ID: Q118428
1.50 WINDOWS kbtool
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When you run the Visual C++ setup program and install components from the OLE SDK, Visual C++ adds a utility called WXServer to the Windows StartUp group. The WXServer utility, along with its MS-DOS counterpart WX.EXE, enables an MS-DOS application running in Windows to launch another Windows application. To use WX, you need the device drivers WXSRVR.EXE and VMB.386, which are installed by the setup program.
WXServer is needed because two of the OLE SDK samples use the file WX.EXE in their makefiles to invoke MKTYPLIB, which is a Windows-based application. Because the make utility (NMAKE.EXE) runs as an MS-DOS application, you need to invoke MKTYPLIB this way as well. The two samples that use MKTYPLIB are DSPCALC2 and HELLO.
WXServer is only needed to build the two OLE samples mentioned above. Therefore, it is not necessary to run WXServer every time you start Windows, which is the effect you get by having it in the StartUp group. There is no problem moving WXServer from the StartUp group to other program groups; you just need to make sure to start it running before building the OLE samples.
NOTE: When you install Visual C++ on Windows NT, WXServer is not placed in the StartUp group. Under Windows NT, you do not need WXServer to build the two OLE samples.
Additional reference words: kbinf 1.50 WX1002 WX1003 OLE2.01 KBCategory: kbtool KBSubcategory: TlsMisc Keywords : kb16bitonly
Last Reviewed: July 23, 1997