ID: Q107748
3.00 WINDOWS kbprg
The information in this article applies to:
- Professional Edition of Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows,
version 3.0
This article explains how to create and use a parameter query. A parameter query is a type of QueryDef specific to Visual Basic and Microsoft Access. Parameter queries enable you to automate the process of changing query criteria. With a parameter query, you can set new values for the parameters each time you run the query.
A parameter query is created in a program by using the CreateQueryDef() function. Here is the syntax for the CreateQueryDef() function:
Set querydef = database.CreateQueryDef(name, sqltext)
querydef - a QueryDef object
database - a Database object
name - string containing query name
sqltext - string containing the SQL query text
The sqltext string is optional or it can be defined by using the .SQL
property of the QueryDef. To create a parameter query, place the
PARAMETERS statement in the sqltext string. Here is the syntax for
the PARAMETERS statement:
PARAMETERS parametertext datatype
parametertext - name of the parameter
datatype - type of the parameter
The following table lists the appropriate Microsoft Access SQL datatype
that should be used with the PARAMETERS statement as well as the
corresponding Microsoft Access field type, Visual Basic variable type,
and constant value from the DATACONS.TXT file.
Microsoft Microsoft Visual
Access SQL Access Field Basic Type DATACONS.TXT Constant
Bit Yes/No Integer DB_BOOLEAN = 1
Byte Byte Integer DB_BYTE = 2
Short Integer Integer DB_INTEGER = 3
Long Long Integer Long DB_LONG = 4
Currency Currency Double DB_CURRENCY = 5
IEEESingle Single Single DB_SINGLE = 6
IEEEDouble Double Double DB_DOUBLE = 7
DateTime Date/Time Variant DB_DATE = 8
Binary Binary String
Text Text String DB_TEXT = 10
LongBinary OLE Object String DB_LONGBINARY = 11
LongText Memo String DB_MEMO = 12
Following the PARAMETERS statement in the sqltext string, place the query.
The query can refer to the parameter (parametertext) named in the
PARAMETERS statement. Wherever the query refers to a parameter the current
value will be substituted when the query is executed.
For example, if the query text is:
and the parameter i was set to 42 in the program. The parameter i would be
substituted and the resulting query would be equivalent to:
SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld=42
It is also possible to have multiple parameters in a PARAMETERS statement. To do this, use commas to separate the parameters as follows:
PARAMETERS parametertext datatype, parametertext datatype, ...
Prior to executing the query, set the parameters using this syntax:
querydef!parametertext = value
querydef - a QueryDef object
parametertext - the name of the parameter in the PARAMETERS statement
value - the value the parameter will have
In the previous example, you would use QD!i=42 before executing the query.
Once the parameters are set, you are ready to execute the query. There are three methods (Execute, CreateDynaset, and CreateSnapshot) supported by a QueryDef that will cause the query to be executed.
More information on parameter queries is available in the Visual Basic, version 3.0, "Professional Features Book 2."
The following example illustrates the use of a short parameter in a query. The example has two parts. The first part creates a new QueryDef for BIBLIO.MDB (the sample Microsoft Access database that ships with Visual Basic) and should be executed only once. The second part uses the QueryDef to create a snapshot, which is then displayed. To test the example, place each of the following code segments in a command button Click event procedure:
'Create QueryDef "by date"
Dim Db As Database
Dim Qd As QueryDef
Set Db = OpenDatabase("C:\VB\BIBLIO.MDB")
Set Qd = Db.CreateQueryDef("By date") 'Create the query "By date"
QdText = "PARAMETERS dp Short; "
QdText = QdText & "SELECT * from Titles WHERE [Year Published] = dp"
Qd.SQL = QdText
Print Qd.SQL
' Create Snapshot from QueryDef
Dim Db As Database
Dim Qd As QueryDef
Dim Sn As Snapshot
Set Db = OpenDatabase("C:\VB\BIBLIO.MDB")
Set Qd = Db.OpenQueryDef("By Date") 'Open the "By date" query
Qd!dp = 1991 'Set the value of the dp parameter
Set Sn = Qd.CreateSnapshot() 'Create a snapshot from the query
Do Until Sn.EOF
For i = 1 To Sn.Fields.Count - 1
Print Sn(i); 'Display results of query
The second example shows how to use an action parameter query. Note that
action queries are invoked with the Excute method, not CreateDynaset or
CreateSnapshot, because they do not return records:
'Create QueryDef
Dim Db As Database
Dim Qd As QueryDef
Set Db = OpenDatabase("C:\VB\BIBLIO.MDB")
Set Qd = Db.CreateQueryDef("Delete by name") 'Create the query
QdText = "PARAMETERS p1 Text; "
QdText = QdText & "DELETE * FROM Authors WHERE Author = p1;"
Qd.SQL = QdText
Print Qd.SQL
' Execute the QueryDef
Dim Db As Database
Dim Qd As QueryDef
Set Db = OpenDatabase("C:\VB\BIBLIO.MDB")
Set Qd = Db.OpenQueryDef("Delete by name")
Qd!p1 = "Bob"
Qd.Execute 'Perform the action query
KBCategory: kbprg
KBSubcategory: APrgDataOther
Additional reference words: 3.00 parameterized querydefs
Keywords :
Version : 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: January 11, 1997