SAMPLE: Create an ActiveX Control with a Dialog Resource

Last reviewed: September 15, 1997
Article ID: Q155973
The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Edition, version 4.2


DlgX is an ActiveX Control that uses a dialog template resource to place other controls within it. In the More Information section below, you will find a description of the functionality in the class CFormControl that implements creating the ActiveX control from a dialog template and also handles most of the default button processing. DlgX then uses CFormControl and Class Wizard to add functionality. Also in the More Information section you will find a Step-by-Step procedure for converting an AppWizard generated OLE Control to one that uses CFormControl. Once you are done with the conversion, you will be able to use Class Wizard to add functionality in much the same way you would for a dialog.

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:

 ~ Dlgx.exe (size: 248483 bytes) 

For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q119591
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

NOTE: Use the -d option when running DLGX.EXE to decompress the file and recreate the proper directory structure.



This sample can be used as a basis for developing your own form-based OLE Control. The limitations known at this time are listed below. Due to the nature of the interaction between Controls and Containers, further issues may arise that are beyond the scope of this sample.

Known Limitations

  1. The CFormControl class uses header files located in the msdev\mfc\src directory that are considered private to MFC. This sample may need to be modified to enable it to work with future versions of Visual C++.

  2. Placing a Form Control inside a Form Control will cause default button processing to fail in some containers due to the way some containers handle activation and deactivation of controls.

  3. There are problems using a ComboBox Control in a Form Control. The first involves the ComboBox Control not being initialized from the dialog template. This can be worked around by initializing the ComboBox in an override of OnInitialUpdate. There have also been some reports of the TAB key not moving to the next control when the edit portion of the ComboBox has the focus.

Information About the Implementation:

A Brief Description of the CFormControl Methods

  1. CFormControl::CFormControl initializes member variables, calling

        MAKEINTRESOURCE if necessary. The dialog template size in pixels
        is also initialized so that it can be used in OnSetExtent.

  2. OnSetExtent can initialize the control to the size of the dialog

        template from which it was created. This functionality is typically
        determined by a parameter in the constructor that defaults to Auto
        Size. This parameter sets the m_bAutoSize member variable of
        CFormControl, which can be changed programmatically.

  3. CFormControl::CreateControlWindow creates m_hWnd using CreateDlg.

        This will create the window using the dialog resource parameter
        in the constructor. COleControl::CreateControlWindow became virtual
        in Visual C++ 4.2.

  4. _AfxCheckDialogTemplate is a helper function copied from MFC to check

        the validity of the dialog resource. This is copied from CFormView.

  5. CFormControl::PreTranslateMessage first checks to see if the child

        with the focus is an ActiveX control and, if so, gives it the first
        shot at the message. If the message wasn't handled, then see if you
        are dealing with a dialog navigation key (TAB, SHIFT+TAB, and the
        Left, Right, Up, and Down arrows) and, if so, check and deal with
        dialog boundary conditions. Otherwise, call PreTanslateInput and let
        MFC and windows try to process the message.

  6. CFormControl::OnSetFocus handles the situation when you are tabbing

        into the Form Control.

  7. CFormControl::OnInitialUpdate is called by CreateControlWindow only

        when m_hWnd is being created for the OLE Control. The function is
        virtual to allow overriding of the initial update code.

  8. CFormControl::HandleInitDialog and CFormControl::SetOccDialogInfo

        were copied from CFormView to enable OLE Control containment.

  9. CFormControl::OnDraw will draw a default design time representation

        of the control's border to help in the placement of the control on
        a form. It will also display a name for the control using the
        Extended Name property, if available, or the contents of m_sFormName.

  10. Add a custom message handler OnActivateControl. Child controls will

        send the WM_ACTIVATE_CONTROL message in their OnSetFocus handler to
        activate the ActiveX control, if necessary.

  11. Stop mouse messages sent to the Form Control and ignore them.

        This removes the form from actively participating in the UI and
        makes it appear to be part of the container.

