PRB: NDIS Miniport Does Not Return a Valid Parameter on Win95ID: Q164460
NdisReadConfiguration does not return a valid NDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER on Windows 95 even though it works correctly with the same miniport driver on Windows NT.
The miniport driver is written for a PCMCIA network card.
The miniport driver requires multiple resources of the same type.
The Windows 95 setup information file does not properly specify the
parameters requested by the keyword parameter used in the miniport.
During initialization an NDIS miniport driver must determine its
configuration parameters and the resources reserved for it by the operating
system. Windows 95 includes Plug and Play technology not available on
Windows NT and an NDIS miniport driver is a binary compatible driver for
both platforms. Therefore, it is necessary for developers to use platform-
specific code or setup information file to obtain these resources. For
situations that require platform-specific code, NdisMQueryAdapterResources
is added to the Ndis wrapper. Windows 95 setup information files can
specify parameter keywords to allow binary compatibility with traditional
configuration functions.
Allocation of resources in Windows 95 is dynamic and can change without
rebooting. This is particularly true for PCMCIA cards. On Windows NT, a
setup information file specifies registry entries that are used to store
the values of resources. These values can be edited by the user if
necessary. On Windows 95, this is unacceptable because of the dynamic
nature and user independence of resource allocation with respect to PCMCIA
adapters. NdisReadConfiguration does not return valid resources for a
PCMCIA card on Windows 95. Therefore, you must use
NdisMQueryAdapterResources to obtain resources.
Miniport drivers that require multiple resources of the same type must also
use NdisMQueryAdapterResources. For example, a PCMCIA or ISA-PNP card
that requires two memory regions must use this function. The driver must
rely on a device specific convention to the order of fields of the same
type. A PCMCIA card that needs a memory window and an attribute window must
use an order convention to its Tuple information because the
configuration manger memory descriptor can not distinguish between these
memory resources. To allow this, configuration manager and NDIS
preserve order when constructing the resource list from the bus-specific
configuration of the device.
Most miniport drivers obtain their resources and device specific
configuration parameters using Ndis...Configuration functions. While the
adapter types mentioned above must use NdisMQueryAdapterResources to obtain
resource information, all adapters obtain device specific configuration
parameter values using the binary compatible NDIS configuration functions.
The setup information file can specify any number of device-specific
parameters to be saved under the driver's registry key. The parameter
descriptions are saved under the "Ndi\params" subkey of the device node;
their current values are saved at the root of the driver key. The NDIS
wrapper can read these parameters from the root of the driver key and
report them back to the miniport driver. The user views and edits the
parameters from the "Advanced" property sheet page for the driver provided
by the network device installer.
This behavior is by design.
NdisMQueryAdapterResources is documented in the Windows NT DDK. It is
available on both Windows NT and Windows 95 for a binary compatible driver.
On the Windows NT platform, NdisMQueryAdapterResources returns
NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. This means a PCMCIA adapter miniport can use
this function to reliably distinguish between platforms at run time.
NdisMQueryAdapterResources is declared:
IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext,
CmResourceTypePort,Interrupts always have a share disposition of CmResourceShareShared for Multifunction devices. Port and Memory resources always have a share disposition of CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive however there is no I/O port trapping or memory trapping in kernel mode on Windows 95 so Multifunction devices are still accommodated. Dma resources always have a share disposition of CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive.
HKR,Ndi\Params\ParamKey,ParamDesc,,"My Parameter Type"
HKR,Ndi\Params\EnumKey,ParamDesc,,"My Enumerated Type"
HKR,Ndi\Params\EnumKey\Enum,"Sexy",,"My Type"
HKR,Ndi\Params\EditKey,ParamDesc,,"My Edit Type"
HKR,Ndi\Params\RescKey,ParamDesc,,"I/O Base Address"
ParamDesc,,"Preserve Case"
..\ParamKey,ParamDesc,,"My ... Type" PARAMDESC specifies the text
..\EnumKey,ParamDesc,,"My ... Type" description that will be shown
..\RescKey,ParamDesc,,"I/O ... Address" in the "Advanced" property page.
..\EditKey,ParamDesc,,"My ... Type"
..\ParamKey,type,,int Parameter TYPE can be int, long,
..\EnumKey,type,,enum word, dword, enum or edit. The
..\EditKey,type,,edit default type is edit. Use
NdisParameterInteger or
NdisParameterHexInteger for int,
Long, word and dword. Use
NdisParameterString for the text
types, edit and enum.
..\ParamKey,default,,5 DEFAULT specifies the default value
..\EnumKey,default,,"0" The default value will not be used
..\EditKey,default,,"Simplify" to set an optional value. The
default value will appear in the
dialog control however it will
not be available to the driver
until the user manually sets it.
..\ParamKey,optional,,1 OPTIONAL should be used only to set
the optional property to true, "1".
This allows the user specify the
parameter "Not Present" in the
property page. If a parameter is
required, then the default must be
used or a value must be supplied.
..\ParamKey,min,,1 MIN specifies a minimum value for
a numeric parameter. This property
is ignored for text types.
..\ParamKey,max,,32 MAX specifies a maximum value for
a numeric parameter. This property
is ignored for text types.
..\ParamKey,step,,1 STEP specifies an increment value
for numeric parameters. This
property is ignored for text
The default step is 1. Min, max
and step are used to build a "spin"
control on the property page.
..\ParamKey,base,,16 BASE specifies the numeric base
of a parameter. This property
is ignored for text types. The
base can be set to 10 or 16. The
default base is 10. Base 16
numeric parameters will be
displayed in hexadecimal.
..\EnumKey\Enum,<value>,,<description> <value> is saved as the data value
..\EnumKey\Enum,"0",,"Auto" in the registry and is returned
..\EnumKey\Enum,"Sexy",,"My Type" in the NDIS_STRING argument of
<description> is displayed in a
dropdown listbox as the parameter
value in the property page.
..\EditKey,limittext,,42 LIMITTEXT specifies the maximum
string length of an edit parameter
This property is ignored by
numeric types.
..\EditKey,uppercase,,1 UPPERCASE is used to specify that
an editable string parameter must
contain upper case alpha
characters only. A value of 0
allows mixed case strings. The
default is mixed case.
..\RescKey,resc,1,02,00,00,00 RESC is a dword stored in the
registry in Intel byte order. It
indicates the hardware resource
type the parameter represents.
Windows 95 recognizes 4 resources:
00 00 00 01 - Memory address
00 00 00 02 - Port I/O address
00 00 00 03 - DMA channel
00 00 00 04 - IRQ
Notice that a parameter key can be
a resource or specified type
exclusively (not both).
..\ParamKey,flag,1,30,00,00,00 FLAG is a dword stored in the
..\EnumKey,flag,1,20,00,00,00 registry in Intel byte order. The
..\EditKey,flag,1,20,00,00,00 dword specifies flags for the
parameter. The flags dword is
created by the bitwise OR of the
0x10 parameter used by NDIS2
0x20 parameter used by NDIS3
0x40 device uses IRQ 2
Both NDIS2 and NDIS3 can use a
parameter. Parameters used by
NDIS2 will be saved in
Protocol.Ini for NDIS2.
..\PreserveCase,ParamDesc,,"Preserve Case"
Windows NT DDK documentation
Windows 95 DDK documentation, "Network.Doc"
Keywords : ntddkndis
Version : 4.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: March 4, 1999