PRB: JScript Runtime Error for MSDN SamplesID: Q167410
When you click a link to access a sample (or click other similar links), the following error message appears:
where 'xxx' is a line number and 'yyy' is an identifier that varies depending on the link.Microsoft JScript runtime error
[Line: xxx] 'yyy' is not an object
Online information in the Developer Studio IDE (MSDEV) and the stand-alone MSDN uses the Internet Explorer control to display and navigate through the books online. If you disable some ActiveX technology, you will be unable to navigate much of the information and samples.
In Internet Explorer 3.02, go to the View menu and click Options. Under
Security, select "Enable ActiveX controls and plug-ins".
In Internet Explorer 4.0, click Internet Options from the View menu. On the
Security tab, look at the following zones if they are present in the Zone
This behavior is by design.
The InfoViewer technology used in the Developer Studio IDE is based on the
Internet Explorer browser, and the security settings in Internet Explorer
affect what can be displayed in an InfoViewer window.
The recommended way to protect yourself from unsafe internet applets and
scripts is to prevent them from downloading accidentally. ActiveX
components that you have already installed on your own computer should be
safe. Either you have deliberately downloaded the component and had an
opportunity to evaluate it, or you have installed the component from a CD-
ROM or floppies and would only do this if you know and trust the source.
Therefore, you shouldn't need to prevent local components from running to
be secure.
Since ActiveX controls downloaded via the Web can be a threat to security,
you can protect yourself by disabling the ability to download ActiveX
controls. On Internet Explorer 4.0, setting the security level to Medium
results in a warning message before ActiveX controls are downloaded.
To allow all MSDN links to work, you must follow the steps in the
RESOLUTION section of this article.
For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q167416 BUG: InfoViewer Book and Sample Links May Not Work
Additional query words: JavaScript
Keywords : kbVC500 kbVC600 kbVisID100 kbVisID600 kbVJ110 kbVJ600 kbVS97 kbVS600 kbGrpDSTools
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,1.1,6.0,97; winnt:5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 14, 1999