  12. For every child control class, set up a wrapper class and member

        variable. In the wrapper class, override OnSetFocus, OnKillFocus,
        and OnLButtonDown. These handlers facilitate the proper default
        button processing when using the mouse to select controls.

Changes Needed to Convert a ControlWizard OLE

Control Project to Use the CFormControl Class

The class names shown in the following sample code, such as CMyFormControl and CMyButton, should be changed to the actual names used in your code. Please refer to the DlgX sample for a complete example that uses the CFormControl class.

  1. Start with an OLE Control project created with ControlWizard.

  2. Add the msdev\mfc\src directory as one of the directories for

        Developer Studio to search when looking for include files. To do this,
        select Options from the Tools menu, click the Directories tab, and with
        "Show directories for:" set to "Include files," add the msdev\mfc\src
        directory. The actual directory path may be different depending on
        where you installed Visual C++.

        If the MFC source code was not copied to the hard disk when Visual
        C++ was initially installed, it can be copied at a later time.
        To do this, run the Setup program, select the Custom installation
        option and, under the Microsoft Foundation Class Libraries component,
        make sure the Source Code component is selected.

        WARNING: There are two files being included from this directory:
        AfxImpl.h and CtlImpl.h. These files are subject to change in later
        versions of MFC and, as such, may break a project in the future.

  3. Change the control base class from COleControl to CFormControl. Change

        all references in both the control's declaration and implementation

  4. Add a #include statement for the FormCtrl.h file provided with the DlgX

        sample to the beginning of the header file for the CFormControl derived
        class. For example:

        #include "FormCtrl\FormCtrl.h"

        The actual path needed may be different, depending on where the
        FormCtrl.h file is located relative to your project.

  5. Insert the FormCtrl.cpp and Wnd2.cpp files provided with the DlgX

        sample into the project. Do this in Developer Studio by clicking the
        Insert menu and clicking Files into Project. The Insert Files into
        Project dialog box will be displayed and can be used to browse for
        these files.

  6. Add the following lines to the StdAfx.h of your control project:

        #define DELETE_EXCEPTION(e) do { e->Delete(); } while (0)
        #define WM_ACTIVATE_CONTROL (WM_USER+10)

        NOTE: If, after inserting the FormCtrl.cpp and Wnd2.cpp files in the
        previous step, the FileView pane in the Project Workspace window in
        Developer Studio shows two files named StdAfx.h under the
        Dependencies folder, make sure you add the two lines shown above to
        the StdAfx.h file for your project rather than the one from the
        msdev\mfc\src directory. To make sure you have the correct file open,
        right-mouse click the file and select the Properties item from the
        context menu. The path shown for the File name should point to your
        control's project directory, not the msdev\mfc\src directory.

  7. Add the following line to your control's InitInstance method:


  8. In steps 9, 10, 11, 14, and 15, replace all references to

        CMyFormControl with the name of your control class.

  9. Add the declaration of the DoDataExchange function to your control

        class' header and implementation files. For example:

        a. virtual void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange* pDX);

        b. void CMyFormControl::DoDataExchange (CDataExchange* pDX)

  10. Add ClassWizard data comments to the control class declaration where

        IDD_FORM will be the ID of the dialog template you will create in
        step 12:

           enum { IDD = IDD_FORM };

  11. Add ClassWizard data initialization comments to the implementation

        of the control class' constructor:


  12. Add a dialog resource containing the child controls you want to use

        and has the following properties:

        ID          IDD_FORM
        Style       Child
        Title bar   OFF
        Border      NONE

  13. Associate the dialog resource with the control class:

        a. From the dialog resource, open ClassWizard. ClassWizard will display
           a dialog box asking what you want to do with the new resource.

        b. Choose the option to Select an Existing Class. Click the OK button.
           The Select Class dialog will be displayed.

        c. Choose your control class and click the Select button. Click YES
           when ClassWizard asks if you are sure you want to do this even
           though the selected class is not a dialog class.

        d. Choose OK to close ClassWizard.

