UPD: New Setup Toolkit & Setup Wizard Available for VB ver 3.0

ID: Q100003

The information in this article applies to:


Several bugs were fixed in the Visual Basic Setup Toolkit and Setup Wizard after Visual Basic version 3.0 was released. The latest release of each of these updated files (version 1.00.002 of SETUP.EXE, version 1.00.002 of the Setup1 project files, and version 1.00.551 of the Setup Wizard) can be found in the self-extracting file SETUPK.EXE. In addition, as of June 1994, SETUPK.EXE also includes WW1000.EXE, a self-extracting file that is also available separately in the Microsoft Software Library (MSL).

WW1000.EXE is a self extracting file that contains two files (README.TXT and VSHARE.386). VSHARE.386 currently ships as a component of Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1 and 3.11, so you may already have it. The VSHARE.386 file is a driver that eliminates the need for SHARE.EXE when you run Windows version 3.1 in 386 enhanced mode. README.TXT is an Application Note that describes the installation and use of the VSHARE.386 driver. By installing and using VSHARE.386, you will prevent all known sharing violation errors when using the Setup Wizard to create installation disks. For more information, please see the "Problems and Limitations" section in this article.

NOTE: VSHARE.386 is exclusively a Windows utility. If you need a file sharing utility for MS-DOS, you still need to use SHARE.EXE.


The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:


For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119591 : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services


The following sections outline the bugs that were fixed and give specific instructions on how to install the updated files.


After downloading SETUPK.EXE, run it in an empty directory to obtain the files it contains. Then copy the following files to the following locations on top of the existing files by the same name. (This assumes that you have installed Visual Basic in to the default directory C:\VB and Microsoft Windows in the C:\WINDOWS directory.)

                      and C:\VB\SETUPKIT\KITFILES\SETUPWIZ.INI 

NOTE: Please update lines 2 through 5 of the SETUPWIZ.INI file to reflect the directory where you installed Visual Basic if it is different from the C:\VB directory.

The SETUPWIZ.INI file included here does not reflect the changes necessary to use the Access 2.0 Compatibility Layer files.

NOTE: Do not load SETUPK/SETUPWIZ.INI if the compatibility layer has already been installed!

For more details on the Compatibility Layer, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q113594 : Updated ACC2COMP.TXT for Jet 2.0/VB 3.0 Compatibility Layer


You can distribute these files royalty free with any Visual Basic application that you create.

Setup Wizard Notes

To check the internal version number of your SETUPWIZ.EXE, open a copy of the file in an editor, and search for the string "ver:" This will show the version number. Visual Basic version 3.0 for Windows shipped with SETUPWIZ.EXE version 1.00.532.

