HOWTO: Enable Debug Output for OEMSetup.inf Scripts

ID: Q126419

The information in this article applies to:


This article explains how to use debugging output for OEMSetup.inf scripts in Windows NT version 3.5 or 3.51.


Insure that all changes, including debug strings, are within the INF sections. If they are not included within the INF sections, the setup program cannot parse the .inf file. You need to do the following in the script:

  1. Add the following statement to the beginning of the InstallOption section:
       set !G:DebugOutputControl = 1 

    This will set a global variable in the script parser that indicates to the system that it should print out and debug the output statements that it encounters.

  2. Add necessary debug-output statements to display the information you want. These statements should have the following format:
       debug-output "INF-name: Information to be displayed goes here" 

Windows NT version 4.0 has introduced a new format for the OEMSetup.inf scripts. Refer to the Windows NT DDK version 4.0 documentation for details on the new layout.

Additional query words: debugging setup

Keywords          : NTDDKSetup 
Version           : WINNT:3.5,3.51,4.0;
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: March 3, 1999