  14. Add the following code to the constructor for the control class to

        initialize the base class:

          CFormControl(CMyFormControl::IDD, TRUE)

  15. You may wish to give some feedback to the developer using your

        control at design time. Edit your control's OnDraw method to call
        CFormControl::OnDraw if (m_hWnd == NULL). For example:

          if (!m_hWnd) {
             CFormControl::OnDraw (pdc, rcBounds, rcInvalid);
             CRect rc(rcBounds);
             CPen* pOldPen = (CPen*)pdc->SelectStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
             pdc->DrawEdge(rc, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT);

  16. Full ClassWizard functionality is available at this point for

        developing the control.

  17. Create a new class of the appropriate type for each non-ActiveX

        child control type on the form. For example, if the dialog template
        has three standard button controls, you should create a new class
        derived from CButton. To do this:

        a. Open the control's dialog template (IDD_FORM) in the resource

        b. Run ClassWizard, select the Add Class... button and then
           the New... option.

        c. Give the new class a name, and make sure the Base class type is
           appropriate for the type of control it will be associated with.
           For example, if the child control is a button, select CButton
           as the Base class. After specifying the class name and base class
           type, select the Create button.

        d. Select the ClassWizard Member Variables tab.

        e. Select the class name for the CFormControl derived class in the
           Class name ComboBox.

        f. Choose the Control ID for the child control, and then select the
           Add Variable... button. This will cause the Add Member Variable
           dialog box to be displayed.

        g. Give the member variable an appropriate name, make sure the
           Category is set to Control, and specify the name of the class
           you created in step c above for the Variable type. Click OK to
           dismiss the Add Member Variable dialog box. You will be prompted
           to include the header file for the derived class in the header file
           offer CFormControl derived class. Click OK.

        h. Click OK to close ClassWizard.

        i. Add the header file for the new derived class to the beginning of
           the header file for the CFormControl derived class.

  18. Add a wrapper class for each ActiveX child control on the dialog

        template, create a member variable of that type, and associate it
        with the ActiveX control. To do this:

        a. Open the control's dialog template (IDD_FORM) in the resource

        b. Hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard, and double-click on the
           ActiveX child control. Developer Studio will display a message box
           notifying you that the control has not been inserted into the
           project yet and that it will now do so, generating a wrapper class
           in the process. Click OK.

        c. The Confirm Classes dialog box will now be displayed, giving you the
           opportunity to change class and file names. When you have specified
           the names you want to use, click OK.

        d. The Add Member Variable dialog box will be displayed. Give the
           member variable an appropriate name, make sure the Category is set
           to Control, and specify the name of the class you created in the
           step above for the Variable type. Click OK.

  19. Add the following message map declaration to a protected section of the

        declaration of each ActiveX control wrapper class you created above.
        Replace the CMyWrapper name with the actual name of your wrapper class:


  20. Add the following message map definition to the implementation file of

        each ActiveX control wrapper class you created above. Replace the
        CMyWrapper name with the actual name of your wrapper class:

        BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyWrapper, CWnd)

  21. Import any wrapper classes added for ActiveX controls into ClassWizard.

        To do this:

        a. Run ClassWizard.

        b. Select the Add Class... button, and then the From a file... menu

        c. The Import Class Information dialog box will be displayed. Specify
           the wrapper class name in the Class name edit field, and select the
           header and implementation files of the wrapper class. Click OK.

        At this point, ClassWizard should list the wrapper class in its
        Class name ComboBox.ClassWizard can now be used to add message
        handlers to the wrapper class.

