BUG: VC++ 1.5 Setup Does Not Create WINTEE.PIF

ID: Q117675

1.50 WINDOWS kbsetup kbbuglist

The information in this article applies to:


Starting the Visual C++ Workbench, version 1.5, with the /V option under Windows and then choosing the Build or the Rebuild All from the Project menu may trigger a dialog box with the following text:

   Please enter the path for WINTEE.PIF :

Because the WINTEE.PIF file was not created by the Setup program, the build cannot proceed.


WINTEE.PIF could not be found in the directories specified by the PATH environment, so the Visual Workbench prompts the user to enter the location of the file.


If the user has installed Visual C++, version 1.0, on the machine, then the WINTEE.PIF file generated for that installation can be copied and used for the Visual C++ version 1.5 installation.

If the user does not have Visual C++, version 1.0, installed, then WINTEE.PIF can be created using the PIFEDIT.EXE utility supplied with Windows. To do so, the user could invoke PIFEDIT and set the following fields to the values suggested below:

    Program Filename: C:\MSVC\BIN\WINTEER.EXE
    Window Title: WinTee
    Start-Up Directory: C:\MSVC\BIN
    Memory Requirements: KB Desired: 512
    Display Usage: Windowed
    Execution: Background: On

All other fields should be left with their default settings. If Visual C++ was installed in a directory other than the default (C:\MSVC), the appropriate path should be substituted in the "Program Filename" and "Start- Up Directory" fields. After setting all fields, save the file under the name "WINTEE.PIF" in the same directory as the one specified in the "Start- Up Directory" field.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in Visual C++ for Windows, version 1.5. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


WINTEER.EXE is the utility that the Visual Workbench uses to communicate with the command-line tools during the build process. If the Visual Workbench is invoked through the /V option, then it runs WINTEER in a visible window using the WINTEE.PIF file instead of running the WINTEER.EXE directly. If WINTEE.PIF was not installed by the Setup program, the dialog appears to prompt the user for the location of the file. However, because the file was not created by the Setup program, the user will not be able to build the project.

NOTE: This is not a problem when Visual C++ runs under the Windows NT operating system because the WINTEE.PIF file is not used.

Additional reference words: 1.50 WINTEER MSVC KBCategory: kbsetup kbbuglist KBSubcategory: vc15setup Keywords : kb16bitonly

Last Reviewed: July 23, 1997