Version Bugs Fixed

1.00.533     When using "Save Template," you must enter a file name
             with extension. The extension is no longer required.
1.00.533     The "max" setting for the horizontal scrollbar on the Step
             Five screen is so large that the middle button of the
             scroll bar really can't be used. The max has been reset to
             a smaller value.
1.00.533     The standard command .PIF file may not have the EXECUTION =
             EXCLUSIVE on some computers. As a result, the DOS shells
             for compressing files may sit in the background. Now shell
             with parameter makes the task active with focus.
1.00.534     Minor tweaks to the user interface to widen the TEMPLATE
             buttons, added an accelerator to the R in Rebuild, and
             changed the accelerator in Exit to the 'x' key.
1.00.535     Start SetupWiz. Enter C:\. Click NEXT. This causes an
             untrapped error: "Path/file access error."
1.00.536     Removed line FILE10=OLE2UI.DLL under the [MSOLE2.VBX]
             section in SETUPWIZ.INI.
1.00.536     Try using Setup Wizard to create setup disks for the
             OLE2DEMO sample application after removing the OLE2UI entry
             from SETUPWIZ.INI. In step 2, select OLE. The Next button
             doesn't work. The Back button does work, and the Next
             button works if nothing is selected in step 2. The Finish
             button also works. This problem affected any OLE
1.00.537     Selecting more than 40 files with the Common Dialog during
             ADD FILES was not handled before. Now it is.
1.00.538     Cleaned up the MSOLE2.VBX and OLE Automation sections in
1.00.539     A PATH pointing to non-existing directories or drives
             resulted in a "User-defined error." Now Setup Wizard
             returns the correct error message and continues.
1.00.542     Fixed compression problems when running under Windows NT.
1.00.543     Fixed an invalid keyword in some common dialogs that asked
             where a file is located.
1.00.543     Fixed problem: if a template's .EXE file was deleted or
1.00.544     SetupWizard incorrectly added VER.DL_ to the SETUP.LST
             file. Setup Wizard no longer adds this file to SETUP.LST.
1.00.545     SETUPWIZ.INI added two files to the CRYSTAL.VBX section.
1.00.546     Fixed problem where after adding files in step 5, you can
             get a "File not Found" or "Compress error."
1.00.546     Fixed problem where after deleting your project's EXE
             (such as MYAPP.EXE), you'd get an "Illegal function call in
1.00.547     Fixed problem where MYAPP.EXE in same dir as MAK file,
             and PATH= in MAK file points to different drive.  Thus
             wrong file was added to list.
1.00.548     Fixed problem when a compressed file is larger than 1.2
             meg. This fix also requires 4 changes in the SETUP1.MAK
1.00.548     Fixed problem when SETUP1.MAK has a .VBX or .DLL file.
1.00.548     Fixed problem where after adding multiple files, another
             'point to a file' dialog came up asking for a support file
             location resulting in a path with no filename is listed in
             the file distribution box.
1.00.549     Fixed problems where SETUP1.FRM grows beyond an assumed
             size. SetupWizard is now not dependent on SETUP1.FRM's
1.00.550     Fix to the SETUP1.MAK files for concatenating split files
             back together.
1.00.551     Changed caption of Financial Functions checkbox to IFF &
             Financial Functions
1.00.551     Fixed problem where a project with many files would cause a
             Disk Full error on distribution disk 1.
1.00.552     Fixed problem under Windows NT 3.51 where the Setup Wizard
             would start another instance of itself rather than running
             the batch file which compresses the distribution files.
             This problem is due to internal changes in Windows NT 3.51
             rather than an error in the code in the Setup Wizard. 


To check the internal version number of your SETUP.EXE, open a copy of the file in an editor, and search for the string "FileVersion" to show the version number. Note, This version information was added only after version 1.00.002.

Version    Bug Fix/Feature              Comments
1.00.002   VER.DLL is truncated to      SETUP.EXE now checks to see
           zero bytes if it is not      if VER.DL_ exists on  your
           found or has an incorrect    distribution disk. If it is
           name on the distribution     not found, the following error
           disk.                        error is displayed and then
                                        SETUP.EXE terminates:
                                        "Error - File not found:
                                        A:\VER.DL_. This file is
                                        required by Setup."

1.00.002   SETUP.EXE does not run       When running SETUP.EXE in
           in Windows version 3.0.      Microsoft Windows version 3.0,
                                        you will receive the error "This
                                        application requires a newer
                                        version of Windows."  This error
                                        causes SETUP.EXE to terminate.
                                        This bug has been fixed so that
                                        SETUP.EXE will run successfully
                                        in Microsoft Windows version

1.00.002   The Visual Basic version     This problem occurs because
           3.0 THREED.VBX does not      the file type of THREED.VBX
           overwrite the Visual Basic   changed from "APP" to "DLL"
           version 2.0 THREED.VBX.      between version 2.0 and 3.0.
                                        SETUP.EXE now ignores file
                                        type differences and will
                                        install any file where the
                                        source and destination names
                                        are the same when the source
                                        file is the same or a newer

1.00.002   This error message:          The error messages are now
           "Could not open or read      "Error - Could not open file:
           file: &lt;filename&gt;" was        <filename>" and "Error - Could
           replaced with two            not read file: <filename>."
           separate error messages.     Both errors cause SETUP.EXE to

1.00.002   New error message added:     The new error message replaces:
           "Error - Insufficient        "Error - Could not copy file:
           disk space on drive          <source filename> ->
           <drive letter>:" This        <destination filename>"
           error causes SETUP.EXE       when there is insufficient
           to terminate.                disk space.

1.00.002   Version information was      The version number 1.00.002
           added to SETUP.EXE.          was added to SETUP.EXE.
                                        Previous versions of SETUP.EXE
                                        have no version number.

1.00.003   Running SETUP.EXE            This problem has been fixed so
           version 1.00.002 from a      that you can run SETUP.EXE from
           subdirectory causes          a subdirectory. SETUP.EXE
           "Error - Could not open      provided with Visual Basic
           file: <path name> SETUP.LST  version 3.0 does not have this

1.00.003  VER.DL_ on distribution       SETUP.EXE now copies VER.DL_
          disk does not copy over       when the file/date time stamp of
          VER.DLL in destination        the destination VER.DLL file is
          directory if the file date/   the same.
          time stamp is the same for
          both files.

