ID: Q85856
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00a WINDOWS
The information in this article applies to:
Invoking a message box from a control's LostFocus event will prevent the GotFocus event of the next selected control from executing.
This happens because the GotFocus event is not executed. Removing the message box from the control's LostFocus will allow the GotFocus event to execute as expected.
To work around the problem, set a flag in the control's LostFocus event procedure. Then call a generic test routine from the next control's GotFocus event, as demonstrated in the following example:
1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
2. Create the following controls and properties for Form1:
Control Name Property Setting
Text Box Text1 TabIndex = 0
Text Box Text2 TabIndex = 1
Text Box Text3 TabIndex = 2
3. Add the following code to the general Declarations section of Form1:
Dim LastControl As Control
Dim CurrControl As Control
Sub CheckLostFocus ()
If (LastControl.Tag = "True") Then
X%=MsgBox("Is the value OK ?", 36, LastControl + " has Lost Focus")
If X% = 6 Then 'if YES
LastControl.Tag = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
Set LastControl = Text1 'set to the first editable control
End Sub
The instructions 4 through 5 apply to EACH of the 3 Text Boxes:
4. Add the following code to the LostFocus event for EACH Text control:
Sub Text1_LostFocus ()
Set LastControl = Text1
End Sub
Sub Text2_LostFocus ()
Set LastControl = Text2
End Sub
Sub Text3_LostFocus ()
Set LastControl = Text3
End Sub
5. Add the following code to the GotFocus event of EACH Text control:
Sub Text1_GotFocus ()
Set CurrControl = Text1
End Sub
Sub Text2_GotFocus ()
Set CurrControl = Text2
End Sub
Sub Text3_GotFocus ()
Set CurrControl = Text3
End Sub
6. Add the following code to the Change event of EACH Text control:
Sub Text1_Change ()
Text1.Tag = "True"
End Sub
Sub Text2_Change ()
Text2.Tag = "True"
End Sub
Sub Text3_Change ()
Text3.Tag = "True"
End Sub
7. Press F5 to run the program.
Now, both message boxes should appear as expected when the focus is changed by using the TAB key or by clicking the next text box.
This behavior is by design. It is a limitation of Visual Basic's MsgBox statement.
1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
2. Create the following controls and properties for Form1:
Control Name Property Setting
Text Box Text1 TabIndex = 0
Text Box Text2 TabIndex = 1
3. Add the following code to the Text1_LostFocus event procedure:
Sub Text1_LostFocus ()
MsgBox "Text1 has Lost the Focus"
End Sub
4. Add the following code to the Text2_GotFocus event procedure:
Sub Text2_GotFocus ()
MsgBox "Text2 has Received the Focus"
End Sub
5. Press F5 to run the program.
Notice that when you click the second text box (Text2), the message box specified in the GotFocus event fails to display. This also occurs if you try to tab between text boxes or set up labels and quick keys.
Additional reference words: 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00a
KBCategory: kbprb
KBSubcategory: PrgCtrlsStd
Keywords : kbcode PrgCtrlsStd
Version : 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00a
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998