Excel: Entering Multiple Text Lines in a Chart with a MacroID: Q59968
In a text line in a Microsoft Excel chart, COMMAND+ENTER is used to
separate lines of text. To create a macro that enters a multiline text
label, concatenate (join) the text using the ASCII code for a return
(ASCII 13).
For example, to enter the following as a piece of text in an Excel
World Report
=FORMULA("1989"&CHAR(13)&"World Report"&CHAR(13)&"Summary")
The CHAR(x) function inserts the character with the ASCII code of "x".
The ampersand (&) operator concatenates individual pieces of text into
one text string.
For more information on the CHAR function, see page 29 in the
"Microsoft Excel Function Reference" version 3.0 manual. If you are
using Excel 2.20, see page 27 in the "Microsoft Excel Functions and
Macros" version 2.2 manual.
For more information on text concatenation, see page 107 in the
"Microsoft Excel User's Guide" version 3.0 manual. If you are using
Excel 2.20, see page 516 in the "Microsoft Excel Reference" version
2.2 manual.
Additional query words: noupd
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Last Reviewed: March 16, 1999