1.00.004  A  "Cannot copy file ..."     SETUP.EXE no longer gives an
          error message occurs when     error when the source file has
          attempting to copy a file     an older version number than
          referenced in SETUP.LST that  the destination file.
          has an older version number
          than the same file on the
          destination drive.  This
          error causes SETUP.EXE to

1.00.004  SETUP.EXE copies over the     SETUP.EXE no longer attempts to
          same or older version of      copy VER.DLL if it is already in
          VER.DLL if it is in use       use.  It assumes that it can use
          by another application such   an older version of VER.DLL if
          as File Manager.  This can    it exists and is in use.
          lead to a General Protection
          Fault (GP fault). 

SETUP1 Project Files Notes

To check the internal version number of the Setup1 project files, check the general declarations section of SETUP1.FRM. (This version information was added only after version 1.00.002 of the Setup kit.)

Version  Bug                               Comments
1.00.001 SETUP1.EXE fails to copy the      This problem occurs because
         Visual Basic version 3.0          the file type of THREED.VBX c
         THREED.VBX over the Visual        changed from APP to DLL
         Basic version 2.0 THREED.VBX.     between Visual Basic versions
                                           2.0 and 3.0.
                                           The CopyFile function in
                                           SETUP1.BAS was modified so
                                           that any file will be copied
                                           regardless of its type as
                                           long as the source file is
                                           the same or newer version
                                           when compared to the
                                           destination file.

1.00.001 SETUP1.EXE fails when attempting  A problem in
         to show a Program Manager group   CreateProgManItem when
         under Norton Desktop              executing the ShowGroup DDE
                                           command causes SETUP1.EXE to
                                           fail under Norton Desktop.
                                           The syntax on the call to the
                                           ShowGroup DDE command was
                                           fixed to overcome this

1.00.001 Unnecessary code included in      SETUP1.FRM contains code that
         Form_Load event procedure of      has been disabled by making
         SETUP1.FRM.                       it into a comment. This code
                                           was useful in the Visual
                                           Basic version 1.0 of the
                                           Setup Toolkit. However, the
                                           features demonstrated by this
                                           code were removed from the
                                           Visual Basic version 2.0 and
                                           3.0 Setup Toolkit. This code
                                           was removed.

1.00.001 Incorrect references to           Messages containing
         "Test Application"                references to "Test
                                           Application" were changed to
                                           reference the actual name of
                                           the application.

1.00.002 Setup Wizard is not able to       Changes to the Setup Wizard
         break large files (greater        version 1.00.548 to fix this
         than 1.2 meg in size)             problem required changes to
         across multiple disks             the CopyFile and
                                           ConcatSplitFiles routines in

1.00.002 A version number was added        Check the general
         to a comment in the general       declarations section of
         declarations section of           SETUP1.FRM to determine the
         SETUP1.FRM.                       current version number of

Changes Made to the CopyFile and ConcateSplitFiles Routines in SETUP1.BAS

Old SETUP1 Code:

   In Function CopyFile:

      If InFileVer$ <= OutFileVer$ Then

   In Sub ConcatSplitFiles:

      CopyLeftOver& = outfileLen& Mod 10
      CopyChunk# = (outfileLen& - CopyLeftOver&) / 10
      filevar$ = String$(CopyLeftOver&, 32)
      Get #fh2%, , filevar$
      Put #fh1%, , filevar$
      filevar$ = String$(CopyChunk#, 32)
      iFileMax% = 10 

New SETUP1 Code:

   In Function CopyFile:

      If InFileVer$ <= OutFileVer$ And SourcePath <> DestinationPath Then

   In Sub ConcatSplitFiles:

      CopyLeftOver& = outfileLen& Mod 100
      CopyChunk# = (outfileLen& - CopyLeftOver&) / 100
      filevar$ = String$(CopyLeftOver&, 32)
      Get #fh2%, , filevar$
      Put #fh1%, , filevar$
      filevar$ = String$(CopyChunk#, 32)
      iFileMax% = 100 

Problems and Limitations

Additional query words: softlib kbVBp300 kbVBp kbSetUp kbWizard

Keywords          : 
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: May 20, 1999