-5331
Phone:            (317)573-2500
Fax:              (317)573-2583

Publisher:        Oakley Publishing Co.
Address:          150 N. Fourth St.
City, State, Zip: Springfield, OR 97477
Phone:            (800)234-0386
Fax:              (503)746-0071

Publisher:        Osborne/McGraw-Hill Div. of McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Address:          2600 Tenth Street
City, State, Zip: Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone:            (510)549-6600
Fax:              (510)549-6603

Publisher:        Pinnacle Publishing, Inc.
Address:          P.O. Box 888
City, State, Zip: Kent, WA 98035-0888
Phone:            Tel: (206)251-1900
Phone:            Orders: (800)788-1900

Publisher:        Prentice Hall Div. of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Address:          15 Columbus Cir.
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10023
Phone:            (800)922-0579

Publisher:        Prentice Hall Publishing
Address:          11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140
City, State, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032
Phone:            (800)428-5331
Phone:            (317)573-2500
Fax:              (317)573-2583
Other:            Que, NRP, SAMS, Hayden, Brady, and Alpha Books

Publisher:        Prima Computer Books, Prima Publishing
Address:          P.O. Box 1260, Department W593
City, State, Zip: Rocklin, CA 95677-1260
Phone:            (800)255-8989. Ext. 504
Phone:            (916)789-0426

Publisher:        QED Information Sciences, Incorporated
Address:          P.O. Box 82-181
City, State, Zip: Wellesley, MA 02181
Phone:            (800)343-4848
Fax:              (617)235-0826

Publisher:        Que Corp. Div. of Macmillan Publishing Co.
Address:          11711 N College Ave., Suite 140
City, State, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032

Publisher:        Que, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Address:          11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140
City, State, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032
Phone:            (800)428-5331
Phone:            (317)573-2500
Fax:              (317)573-2583

Publisher:        Random House Electronic Publishing
Address:          201 East 50th Street
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10022
Phone:            (800)733-3000
Phone:            (410)848-1900, Ext. 3000
Fax:              (800)659-2436

Publisher:        Sams Publishing, Prentice Hall Computer Publishing
Address:          11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140
City, State, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032
Phone:            (800)428-5331
Phone:            (317)573-2500
Fax:              (317)573-2583

Publisher:        Science Research Associates
Address:          155 N. Wacker Dr.
City, State, Zip: Chicago, IL 60606
Phone:            (800)621-0476
Fax:              (312)984-7162

Publisher:        Sybex Computer Books
Address:          2021 Challenger Drive
City, State, Zip: Alameda, CA 94501
Phone:            (800)227-2346
Phone:            (510)523-8233
Fax:              (510)523-2373
Other:            Telex: 336311

Publisher:        The Cobb Group
Address:          9420 Bunsen Pkwy, Suite 300
City, State, Zip: Louisville, KY 40220
Phone:            (502)491-1900
Phone:            (800)223-8720
Fax:              (502)491-4200

Publisher:        User Friendly, Inc.
Address:          1718 M Street NW, Suite 291
City, State, Zip: Washington, DC 20036
Phone:            (202)387-1949
Fax:              (202)785-3607

Publisher:        Ventana Press
Address:          P.O. Box 2468
City, State, Zip: Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Phone:            (919)942-0220
Fax:              (919)942-1140

Publisher:        Waite Group Press
Address:          200 Tamal Plaza, Suite 101
City, State, Zip: Corte Madera, CA 94925
Phone:            (800)368-9369
Phone:            (415)924-2575
Fax:              (415)924-2576

Publisher:        Waite Group Press
Address:          100 Shoreline Hwy., Suite A285
City, State, Zip: Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone:            (415)331-0575
Fax:              (415)331-1075

Publisher:        Windcrest/McGraw-Hill (TAB Books)
Address:          13311 Monterey Lane
City, State, Zip: Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17294-0850
Phone:            (800)233-1128
Fax:              (717)794-2103

Publisher:        Ziff Davis Press
Address:          5903 Christie Avenue
City, State, Zip: Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone:            Orders: (800)688-0448. Ext. 78
Phone:            (510)601-2000
Fax:              (510)601-2155 

Additional query words: 2.00 3.00 bibliography booklist

Keywords          : kb3rdparty 
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Platform          : WINDOWS 
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Last Reviewed: May 13, 1999