Visual C++ Setup Questions & Answers FastTips (Complete)

ID: Q90315

The information in this article applies to:

  Microsoft(R) Product Support Services Application Note (Text File)
                  CP0625: SETUP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
                                                   Revision Date: 3/93
                                                      No Disk Included

The following information applies to Microsoft Visual C++(TM), version

| ACCOMPANY THIS DOCUMENT (collectively referred to as an            |
| PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user assumes the entire risk as to the     |
| accuracy and the use of this Application Note. This Application    |
| Note may be copied and distributed subject to the following        |
| conditions: 1) All text must be copied without modification and    |
| all pages must be included; 2) If software is included, all files  |
| on the disk(s) must be copied without modification [the MS-DOS(R)  |
| utility DISKCOPY is appropriate for this purpose]; 3) All          |
| components of this Application Note must be distributed together;  |
| and 4) This Application Note may not be distributed for profit.    |
|                                                                    |
| Copyright 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.         |
| Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Visual C++ and  |
| Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.                   |
| 4DOS is a registered trademark of J. P. Software.                  |
| Norton Utilities is a registered trademark of Peter Norton         |
| Computing. QCache is a trademark of Qualitas, Inc.                 |

1.  Q. What should I do when Setup gives an error message indicating
       that it cannot copy a file from an original distribution disk?

    A. First, determine if the disk is faulty. Use a disk-scanning
       utility, such as the Norton Utilities(R) Disk Test program, to
       scan the disk for a bad file or a corrupt sector. If you do not
       have access to a disk-scanning utility, you can use the MS-DOS
       XCOPY command to attempt to copy all the files from the disk in
       question to your hard disk. If XCOPY generates an error while
       copying files from the installation disk, the disk is faulty.
       To request a set of replacement disks in the United States,
       call Microsoft Consumer Sales at (800) 426-9400. Outside the
       United States, contact the Microsoft subsidiary for your area.
       To locate your subsidiary, go to the Microsoft Web site

       If the disk is not faulty, make backup copies of your
       AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. Then edit AUTOEXEC.BAT and
       CONFIG.SYS to remove any nonessential memory-resident software,
       and reboot your machine. Some likely candidates that you may
       consider removing are: network drivers, virus-scanning
       utilities, command-line editors, screen savers, and utilities
       that replace COMMAND.COM, such as 4DOS(R).

2.  Q. What should I do when Setup reads files from the installation
       disks and then gives an error that it cannot write a file to
       the hard disk?

    A. First, verify that sufficient space is available on the target
       installation drive. Depending on the options you select in the
       Setup program, Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 requires up to 30 MB
       of space. Installing the Professional edition of Visual C++
       version 1.0 requires up to 65 MB and installing the Standard
       edition requires up to 38 MB.

       If sufficient space is available on the target installation
       drive, but Setup continues to fail, run the MS-DOS CHKDSK
       command on your hard disk. The CHKDSK command scans your hard
       disk for any lost chains or clusters that should be corrected.
       For more information on the CHKDSK command, please refer to
       your MS-DOS manual.

       Also, during the installation process, remove any nonessential
       device drivers or other memory-resident software. Make a backup
       copy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. Then edit
       AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS to remove memory-resident software
       such as network drivers, screen savers, or virus-scanning
       utilities that can interfere with Setup. Reboot your computer
       and try running Setup again.

       Finally, run a disk-scanning utility, such as the Norton
       Utilities Disk Test program, on the target disk. In many cases,
       Setup fails to copy a file to the target disk if the target
       disk has a corrupt track or sector.

3.  Q. What should I do when the Visual C++ Setup program loads very
       slowly or when Setup requires 10 to 15 minutes to copy files
       from each distribution disk?

    A. This problem typically occurs when no disk-caching program
       (such as SMARTDrive) is installed, when the disk cache is not
       set up correctly, or when the operating system supplies an
       insufficient number of buffers.

       Use a disk-caching program when you run the Setup program for
       Visual C++ version 1.0. Configure this program to cache both
       the source (floppy disk) and the target (hard disk). In
       addition, specify a large enough memory buffer for the cache to
       work efficiently; at least 1 MB is recommended. In MS-DOS
       version 5.0, the default settings for SMARTDrive are generally
       adequate. Verify that the SMARTDrive command line does not
       contain the A- or B- option switch.

       If you use Super PC-Kwik, specify the /T+ option switch to turn
       on track buffering. If you use QCache(TM), specify the /T+
       option switch and verify that the command line does not contain
       the /-A or /-B option switch.

4.  Q. What should I do when Setup copies all the files from the
       distribution disks, but fails to build the combined libraries?

    A. Verify that your CONFIG.SYS file contains the FILES command.

       For Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0, the FILES command should
       specify at least 40 files. If your CONFIG.SYS file does not
       contain a FILES command, add the following line to your
       CONFIG.SYS file:


       For Visual C++ version 1.0. the FILES command should specify at
       least 50 files. If your CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a
       FILES command, add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file:


Additional query words: kbinf 1.00 ivrfax fasttips

Keywords          : kbsetup kb16bitonly vc10setup 
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: July 19, 1999