FIX: Large Transfers Via SCSI Passthrough May Crash System
ID: Q126369
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Win32 Device Driver Kit (DDK) for Windows NT, version 3.5
When transferring data via the SCSI passthrough (IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH
and IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT), a transfer larger than the targeted
SCSI host bus adapter (HBA) can support may crash the system.
The SCSI port driver is not checking that the requested data transfer can
be safely handled by the SCSI HBA.
The Win32 application must ensure that SCSI passthrough data transfers can
be safely handled by the HBA before sending them to the SCSI port driver.
To do so, the application should first make a call to get the capabilities
of the SCSI HBA. This is done with a call to DeviceIoControl with an IOCTL
The returned capabilities structure will include two very important items:
- MaximumTransferLength, which specifies the maximum number of bytes the
HBA can transfer in a single transfer operation.
- MaximumPhysicalPages, which specifies the maximum number of physical
discontiguities between address ranges that a data buffer can have if
the HBA supports scatter/gather.
These two values are originally set by the SCSI miniport, but may be
adjusted slightly by the SCSI port driver during initialization depending
on the hardware configuration of the computer.
Before each transfer, the application should ensure that the requested
transfer does not exceed either the SCSI HBA MaximumTransferLength nor the
MaximumPhysicalPages. If the transfer is too large, the application should
split the request into two (or more) smaller requests.
Calculating the maximum transfer size
The simplest thing to do is to multiply the MaximumPhysicalPages value by
the page size for the machine. The requested transfer size should equal the
result or the MaximumTransferLength, whichever is smaller.
In other words, the requested transfer size should equal the smaller of:
- MaximumPhysicalPages * PAGE_SIZE
- MaximumTransferLength
NOTE: This calculation is only an approximation. SCSI passthrough requests
are handled as METHOD_BUFFERED requests. The buffer the caller provides is
not the same buffer that will be used by the HBA to accomplish the data
transfer. This means that the caller cannot ensure that the actual data
buffer used by the HBA is not too fragmented (that is, contains too many
physical breaks). However, this check will lessen the chance of crashing
the system.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products
listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was resolved in
Windows NT version 3.51.
There is a sample program on the DDK CD, called SPTI (SCSI Pass Through
Interface) that demonstrates a lot of the concepts discussed in this
article. Currently, the files for this sample are on the DDK CD in:
These files are not automatically copied to the users hard disk during
installation of the DDK -- they must be copied manually.
Additional query words:
3.50 memory buffering
Keywords : ntddkstorage
Version : 3.50
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 4, 1999