ID: Q94582
7.00 | 1.00 1.50 1.51 1.52 MS-DOS | WINDOWS kbtool kbcode kbbuglist
The information in this article applies to:
An application created for the MS-DOS environment that uses the Microsoft Overlay Virtual Environment (MOVE) loses extended or expanded memory.
When the application is linked together, the Microsoft C run-time library is not specified first in the list of libraries.
Modify the linker command line to list the Microsoft C run-time library as the first library.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in products listed above. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
This error occurs when a MOVE application uses the graphics library distributed with Visual C++ and the graphics library is listed before the C run-time library.
The following sample code demonstrates this problem. Each time you run this application, 4,096 bytes of extended memory is lost and becomes unavailable. Use mem to verify this.
* Compile options needed: /AM or /AL
* Linker command to reproduce problem:
* /NOD main over, test.exe,, graphics mlibce, test.def
* Linker command to work around problem:
* /NOD main over, test.exe,, mlibce graphics, test.def
#include <graph.h>
void func(void);
void main()
struct videoconfig vc;
void func()
printf("In func...\n");
main_text ovl:0
over_text ovl:1
Additional reference words: 7.00 1.00 1.50
KBCategory: kbtool kbcode kbbuglist
KBSubcategory: MoveOverlay
Keywords : kb16bitonly
Last Reviewed: July 18, 1997