BUG: Hcrtf.exe Causes Hcw.exe to Quit If Already RunningID: Q139639
The Help Workshop tool (Hcw.exe) causes a page fault if Hcrtf.exe is run concurrently with no switches or with invalid switches. The error is:
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
Hcrtf.exe tries to spawn Hcw.exe when it is given no switches or incorrect command line switches. This causes the failure.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
HCRTF.EXE is generally run from Makefile.bat files that are included as part of your project. These batch files call HCRTF.EXE correctly and do not cause a problem.
Additional query words: kbVC400bug
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbVC400bug kbVC410bug kbVC420bug kbVC500bug kbVC600bug TlsMisc
Version :
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: May 14, 1999