ID: Q111498
1.00 1.50 WINDOWS kb3rdparty kbprb
The information in this article applies to:
With Norton Desktop 3.0 File Assist enabled, the Classes button in AppWizard dialog box is always disabled.
Disabling the Recently Opened File function of Norton Desktop's File Assist feature for AppWizard will allow normal functionality.
To turn off the Recently Opened File function of Norton Desktop's File Assist for AppWizard, perform the following steps:
1. Select AppWizard from the Project menu of Visual C++ to bring up
the AppWizard dialog box.
2. Choose the Config button that Norton's File Assist has added to the
bottom of the AppWizard dialog box.
3. Clear the Recently Used Files check box.
4. Choose the OK button.
5. Cancel out of the AppWizard dialog box.
6. Bring up the AppWizard dialog box again.
7. Type in your project name.
At this point your Classes button should function normally.
Norton Desktop's File Assist feature adds some common functions to the File Open and File Save common dialog boxes in Windows. These include adding some buttons to the bottom of your dialog box as well as a Recently Opened Files list. The AppWizard dialog is a customized File Open dialog box using the Filename field to type in the name of your new project. Since you aren't really typing a filename, there is a conflict with the Recently Opened File function.
Other behavior in the AppWizard dialog box is affected by Norton Desktop's File Assist. Neither the New Subdirectory field nor the Project Path field reflects the Project Name that is entered in the Project Name field. This functionality will also return with the disabling of the Recently Opened File function.
Additional reference words: 1.00 1.50 greyed grayed out App Wizard KBCategory: kb3rdparty kbprb KBSubcategory: WizardIss Keywords : kb16bitonly
Last Reviewed: August 7, 1998