  22. Use ClassWizard to add WM_SETFOCUS, WM_KILLFOCUS, and WM_LBUTTONUP message handlers to the new classes added above. Use the following code in the implementations of these handlers, replacing the CMyButton class name with the actual name of your class. Also, replace any base class calls to CButton in the following code with calls to the correct base class type. Calls to the base class in ActiveX control wrapper classes should be made to CWnd.

    a. void CMyButton::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd)

             if (pOldWnd) {
               UINT bn_style = (UINT)GetWindowLong(pOldWnd->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE)
& 0xff;
           if (bn_style & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) {
             pOldWnd->SendMessage (BM_SETSTYLE,
                                   MAKELONG(0,bn_style &
         if (m_hWnd && GetParent()) {
           GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_ACTIVATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);

    b) void CMyButton::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
         CButton::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);

         // Let ::IsDialogMessage handle the default button processing.
         CWnd* pParent = GetParent();
         MSG msg;
         msg.hwnd = pParent->m_hWnd;
         msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP;
         msg.wParam = nFlags;
         msg.lParam = MAKELONG(point.x,point.y);
         msg.time = 0; = point;
         pParent->PreTranslateMessage (&msg);

    c) void CMyButton::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd)

         CWnd* pParent = GetParent();
         if (pParent) {
           pParent->SendMessage(DM_SETDEFID, 0L, 0L);
           CWnd* pWndFirst = pParent->GetNextDlgTabItem(NULL, FALSE);
           CWnd* pTemp = pWndFirst;

           do {
             UINT bn_style = (UINT)GetWindowLong(pTemp->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE)
& 0xff;
             if (bn_style & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) {
               pTemp->SendMessage (BM_SETSTYLE,
                                   MAKELONG(0,bn_style &
             pTemp = pParent->GetNextDlgTabItem(pTemp, FALSE);
           }while (pTemp != pWndFirst);

         if (pNewWnd) {
           UINT bn_style = (UINT)GetWindowLong(pNewWnd->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE)
& 0xff;
           if (bn_style & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) {
             pNewWnd->SendMessage (BM_SETSTYLE,
                                   MAKELONG(0,bn_style & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON),

The DlgX Sample

The DlgX sample is a CFormControl-based ActiveX Control. Using a dialog resource, it contains a slightly modified version of the Circ3 ActiveX control that is part of the MFC/OLE control tutorial. Also on the dialog resource are three buttons and two edit controls. The buttons are labeled Left, Center, and Right, and will affect the offset of the Circle in the Circ3 control. One of the Edit controls called Caption is read-only and will contain the text "Left," "Center," or "Right" depending on the actual offset of the Circle in the Circ3 control. The final edit control called Note will allow the user to modify the value of the Circ3 "Note" property at run time. Note that the modification of the "Note" property occurs in real time, such as when each character is typed. The class of most interest in this example is CDlgXCtrl because this class contains the code specific to the sample. This sample also shows some techniques for inner/outer ActiveX control Property management. If you are interested in the underlying details, however, the following classes contain all of the changes specific to the CFormControl project:


Steps to Build the DlgX Sample

  1. Load the Circ3 project provided with the sample into Developer Studio and build the project. This will build and register the modified Circ3 control used by the DlgX sample.

  2. Load the DlgX project provided with the sample into Developer Studio.

  3. Add the msdev\mfc\src directory as one of the directories for Developer Studio to search for include files. To do this, click Options on the Tools menu, choose the Directories Tab, and with "Show directories for:" set to "Include files," add the msdev\mfc\src directory.

    If the MFC source code was not copied to the hard disk when Visual C++ was initially installed, it can be copied at a later time. To do this, run the Setup program, select the Custom installation option and, under the Microsoft Foundation Class Libraries component, make sure the Source Code component is selected.

  4. Build the DlgX project. This will build and register the DlgX control. To test the control's functionality, use it in a control container.
Keywords          : CFormControl MfcOLE
Technology        : kbMfc
Version           : WINDOWS NT:4.2;
Platform          : NT WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbfile
Solution Type     : kbsample



Last reviewed: September 15, 1997
© 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.