BUG: Modal Dialogs in MFC Regular DLL Cause ASSERT in AfxWndProcID: Q177101
If two or more threads display modal dialog boxes at the same time inside an MFC regular dynamic-link library (DLL) (USRDLL), the following ASSERT may be generated in AfxWndProc, on Wincore.cpp, line 365 in Visual C++ 6.0 (line 368 in Visual C++ 5.0, line 360 in Visual C++ 4.2):
// All other messages route through message map.
CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hWnd);
This ASSERT occurs only if one of the threads was created outside of the
When AfxGetThread() is called in an MFC regular DLL from a secondary thread
that was not created inside the DLL, it returns the CWinApp object for the
DLL because a CWinThread object was not created for the thread in the
context of the DLL.
When a modal dialog box is displayed, CWnd::RunModalLoop() pumps messages
by calling AfxGetThread()->PumpMessage(). If two modal dialog boxes both
call the CWinApp object's PumpMessage at the same time, synchronization
problems cause the wrong message to get processed on the wrong thread.
One possible work around is to spawn secondary threads, which in turn display the modal dialog boxes. Each new thread created inside the MFC regular DLL will have a new CWinThread object and a separate message pump.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
In Visual C++ versions earlier than Visual C++ 4.2, MFC regular DLLs could be accessed only from the same thread that loaded the DLL. Support for
external secondary threads was added in Visual C++ 4.2.
The following sample code shows one possible workaround:
UINT ShowMeTheDlg( LPVOID pParam )
// Create CWnd object from passed in HWND
CFileSecurity FS(CWnd::FromHandle((HWND)pParam));
return TRUE;
void CSubfolderPage::OnBreakit()
// Start MFC Worker thread for modal dialog box. Modal dialog box has
// PumpMessage code so, user interface thread is not necessary.
// Can't pass CWnds between threads, so pass HWND
// After DoModal call above, function returns
// and thread terminates.
AfxBeginThread(ShowMeTheDlg, (LPVOID)this->GetSafeHwnd());
For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q122676 Multiple Threads and MFC _USRDLLs
© Microsoft Corporation 1997, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Marie Ward, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbDLL kbMFC kbThread kbVC420bug kbVC500bug kbVC600bug
Version : winnt:4.2,5.0,6.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: April 8, 1999