FIX: Assertion Failed, Line 475 of Sockcore.cpp
ID: Q139692
The information in this article applies to:
The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), included with:
Microsoft Visual C++ for Windows, 16-bit edition, version 1.52
Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, versions 2.1, 2.2
An MFC application that uses the socket classes and makes sequential
calls to close and create sockets encounters an assertion failure:
In MFC 3.1 and 3.2, the assertion appears as:
Assertion Failed: <app name>: File sockcore.cpp, Line 475
In MFC 2.52, the assertion appears as:
Assertion Failed: <app name>: File sockcore.cpp, Line 456
MFC maintains a map of dead sockets. (A dead socket is a socket that was
open but that has been closed.) The purpose of this map is described in
further detail in the "More Information" section of this article.
If an application closes and opens sockets in the same thread without
yielding to process messages, then it is possible that an attempt will be
made to close a socket that has already been closed. MFC does not properly
handle this because it can only have one entry in the map of dead sockets.
The resulting assertion failure is checking whether there is already an
entry in the map of dead sockets:
ASSERT(CAsyncSocket::LookupHandle(hSocket, TRUE) == NULL);
// The TRUE means it is looking for a dead socket handle,
// thus the assertion failure occurs.
There are four possible resolutions:
- The problem occurs only if you are closing and opening sockets
sequentially without yielding to process messages. If you are doing this
to send many small packets of data, there might be other approaches that
would work better. See the "More Information" section of this article
for further details.
- One pretty simple resolution is to suspend the closing of any sockets
until all sockets have been opened. This prevents any new SOCKET from
being opened (and subsequently closed) that happens to have the same
SOCKET handle as a previously closed socket.
- You can write a routine to process all pending socket messages
immediately after calling Close and before continuing with code
execution. This could be done, for example, in the Close member function
of your own CAsyncSocket-derived or CSocket-derived class:
#include <afxpriv.h>
void CMySocket::Close()
// For the socket about to be closed.
SOCKET hDeadSocket = m_hSocket;
// or for CSocket-derived class:
// CSocket::Close();
MSG msg;
if( (msg.message==WM_SOCKET_DEAD) &&
The virtual destructor should also be overridden to make sure the
correct Close is called:
if (m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
NOTE: This will cause CAsyncSocket-overriden and CSocket-overridden
callbacks (for example, OnReceive, OnAccept) to be called for any
currently open sockets that have notification messages pending in the
- Restructure the code so that the Close/Open operations are not in a non-
yielding sequence. This could be done by providing a message handler for
a user-defined message and by performing a specific operation in that
message handler. Rather than just proceeding with the thread of
execution, a function call that Closes or Destroys a
CAsyncSocket/CSocket object should be followed by a PostMessage with the
user-defined message. This way all other messages (including the
WM_SOCKET_DEAD message) will be processed before the subsequent socket
operations are performed.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in the version
of MFC that ships with Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Edition, version 4.0.
Sending Small Packets of Data
If you are just interested in sending small packets of data back and forth,
then opening and closing several STREAM type sockets might not be the best
solution. STREAM sockets were created for sending large amounts of data
reliably. Two alternate solutions (using one persistent connection or using
DATAGRAM sockets) might be more suitable and would probably provide better
performance than you would get by opening and closing many STREAM type
socket connections.
Using One Persistent Connection
If you are sending this data between the same processes, you can do
something like what the Chatter and ChatSrvr samples do. They both have a
Message Structure defined. They open a socket connection and leave it open.
Then they just send multiple Message Structures back and forth to each
other through the socket until one or the other side decides to disconnect
permanently. Then the LastMessage bit is set in the Message Structure and
sent to the other process. The other process then closes down gracefully.
Using DATAGRAM Sockets
You can open a single unconnected DATAGRAM socket, and use the SendTo and
ReceiveFrom functions to send little bits of data between processes.
This might be a better approach because it does not require you to use the
overhead of opening or closing a socket connection for every message you
send. You can just use an unconnected DATAGRAM socket, and use SendTo when
you need to send the data. Additionally, DATAGRAM sockets are generally
faster than STREAM sockets. The primary catch here is that DATAGRAM sockets
do not guarantee delivery of your data -- although on many systems, they
are almost as reliable as STREAM sockets.
The WM_SOCKET_DEAD Mechanism
MFC has a mechanism for preventing a problem that occurs when a socket has
been closed while there were still notification messages in the
application's message queue that were bound for that socket.
The problem is that a new socket could be opened that has the same handle
as the socket that was closed. The messages that still existed in the
message queue are eventually received, and they appear to be destined for
the newly opened socket. This can cause a variety of problems. For example,
OnReceive might be called for a socket that actually has nothing to
MFC's appraoch to handling this problem uses a special message called
WM_SOCKET_DEAD. Whenever a socket is closed, the following occurs:
- The SOCKET handle is removed from the map of attached sockets.
- The SOCKET handle is placed in the map of dead sockets.
- The WM_SOCKET_DEAD message is posted to the application's message queue
with a wParam indicating the closed SOCKET handle.
NOTE: These first three steps are implemented in CAsyncSocket::KillSocket,
in Sockcore.cpp.
- The message routing mechanism for MFC's hidden socket notification
window ignores all messages for a SOCKET handle while the SOCKET
handle is in the map of dead sockets.
- The SOCKET handle is not removed from the map of dead sockets until the
WM_SOCKET_DEAD message is received.
By POSTING the WM_SOCKET_DEAD message, MFC causes all pending socket
messages for that particular SOCKET handle to be ignored until the
WM_SOCKET_DEAD message is received. The effect of this is to ignore any
notifications that were pending for the now-dead socket. Any messages
received after that are notifications for the open socket and those
messages will be properly handled.
Additional query words:
2.52 2.10 2.20 3.10 3.20 4.00 CSocket CAsyncSocket
Keywords : kbMFC kbVC kbWinsock
Version : 1.52 | 2.10 2.20
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: August 5, 1999