FIX: Visual Workbench Crashes with Custom Options

ID: Q103783

1.00 WINDOWS kbtool kbfixlist kbfasttip

The information in this article applies to:


The Visual Workbench that ships with Microsoft Visual C++ version 1.0 causes a general protection (GP) fault if any of the following options are added to the Custom Options section (select Options, choose Project, then choose Compiler):

   /Fe  = Used for naming of the resultant executable
   /Fo  = Used for naming of the object file (.OBJ)
   /Fm  = Used for naming of the linker map file

These options don't have a corresponding check box in the Compiler Options section. Furthermore, the crash occurs only if the /Fp or /Fd option does not appear earlier in the option string.


The above options are generally not necessary when building with the Visual Workbench. By default, the Workbench creates a makefile that names the .EXE to be <PROJECT_NAME>.EXE and specifies that the .OBJ files will be named <SOURCE_FILENAME>.OBJ. The .OBJ files are placed in the project directory (where the .MAK file is located). Using the /Fo option causes conflicts with the makefile that is created by the Visual Workbench because the makefile looks for the .OBJ in the project directory, when in fact the .OBJ exists in the directory that is specified with the /Fo option.

The /Fm and /Fe options are not useful in this case because the makefile that is generated by the Visual Workbench compiles and links in two separate steps. The options are helpful only when compiling in one step (compiling without the /c compiler option). To create a linker map file, use the linker options "Create Map File" check box. The executable name will always be <PROJECT_NAME>.EXE.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Visual C++ for Windows version 1.0. This problem has been fixed in Visual C++ for Windows version 1.5.

Additional reference words: 1.00 gpf gp-fault application error MSVC hang checkbox KBCategory: kbtool kbbuglist kbfixlist kbfasttip KBSubcategory: VWBIss

Keywords          : kb16bitonly kbide kbVC kbbuglist kbfixlist
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : WINDOWS
Solution Type     : kbfix

Last Reviewed: September 20, 1997